Will tell what I know.
- user
Will tell what I know.
- user
Other urls found in this thread:
Will we ever find out the truth? Does Lombardo have his balls in a vice?
What agency did “Paddock” and “Campos” work for?
Partially and no, he's getting orders.
How involved is MGM?
Is there some sort of internal struggle?
WHO THE FUCK ARE THE VIPS? Mike pence, saudi prince, who else was in vegas that fucking night?
nice question!
alleged shooter Stephen Paddock worked for a company that later merged with Lockheed Martin, but he also worked for the IRS.
he had a pilot's license and his own planes. He has travelled extensively in the past decade, going all over the world, including the United Arab Emirates.
He has also been linked to an Intelligence subsidiary called Volant.
(next post for the other guy)
Tell me all about the Paddock in Canada that ISIS used when they claimed responsibility.
you better shut your fucking mouth or else,faggot
Or else what? Are you supposed to be the internet muscle? Some sort of pitbull? Fuck off
MGM Resorts head Jim Murren is the man to look at. He links Mandalay Bay Casino to Contemporary Services Corporation. What is that? It specializes in crowd control and crowd creation.
Murrne has links to Department of Homeland Security, so that Jesus Campos is an asset in the hoax.
Other researchers have shown that prior to the fake shooting spree, Crowds on Demand placed ads in
Craigslist and
Tell me about Mossad and the bombs setup around las vegas to explode multiple hotels killing thousands. If you don't or deny this you're a LARP and everyone should disregard what you're saying.
I’ve heard this guy was in Vegas. Chertoff Group ties with what -John said.
Thanks for the answer senpai
>did you know that there were other smaller
shooting events that night at other Las Vegas casinos?
> Did you know that DHS is pushing to install (((expensive))) body scanners at all Las Vegas casinos?
>Do you know what company developed the body scanners currently in use?
Lockheed Martin.
Tell me about the chopper gunner.
Tell me about the shooters at the bellagio, tropicana, aria, MGM grand, the airport, and other locations.
Woah, never thought of this but...Hayden is a 4 star general... IS HE THE GOD DAMM GENERAL THAT WAS ESCORTED BY BLACKWATER OSHSKDLEJDLXPXNEN FUCK MY SHIT!!!!
ITT fanfic
Those digits give me the chills
> calls 911
Do you know the identity of John?
dunno, man. I have some pdf and blogs opened here. Gimme reliable sources. Glad to read your reply.
Got a bomb for ya. Eric Paddock is Steven Paddock.
>if you do a people search on Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, NV, you get pictures of a guy who looks nothing like either brother.
>If you search on Stephen Craig Paddock of Nevada, age 64 at you find Stephen has no brother named Eric. His only relatives are given as Peggy and Bruce.
>If you search the same site for Eric Paddock of Nevada, age 57, you do find one, but he isn't related to any of these people.
OP, when did you first realize you were a huge fag?
How much money did George Soros earn off of "put options" placed on MGM stocks?
See: Moreover, body scanner business is now owned by L-3 Technologies, which is one of the top-10 government contractors.
It was previously Loral Corporation, a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin run by Bernard Schwartz... they don't tell us what company “that later merged with Lockheed Martin” Stephen Paddock worked for. Sources suggest it was Loral.
It looks like the Carlyle Group is also involved, since one of Loral's “other acquisitions” listed at Wikipedia is LTV missiles, now known as Vought Aircraft Industries.
No, but we can deduce he was working for a company linked to this hoax/scam/psyop
And I bet he was the guy who got a bullet on his head
Are all blacks niggers? Is "based" nigger vernacular used by nonwhites?
dunno, I'm not a dow jones jew.
When I reposted your post...
Anyway, Vanguard is by far the largest stockholder in L-3. It has over 3 trillion in managed assets, and yet calls itself a non-profit
What was supposed to happen in Vegas? What went wrong?
Along with Cheney and Rumsfeld, we should suspect people like Michael Chertoff, Sheldon Adelson, Rahm and Ari Emanuel (surnames Auerbach and Smulevitz), the Bushes, and the Goldman Sachs people. And since Paddock's grandmother was a Koehn, we should suspect the richest members of the Kohn/Kohen/Cohen family, looking first to places like the Aspen Institute, the Brookings Institute (see Jim Murren listed on the board), and such places. In short, just think of the richest jerks in the world, and you can assume they are hiding behind these investment groups as well as these money-making hoaxes.
First of all, Las Vegas is the most surveiled city in the world. It has more cameras per square mile than any place outside the Pentagon.
Watch this video.
They planned on blowing up Vegas but another group was sent in. APPARENTLY Russia intercepted communications indicating a false flag was going to take place and they warned Trump. He sent in blackwater to address the situation, but they couldn't stop everything.
What part of L3 comm is Ensite?
What gun/s were actually used. RoF was to slow for an AR
...And second of all?
Thus far in your thread you have not brought fourth any new information that we are not already aware about. Drop some bombs with some actual proof of key names with contracts, anything that moves this investigation forward or fuck off back to your plebbit tier discord.
Cameras were supposed to capture a false flag event? Which is why none of the footage can be released? Am I hot or cold?
Then there's this:
>Paddock was 400 yards from his targets.
> Paddock is supposed to have hit around 600 targets.
>At that distance, you don't aim, you ust shoot and you have a hit ratio of what 1/10 ?
> So he must have fired around 6000 rounds. That's 200 clips. With 23 guns, that's around 260 rounds per gun.
>So we are supposed to believe Paddock sat there in his hotel room and shooted like hell, eventually melting down 23 guns in a row, with no damage to himself?
>the mainstream tells us Paddock only fired for 10 minutes, between 10:05 and 10:15. Is it
even possible to fire 6000 rounds in 10 minutes? No.
(I know it was an M240)
James Murren, at MGM Resorts since 1998. In 1996, Murren worked for DeutscheBank as a Managing Director. All that is very strange, considering MGM was taken over by its creditors in 2005, and those creditors were big banks like CreditSuisse and JPMorganChase.
Was DeutscheBank another of those creditors? We aren't told.
But in any case, a former major bank director comes in as CFO of MGM Resorts in 1998, and seven years later MGM is bankrupt... taken over by the banks.
That is a creepy video at this point
Given the bankruptcy, you would have thought he would have been fired in disgrace in 2005, but no, he was promoted to COO in 2007 and Chairman and CEO in 2008. Can you say, “INSIDE JOB”? You will tell me I am conflating MGM Resorts with MGM Studios, but Kirk Kerkorian (MGM Studios head back to 1969) owned MGM Resorts until 2009, at which time it also tanked. Kerkorian lost his majority ownership, which was taken over by investment groups like Vanguard, Capital, Price and Blackrock. Remember, Vanguard is also the major stockholder in Lockheed Martin spin-off L-3, which owns the body scanners. So you see how this all comes together. It can be no coincidence that Vanguard owns large parts of both the Mandalay Bay and the incoming body scanners.
At this point, due to all the inconsistences in media accounts, may be true. So they even ditched Weinstein to hide the failure?
was all the shooting done from the two MB rooms we know about or were there other locations?
>chopper gunner.
I saw this video, and am curious as well. was spooky
Is this some sort of ARG? Really? too much shit that makes me think that the FBI is going raid my home and award me for helping solve the riddle.
Did people really die. I am that autistic that I still don't believe the MSM/Twitter.....Was it not really as bad because of crisis actors and a few .22 bullets to civilians just to keep up the front?
I hate hearing that -John story in the news.
I question its truth, but big if true.
Ya, thats basically it. How bad is it really?
>around 600 targets
>hit ratio of what 1/10 ?
>must have fired around 6000 rounds
>That's 200 clips. With 23 guns, that's around 260 rounds per gun
what is the point of doing math if you're going to make up and approximate every single number? also;
>he had high capacity magazines
>not every gun was used, only a few
>Paddock sat there in his hotel room and shooted like hell
why would anybody listen to you
dude, I do not know everything.
Maybe look it up here:
why do u love sucking nigger cum out of a dog bowl, thru a straw and into your nigger cum loving mouth?
No maths, just physics.
>number of alleged victims
>for how much time he shoots
bc a dead kike on a stick told me ;]
>making up numbers about "clips" and "rounds"
What medications do you take?
>Benjamin Paddocks’ grandmother was Maria Koehn (which is just a variant spelling of the Jewish surname Cohen).
Honest question... are these people real?
Ask your mom.
Your a retard, a 7.62 round from a 240b (If this was the weapon) can travel through/ricochet a few bodies. Especially if that round fragments from hitting the ground creating shrapnel. One round could potentially wound 4-5 individuals.
What was the point of it then?
My sister knows one. Another is from my city, 3 others from cities with borders that touch my city.
>My sister knows one. Another is from my city, 3 others from cities with borders that touch my city.
How? Like, is this someone that just recently moved to the area for work? Have they actually met in person?
He probably negotiated the merger
will we find anything important in the victims list?
Nah, known for years. The other people are also well known in the areas they lived.
a scam that goes beyond muh guns.
muh guns is the start for them, while for you is the means
looking at it, some names sound strange imho
dude fuck off , i got friends whos neices and grandkids were fucking shot in the leg and back, dont give me that hoax shit. this one was fucking real
yea I did a bunch of looking up for Paddock. Peggy always shows up with Bruce and Stephen. So either they are all siblings or Bruce and Stephen are the same person . Maybe I dunno
> digits
Too much arbitrary diversity.
No repeats except for Smith (unrelated)
"The Las Vegas survivor who thought he was shot in his head" :
The BBC lecturing their audience about those "outrageous conspiracy theories" :
>nice get
>reading eulogies on a saturday night
>fuck I live in the middle of nowhere
>blood spraying out
fuck bro It's fine #vegasterminatorstrong
Oh shit that's disarming.
For (((YOU))) to read:
't was a joke. No Homo.
user, are we chasing geese or not by researching the causality list?
Still false flag attack/kikkel sacrifice.
Who the fuck are you?
If its a hoax, then its the greatest Deep state mass murder in the history of mankind. Which seems a little too incredible for me..
Come on user. You know LARPing is a gateway to homosex.
It's night here. Will do.
That’s a helicopter. Helicopters have aviation lights on them, they flash to grab the attention of other pilots in the air so they don’t crash. Either find a video showing someone shooting out of a helicopter or shut the fuck up. “But hey goy, there’s flashing lights on the helicopter, clearly it’s a muzzle flash!!!” Seriously how much Down’s syndrome do you have? All of it?
none. I just do not use google
or - better >/Oven
Well, imo, that's a terrible way to start it off. Most of those people attending that concert were conservative and I'll guarantee that a ton of them own guns. Really only angers.
What does cum taste like?
And now we know you’re larping. Damn I had high hopes for you.
i'll tell you what i know. you're a larping faggot.
Your curious about a helicopter flying over the Vegas strip, near an airport with helicopter pads? Fuck this site is like 90% autistic.
Shouldn’t you know this. Aren’t you “on the inside” funcking loser. It’s satuday night go have fun with your friends.. oh wait.
He was shooting 7.62 from an AR-10 though.
This is exactly what John warned us. He told us in advance Sheldon Adelson would be involved.
Adelson met with Trump and Kushner the very next day and the meeting had been planned for months.
Trump ran casinos he knows that security would have caught him if it wasn't a false flag.
I'm guessing no body was killed right? Why did Trump go along with it?
You have Down’s syndrome if you think no one died. Like seriously do us a favor and at the very least let your retarded genes end with you.
OP did not ever claim to be anyone special. Just said AMA. He's been following this closer than most. Now he is gay. So sad.
fuck off faggit carp lovin larp. this was a hit attempt/ message to Kelly and Mattis from globo cunts. globos agenda has been stalled by JSOC/ Dunford/ Mattis/ Kelly/ Trump and they are good n pissed. also sage in all fields
>This is exactly what John warned us. He told us in advance Sheldon Adelson would be involved.
>Adelson met with Trump and Kushner the very next day and the meeting had been planned for months.
>Trump ran casinos he knows that security would have caught him if it wasn't a false flag.
Did Trump must know Adelson was involved. Did he just let him get away with it? Only thing that makes sense was actors to me
Is there any pics of the caliber? like one of the normie-faggots posing with a bullet that the doctors just pulled out of them? Wouldn't that instantly kill suspicions of 30-ot?
well at least this thread got me questioning where are all those shells
also I'll lurk the names of the victims
It the end, with some crisis sellouts, I'd just broadcast some noises from the stage and let the goym do their part. I haven't looked at g0re sites for eventual real victims.