Describe this manga in less than 5 words




Overrated but still alright.





fucking amazing visuals, intriguing plot


is it about existentialism?



I'm sure some people would say that but I don't think the mangaka was trying to be particularly deep or philosophical.

he just tried to make his sci fi action movie?

how so?

Nihei gives no fucks

Yeah I would say that's pretty accurate. It's basically a cyberpunk adventure but the setting, characters, and factions are very interesting. Also the mangaka's minimalist style with the story-telling/narrative gives it a unique vibe compared to something like Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Alita, etc. There's barely any dialogue and almost everything is conveyed through the artwork.

Saying cuck just because.

>I thought it said in 5 words

Well in my defense I've been up for like 3 days

Disappointing anime adaption soon

overrated and very bad

>I've been up for like 3 days
how does that happen

Top - tier - chinese - cartoons

I don't get it

>Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Alita, etc.
Nihei is superior

That's not about the manga


It's bullshit that you can't buy this new anymore in the US.

I have no fucking clue.

I'm confused, but it's cool.

I have these first three volumes right here. Should I wait until they start releasing those master editions or just keep on collecting?

Later volumes become expensive as fuck.

this thread again

Hard to follow clusterfuck