Reminder that atheism believes all people are niggers

Reminder that atheism believes all people are niggers.

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That's cultural appropriation 2bh

Africa isnt and wasnt ever exclusively nigger. Leaf education fail.

That's not true. Evolutionary Biology says that niggers and humans share a common ancestor.

Atheism does not believe in any of that. Being a scientifically literate means you accept that humans most likely evolved in africa. Atheist or not.

The atheist creation myth is that all humans originated in Kenya, faggot.

Atheists and Catholics are equally faggy. Both worship nigger dick, and both want Europe to fall.

>If you don't believe in God you have to believe all of our bullshit.

The human race started in south africa.

If you go back even further were all fish.

and you know what kenya looked like 3.5 million years ago. you sure are leafy.


some niggers are better than others

No we don't. Fuck you and your assuming

>Dawkins represents all atheists
>T-shirts are adequate sources of id'ing a person's ideology
>Sup Forums is the arbiter of what is or is not bigoted


reminder that atheism believes that niggers are niggers

Reminder that christcucks unironically believe a sandnigger volcano demon named (((Yahweh))) made all people equal.

> I believe in the almighty sky daddy
> I'm scientifically illiterate and / or retarded and / or incredibly coward and / or afraid of something
These two are the same truth.

Reminder that atheism believes human beings (((evolved))) from fish.

reminder that pagans unironically believe a marvel suerhero slurped semen and we should worship him

Atheism is itself a belief and religion hence the -ish and nihilism.

Reminder that its your choice to take things like this seriously, or not.

Daily reminder. Evilution is false.


Reminder that niggers are Xian's "Brothers in Christ". If it weren't for Xian "equality" and "sharing" (i.e. communism), we wouldn't be in this fucking mess in the first place.

>If it weren't for Xian "equality" and "sharing" (i.e. communism)
Not this stupid lie again...

Reminder that Jesus was a pedophile faggot like most of his modern-day fan club.

We already know that the bibble contradicts itself on virtually EVERY SINGLE thing it flip-floppy says. No need to remind us.

stop lieing faget

You’re a fucking kike and it’s obvious

Reminder no nigger has neanderthal variants only Europeans do

Also evolution is real however most people don't take the race realism pill and think we are a universal race

Kenya used to be white, I don't see a problem here.

Reminder the Eddas were written by Jews and Christians and was forged by them


Why doesn't the Jew with the whip have a merchant face?
