Tfw you realize that atheism is just as much as a religion as Christianity is

>tfw you realize that atheism is just as much as a religion as Christianity is

When did you reach tier-3 transcendence?

I don't know, but both must be purged.

>tfw you realize that OP will always remain a faggot

Ues be stronk like the pagans and suck the cum out of your enemies

atheism has no book or traditions; it has no manifesto of it's beliefs or values, it is only the lack of religion.
there is no law/rules like in christianity or judaism, anything is allowed for the athiest
there is no moral, ethical, or spiritual code either
neck urself

This is something the average 16-year-old has figured out...

>atheism is a religion
>its the absence of belief

You're a fucktard

Better that than worship Jew, cuckhold nation, and be goyim slave.

>being this ignorant of atheism.

name some kind of atheist "bible" or some atheist "code' then, and is widely accepted and spoken among atheists
pro-tip: you can't
tip harder fag

This. So. Much.
Atheists don't need a book to be degenerate, cucks.

Atheists believe there is no God you stupid fuck. Literally all of them do.

>when you realize being obese is just as much of a diet as eating healthy

so this one belief is all it takes for something to be called a religion then?
is everyone that believes in communism part of a religion called communism?
is everyone that likes some baseball team part of a religion called (team name)?
atheism is just a lack of belief in god, not a religion

the absence of a belief in a god is ontologically immature.

certainly it's more humane than christianity. so it's akin to tier-2 transcendence. but it's time to take the next leap, kiddo.

>lack of a religion is a religion

>jewish slave whataboutism thread #63747582947274629


>believing in anything

Atheists worship the state. They're nearly universally leftists.

>mfw it isnt

I dont call myself an athiest

Who do you call someone who doesnt believe in the flying spaghetti monster

Or who doesnt believe the earth is flat

You dont call them anything

fasting IS a meal

checkmate anorexics

You BELIEVE there is no God you stupid inbred yank. That's A BELIEF otherwise known as A RELIGION. YOU DO NOT LACK A BELIEF. How are you this fucking stupid? People don't 'believe' in communism or a sports team because they KNOW communism or their sports team exists. Nobody knows if there is a higher power so any statement regarding it is a belief.

Religion is simply a belief system. The believe that there is no god, is still a belief system.

>tfw you realize god is real
>tfw you realize the hermetics were right

when did you reach tier-6 transcendence?

as usual its a leaf

I just wish I could tell when you chucklefucks were just baiting and when you were actually seriously unable to see the forest through the trees

You are thinking of statheists. It's not that atheists replace Christianity or whatever with state worship, it's that theists worship the state in addition to their other religion. Most people are total cucks to government.

Agnostic Atheism = God probably doesn't exist

This isn't really the same as a religion.

whats the final tier ?


Keep sliding and you'll be back on the fence in no time which is how you were born. On one side of the fence you will see theists, on the other atheists. Stay on the fence.


This. But slide your butt back and forth.
t. fence

That story was literally written by a Jew. No surprise a C*ristian would believe a Jewish book.

Every militant atheist ive ever known turned out to be a closeted sexual degenerate or an actual pedophile. I avoid them like the plague. They are deathly afraid of divine judgement so they pretend that science is their new religion when science has been led by the nose by massive hook nosed frauds for the last 100 years. They are the goodest of the good goys. I pity them. Intellectually inferior plebian losers. They will always rush to the defense of Islam yet shit on Christianity and go all muh crusades during arguments. I like laughing at them. Islam is fine, Christianity is fine, Judaism is fine. Atheism is just pathetic. You end up shoving bananas into your asshole.

Atheism is a religion that denies the very concept of religion. It is a paradox.

Too bad about the archaeological evidence that it's based on. I guess the Vikings were kikes too.

The atheists do have a religion. Pagans and Varg worshippers. Don't ask me how they morphed, they just did. Their underlying hatred of Christ fuels them.

Atheism is retarded.

Enough divide and conquer threads. Also if you pagan larpers and atheists would stop making attack threads of Christianity, and infiltrating Christian general threads, you would see this stuff stop. What is being slid, anyways? What is leftypol up to?

why ?

You can be an atheist by doing nothing. There's no obligation to be a dick at parties. Religion requires participation.

>hurr durr some atheists organize and attempt to attach moral codes to atheism so that means they're a religion!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
well 'tismed. saged anyway.

Atheists don't believe in [religion] because there is no hard evidence, only hearsay e.g. faith that it happened and a phenomenon exists.

The Euphorics are a branch of atheism that don't believe in [religion] but simultaneously believe in [science] without being presented with hard evidence, performing studies, or understanding science literature and testing it, instead relying heavily on testimony from [scientists] and [science guys] and occasionally [comedians]; essentially their understanding of [science] is only hearsay e.g. faith what they say is true due to their authority.

Many are unaware of contradictory [scientists] and [science guys] who state that peer review is a fraud (it means that another person group looks at a study a deemed it appears to be a legitimate study; it's not another group testing data to see if they get the same results), much of [science publishing] is not tested by other groups, and many [studies] are made up completely or not testable by another group or even have the means by which the [studies] were performed recorded properly such that it could be attempted to be performed again: all of these violate the Scientific Method, the foundation of Science. These [scientists] and [science guys] are often kicked out of regular [science groups] for taboo thoughts or opinions that could hurt their funding.

True atheists wouldn't believe anything unless they tested it personally and didn't rely on faith-based evidence but that is extremely rare to behold. A problem also arises as many [science] and [math] foundations often rely on an unproven conjecture of some sort as their most basic foundation; even if things exist before the atheist him or herself even existed poses a problem (see Last Thursdayism for a broader discussion on the topic).