Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
No ctrl + f edition
can all the weekend warriors come to the real licensed insured and certified thread
Fuck off with your shitty meme edits.
Fuck off back to tumblr
nice meme
This thread was made first
i said weekend warriors i dont need the nolifer 24/7 boys
This thread doesn't have DJT in the title and should therefore be deleted
isnt this ironic considering theres a meme in the thread title 爆笑
If you search the catalog for djt it still comes up
it was also made before the last thread was archived so its clearly against the rules. mods?
It doesn't for me
OP doesn't have the correct thread title and is ineligible. Mods/janitors please see this before deleting the other threads just because this one was made earlier.
What kind of condition is the thread finished?
time limit? posts limit?
this is daily japanese thread not dave's jumbo tumor
500 posts
Threads stop "bumping" after being bumped a certain number of times. When a thread is bumped it pushes all the threads that were above it down. When any new thread is made it pushes all threads down, and the thread at the bottom of the board falls off the end of the board and gets archived. When a thread stops being bumped, it dies once it reaches the end of the board and any new thread is posted.
Now that we're done arguing over the thread's eligibility, thereby giving this thread the most responses and consequently, the true title of DJT#1625, can we now get back to not being able to learn this shitty east Asian language?
>wall of quotes for metafaggotry
Is there a chrome extension that allows me to type japanese in arbitrary text boxes? Like the way it works on
sorry dude this comes with the territory you wanted people to post in your thread so you got it dude
you cant just wave your hands and have it be so you get what you signed up for 出来ない子
Yeah lostboy.exe will do that for you.
>allows me to type japanese in arbitrary text boxes
mods deleted my image but not my thread lmao
crack team of modding professionals in this bitch
yep this is a shitposting thread
Anyone know how I can limit the number of example sentences, and get rid of the romanji reading in the EPWING mode of Rikaisama?
More specifically, I don't want all that shit to be imported into anki
Ask over here and you might get a good answer, the thread you're in right now is for metaposting only
if you spend all day mooing like that youll turn into a cow nanami sensei
OK. I see.
How do I bumping? And how do I distinguish bumping from not?
>OK. I see.
>How do I bumping? And how do I distinguish bumping from not?
Whenever you make a post, if you don't use "sage" (=下げ) in the "Options" field, that bumps the thread. If you use "sage", then it doesn't bump the thread.
The only way to tell whether someone's post bumps the thread is to be there when they post it, and see whether the thread got pushed to the front page. This is very inconvenient, and you can't do it when the page has already hit the bump limit, so people don't consciously do it.
Might as well
three times the /djt/ three times the gains, this is studying prime time boys
>Stopped doing anki reps regularly nearly 6 months ago
>Never even finished 6k
>regularly read on 2chan
>can feel progress much faster
>Open up anki just for the hell of it
>Holy shit I know all these words
How does it feel to be stuck in your daily reps boys?
im pretty sure they cant hear you over the sound of flipping over flash cards lmao
Whats good to read for beginners?
Halfway through tae kim, 900 kanji learned and 200 or so words.
leyline, see even retards can read it