Based finnish brother

Based finnish brother

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Abu Spurdo al-Binlandi

Vittuako taas sekoilet?

He's a Brit though?

Oh shit
But still,
Boy looks Finnish
Fucking brits

I was so proud of him…

Fucking mongols, I knew you were all a bunch of bloodthirsty warmongers all along.


Ebin Mohammad ES al-Benistani

Abu-Jarppi Al-Suomi

So. Where is ISIS going to go after they are kicked out of Syria and Iraq? They have gained some land in Afghanistan.Where else? Sinai?

How can anyone "look" Finnish? Finnish is a nationality.

Finns look like Elves.

>Where is ISIS going to go
Probably underground again.

but honestly, i think even their fellow mudslimes may be getting tired of them by now.

Islamic extremism is really a blessing. It causes so much suffering. Eventually, the suffering will be so much that arabs will cough out Islam. By 2100AD at the latest.

To all my Nordic fellas
If your want to kill infidels and brown in the name of allah leave me a message
We will create Nordic Islamic rebellion
We will hide in forests eating berries and fish
And listen to metallic nasheeds to warm up our hearts

Imagine the "Nordic" look, add varying visibility of autism/downs.

Link video

>tfw when no qt, Asiatic-European mutt to kiss and love

Why even fucking live?

Look at cute tiny eesti spurdo

That kid mus be high as fuck.

>How can anyone "look" Finnish?
Uhh. The same way someone can look Germanic or Slavic
>>Finnish is a nationality.
Finnish is a nationality, yes, but Finns are Finnic, not Germanic like Swedes nor Slavic like Russians. There's some amount of racemixing with Swedes, ofcourse.

Every Finnish chick that I know that looks like her is related to me. Perkele.

I have reported this post to Donald Trump himself.

lmao, can we nuke this country please

Did the kids kill the prisoners?

Most Mongoloids are Muslim anyhow...

Do not nuke The Finlan. The Finlan made The Korpi.

Look at this innocent smile

I think they are going to tolerate a lot more to come

Didnt he get droned on friday?


He is your fella brit
Go join him

>that face when stretched anus

can we have a link to the vid? I want to see these mujaheddin kill the kuffars ma'shallah

Na, that paki getting executed looks pretty finshit, why dont you join him?

Anyone have video?

When you find it send it to me
I hate fucking infidels and my gloomy heart gets happy every time i see niggers(sand niggers) die
Especially when they are kefirs

fucking shlomo get back inside the oven

No sorry, We don't want to get any brits in trouble.

I would like to
But my mission is to help my NOOOORTHETN BROTHERS!
We should convert Scandinavia to Islam, kill niggers, degenerats and increase birth rate to 10 children per family
After that when we will reach 1 billion people we will conquer the world like chingiz khan
And eventually blue eyes and blonde hair will become dominant gene and checkmate, we saved white race! Inshala

>How can anyone "look" Finnish? Finnish is a nationality.
Typical commie response. First you say we are all identical, then you covet my loaf of bread call me a racist and I get 20 years in a gulag for aledgedly hating someone who is identical to me.

Great. Just great. Another reason why communism fails every time.

insh'allah brother may you spread the jihad to those dirty infidels

>Where is ISIS going to go after they are kicked out of Syria and Iraq?
They already have a full city established there after all

>finnish him


and I say that as a german


I think Steve Martin just died.

aika pistää vinkkiä supolle.

Where does ISIS get 10 year old European kids that are white. Their parents bring them?

Yeah, yeah, I bet you were ya bitchface

I wish were ruled by our brother again to only convert fully to Islam
Mashalah Sweden we are so proud of you! Let us create Nordic caliphate! Sounds great!
Or maybe Scandinavia caliphate?


>Their parents bring them?

DIE with your frozen fish, sven!

Post more cute ISIS shotas.


>Mikko al-Pekkai Perkeleyi

The gentle hand of Allah guides them to their destiny.

the idiots in NRM are already going down that path

Hi on heroin

Lets conquer Norway, Denmark and Germany again brother. All will bow to the Swedish-Finnish caliphate! In the name of Allah! Mohammed was a half Swedish half Finnish man btw.

This is Sven
He comes from Malmö and he hates normies, gays and sandniggers

Reported to Säkerhetspolisen.

oh look british muppets back at it again.

Heil Nordic caliphate
We will make Europe to bow
They will suffer for calling Finland west Mongolia.

tagbir :D :D :D :D

>Thinks marriage is between a man and a woman
May as well say "thinks water is wet"

For people that don't eat pork Muslims sure are fat fucks

Ye but let's genocide Danes
I hate them they look like faggots
Take Jutland, you need it more!

That fucking Ice queen.

The Real Ice (Monkey) Queen.

Fuck off amerfag
Don't look at our women

Is this real? I have hard time to believe. Don't they have seperation of church and state in Britain?

I will look, but I promise to never touch even though both my parents are Finnish. Just by being born in America, I'm now automatically 1/32nd Cherokee and would never contaminate the Finnish bloodline.

>Our women
You're on Sup Forums Suomi there is a 100% chance that you've never had a woman depend on you for resources and shelter and emotional dependence.

Me too my friend
But I came back because duty is calling!
It's never late I came back at 17

I agree brother. By Allah let it be so. The islamofobic eternal Dane will not be tolerated anymore. We will kill the men and take their women as sex slaves and extra wives. We need lebensraum for our Swedish-Finnish caliphate!

Thank you the islamophobia in this thread is disgusting. I'm sure Säkerhetspolisen will take care of it.

Yes of course
Having sex before marriage is haram
Im not a random degenerat who fucks around
Only after marriage, amerifag!

Nice flag

She is legitimately not noteworthy. Looks like a slightly overweight cider whale.

Anyway, why are we still being discussed when the thread got nothing to do with Finland?

>Finnish Horde tribesman thinking I'm advocating for extramarital relationships.

Yes and one more rule
If Nordic women marry outside of Nordic tribes she will be choked to death with surströmming

Because we are planning to create Nordic caliphate but without Danes and sand niggers

Because we are planning to create Nordic caliphate without sand nigger and danes

Then that Caliphate won't be Nordic.


And if you are not Nordic and you want to get Nordic citizenship you should be sterilized

Then kill yourself

Because no one hates Finland.

Spurde diaspora

Abu means father of, hes too young


Stop spamming ugly women on Sup Forums (not Kiira). That hockey cider whale and that chipmunk looking black haired Sami girl are ugly.

You make me sad.

Non Europeans will be officially considered as a trolls

Varg disagrees.

Isn't that "Bin"?

You'd be the expert on Arabic names.

Fuck you motherfucker, look at my proud flag! Atleast I can handle the black cocks in my ass!!! ;)

Jokes aside, its coming to you eventually as well. You are just to ignorant to see it. Im just like you, the onlty difference is that the deluded majority over here got the chance to vote for deluded cuckolds.

it doesnt matter tho. The only ones dying are liberals/leftists, at the moment, and they are pretty much the only ones getting raped as well.

Im enjoying it. When the time is right, people like me will have to clean it up, and we will have to kill off all of these filthy subhumans through europe. Its going to be glorious.

On a sidenote, you can keep your shitty country. Finland is boring as fuck.

The caliphate ain't happening.


Naturally resistant to sand niggers.

Keep up the good work. Some of us muricans would be so bored without you