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Maybe the NFL would feel more at home in the EU, I say they should fuck off to Europe so they can enjoy their communism.
I would rather watch this than a bunch of faggots and niggers on the field.
no way this is true
I really don't understand bikini football. I would think if you wanted to watch fit girls play a sport you'd watch volleyball because the girls that play it are usually hot.
They kneel the same way off field when sucking refugee cock
Germans have been cucked since WWI, they would do this.
Autism strikes again!
Hitler was 100 times more based than the Kaiser
turn it off
Germans don't play national anthems before game, not even German anthem.
Krauts are still assbusted over WWII
Why am i not suprised.
>western world is toast
no one said they did play the anthem.
when it is a game between two teams of the same country, usually the anthem is not played
The 21st Century connected world was a mistake
I don't think any football (or soccer) team plays a national anthem before a non international match.
Thanks, user. I just got here but it's obvious that I should leave as soon as possible.
hahahahaha reality is parody of itself
Not much to understand user, hot chicks knocking the piss out of each other.
its the same shit in our media
the establishment acts as if we are the 51 state of the usa
Fake news, OP photoshopped the text.
In reality, they are just proposing to the same women as is custom.
The world was a mistake.
You guys are more than welcome!
I'm assuming the whole team would've gone to jail for wrongthink if they hadn't kneeled.
Those silly Germans going full cuck on commando again.
fucking germans
What a petty display of virtue-signaling.
And then the women picked Some random dude from the stands.
But.. why?
they lost the game
Submit or else.
In 2017 virtue signalling is the most important thing you can do.
On behalf of all Americans I'm truly disappointed that our disgusting culture has spread to your neck of the woods.
I cant stop laughing oh man
It's all about contact.
I'm still waiting for serious naked MMA. Like blood and sweat.
Football is like half wrestling. I love women in bikinis wrestling and grabbing each other.