Comics that un-ironically make you go hmmmmm

Comics that un-ironically make you go hmmmmm

Trump had no power before he was the potus?



it's implying someone is testing trump's character


Lol everyone in this picture is a fag

This is incredibly accurate

A. LIncoln
The guy who arrested newspaper editors and congressmen and had Indian gang hanged on the White House lawn while instigating a civil war.

Kind of ballsy for fucking Lincoln to say something like that

Don't forget that Lincoln was going to round up the niggers and ship them all back to Liberia. We have John Wilkes Booth to thank for the nigger problem in Ameri-Kwa today.

Exactly, he is a billionaire who lived in his own skyscraper in NYC in his Golden palace apartments. With complete power over a business Empire.
This guy stepped down to be President

Wow this is so true. Look what happened when they gave niggers power. They exposed thier character.
Maybe this is what Lincoln meant by freeing the slaves.

Good ones

Booth was part of a conspiracy.
He wasn't acting alone and he wasn't the brains behind the operation.

Google: John H Surratt

Why do liberals like Lincoln now ? He wanted to remove indians and send all the blacks back to africa.
And why do they suddenly start loving their country or caring about christianity when they talk to conservatives ?

Check em

Checked and I want to get off Sup Forums's wild ride

>Donald Trump is 6'2"
>political comics always draw him as short

I get they're caricatures, but it still bothers me.

do you think the hands are accurate in size tho?

>Libertarians backing off their land
It's almost like the author is a retard.

>tfw INTP




still love ya trump

You missed the point. The point is libertarians are being persecuted by the races their supposed to (((get along))) with. So they say fuck it and join the Alt-Right



Seriously the Alt-Right needs a new uniform Khakis and white shirts are not intimidating at all


You're trapped, but you're just weird around people instead, good luck lad

>depict trump as a little manlet
>he's 6'2"

What blunder has trump made thus far? This is a genuine question. In my mind only things that are blunders are the Tomahawk attack, the insertion of more troops into Afghanistan and meeting with Henry Kissinger. Other than that things seem pretty steady as she goes.

Exactly. Basically the guy that destroyed the United States

usually you can find out if they are sluts just by looking at their facebook. women are not really all that smart just meet them twice and before you sink in look at their social media.

This too. This shit has been Mombook for the last 8 years (now 31yo).

What's the message of this cartoon, don't date a whore?

INTJ here, no one will ever listen death is the only escape from this nightmare but there's no guarantee that will be the end.

U mad white boi?


While you're in college, the women that you'll eventually get with (while you're building yourself up), will fuck other guys and will age out of sex by the time that you've completed yourself.

Also see

I even enjoy it.

This is why you always go for the 5/10 chicks.

The balding cuck's face and his tiny dick always get me

Show me what a 5/10 chick in your book looks like.

Are you saying be a virgin for life?

entj Stop being a poopyhead and enjoy the knowledge, and laugh at jews. When its safe to come out we'll keep you hard at work in your tism cave for the final solution.

Nigga that statue is 19feet tall. Trump is giant in this comic.

the point is to get away from the nazi or klan larping of old white nationalists and look like your normal guy at the office

>takes myers-briggs seriously
pick one

And that's true if you're a total cuck. In reality if you're 21 years old for example and you're working hard at being financially successful, making something of yourself, your future wife is probably around 3 years old right now.

Fuck plain bitches in the meantime. Don't wait to get with 'the perfect girl' - you'll be a virgin far too late in life with that mindset.

Pic unrelated.

>libertarian land
>not a single recreational nuke in sight

Wow, *Seriously?

This whole time, I thought my future wife would only be 2 years younger than I, even after I watched them date guys 10 to 12 years older than them.

So you're saying it's ok if I fuck a lot of women, but it's not ok for women that want to marry me to fuck me?

Surely you can't be serious user.

Is that Madelyn Marie?

i want to make a belt out of that vajayjay

That's not true. Chads fuck around and settle with a younger woman, while betas/long-term oriented guys often get into a relationship in Uni.

The goalposts are in the ground for a reason, user. No need to move them or affix strawmen to them.

Get married if you want, but if you're not alpha, she's not marrying you for anything but your money and stability. Plus divorce oftentimes favors the female, so if you think that "marriage" is for love, then you go ahead and put your neck inside that noose.

Marriage is for stability.


Good job meme flag. You found the point


Lol. Marriage is for children, you idiot. It's not about the man and it's not about the woman, it's about the kids. That's why drug lords have 4 different wives---they want to increase the odds their genes continue. They know their money and security is part of what draws women to them, that's part of the reason they do it.

That's definitely above 5/10


I can't help you. Learn the hard way. What they taught you in Christian school only goes so far.

Get behind me Satan

what kind of pussy are you pulling user? this bitch is 7/10 with looks if she has a good personality ill add a point to that

It's a travesty, is what it is.

>we deserve this... and worse!

I guarantee you this has never happened to her.

>Guy Fieri going after anything he'd consider hot that isn't hot wings

Are those the bundles for the fasces under the arms? never noticed before.

Take a wild guess what person would be drawing this.

how do you think the leveled that mountain top?

you guys are all right


Fucking elves

fixed it for ya

>tfw going on 9 years with my plain jane introverted qt gf who I met in high school
Feels good man. Its too late to back out and whore around now, so even if she wanted to, she couldnt leave me. The trick is to get them to sign a contract when you make your relationship and future prospects official that states what the consequences for breaking any terms are. That way its in her best interest to stay, otherwise she'll be brought to court or otherwise enslaved and put to work/killed.

what utter horse shit

formulaic, pompous partisan snickering

Abraham Lincoln was 6'4", so the pic is actually pretty accurate.

I don't get it. How does that quote relate to Trump sitting on what's presumably meant to be the legacy of previous men greater than him? If anything, it suggests the direct opposite.

"Give Trump a chair this big and he won't even be able to sit in it, let alone do anything dangerous from it". The implication isn't that putting such a great responsibility on Trump's shoulders will reveal his character and show that he is unable to handle the power he craved, it's that said power was just simply given to him and now he'll do nothing but waste it for 4-8 years, defacing the legacy only by being useless. And why is the chair on the Lincoln memorial already engraved with the fascist symbol? Is it meant to suggest that Trump somehow also transformed his position into that of a fascist leader, or that it's been that of a fascist leader's chair all along even when Lincoln was sitting on it?

Congress was never going to pay for that.

Hell, Booth may have been paid by members of Congress to remove Lincoln so they didn't even have to publically go back on the deal.

And he's fucking LEADING like a boss. You're point is?

The sides of the chair are fasces.

LOL :) I get it... he’s saying something existential and disturbing without irony at a comedy show :) lol before going on to say wacky things

>otherwise she'll be brought to court or otherwise enslaved and put to work/killed.
Huh? Sorry?

Implying the "Alt-right" is some kind of spontaneous grassroots movement and not a deepstate attempt to keep people distracted with the political football match at this point. The only thing accurate about that picture is how many people the alt-right has in it as a movement.

>being a virgin is bad
found the cancer

Did my best.

Lincoln was a terrible person.

This one was about 2 elves raising a kid to make them their husband, but they had to apply some magic salve onto his dick that would let him produce semen that made it possible for him to impregnates elf, but on the other hand he would no longer be able to mate with regular humans. It was quite the dilemma since he had to pick between eternal race mixing and never being able to find a wife of his own race or living happily together with 2 busty elves.

I'd rather you fixed the insanity of the modern left, but can't demand miracles can I

that's cute actually

I didn't realize elves had such hairy armpits.

they're in touch with nature n shit

>cat-callers are white
immersion ruined


Does anyone have the red pill comic of some kid saying he has great grades, has some muscular dystrophy shit, is a grad assistant, will be with a Stacy, etc. and then the last panel is Chad waking up at like 11:30am with a bong and bottles and dirty room with Stacy in his bed?

>Thinks categorization is incorrect
You're a special kind of stupid.