Former Wharton Professor: 'Trump Was the Dumbest G*ddamn Student I Ever Had'

If so, why isn't the professor making billiions instead of teaching?

You are the dumbest student anybody ever had

*breathes in*

Image saved.

>using Ifunny for baiting.

Dear god, I would rather get memes from libtard hellholes such as Tumblr and Reddit. Using anything from Ifunny is essentially heresy.

Just the tolerant left calling people names again

>i met the president of virgin islands
>that’s why i refer to myself in the third person

Downald Trump?
So making fun of the downies is a-okay as long its someone you vehemently disagree with?

Not very left and progressive, is it?

Backtalking your former student?

I worked in education, you aren't allowed to do it

>you are stupid
>no you
the absolute state of burger politics

>everyone that doesn't suck trumps cock is a leftist

>when you are gatekeepers for the leftist globalist establishment hegemony parotting mass media memes and still think you're alt

Nobody says this when dolan mocks the handicapped. All the right does is throw back the left’s may mays because personal responsibility. And the fact the left talks very complex and the right has presidents that talk about their dick size in a national debate. In denmark this one politician actually showed people what he was talking about. It’s one thing to claim you have big balls. It’s another thing to actually have them


Trump runs the planet and he is literally a literal who.

I think I know who the dumbass is.

>Not a billionaire
>Not POTUS against all odds
What a cuck

Fiat money is nothing but an interest payment. 101 million Dollar “loans and inheritances”. Zero, promised tax returns. And assets =/= wealth

Thanks, only 120 year old electoral college

what the fuck are you on about nigger

That's homophobic user.

Took you that long to pretend it’s impossible to decipher what i said? If you cant figure it out then youre a retard too


Poor jew. Getting all lost in memes and in rhetoric. Muh 156 IQ. Peterson is a tranny. Anderson is a faggot

>what people blow daily as the number one thing to fellate, money, is actually a ponzi scheme and you should fellate it
>this is kikery and why aren’t you fellating this

>the left talks very complex
Is that why you fell for their sophistry and adopted a fake identity designed to divide and conquer you, you poor dumb dupe?


Are the virgin islands the 56th or 57th state?

Oops it’s in genesis


makes sense when he's sober

One in twenty thousand millionaires is successful enough to become a billionaire.

They are somalia because they have no president. Dolan. Inside his own head. Muh paper towels and big island waters


Not surprised you saved it.

Bend the knee faggot

Yeah trump is not a bloviating caveman at all

Oops i destroyed th national football league because they rejected me this one time. Like my wife did
>which wife?
Who cares

>People actually give the one with the faggot flag all the (You)s he could ask for
jesus, you guys seriously need to learn not to get baited by every retard

I used to get mad when people called me homophone because I wasn't afraid.

Now I am afraid, I am a homophone, you guys are fucking our nation right up and I'm scared.


Yeah the point of this place is not to do that. MUH IFUNNY

just imagine if drumpf wasn't a literal retard how much he could have accomplished in life, sure he is the president of the united states and ran a multi-billion dollar international enterprise and was on of the most popular celebrities in modern us history.. but just imagine how much he could have accomplished if he wasn't a big fucking stupid dumb doo doo head!

Sky is green. Youre wasting your life

>Literally putting words into the mouth of a dead man

truly the height of 21st century Journalism

Oh yeah. Gargling on that zoggy daca orange nowalled cheese dick. He was sued for 32K for just “feeling like he paid enough” on a contract and lost and had to pay 250K in the end. Without his daddy he would be a homeless bum with no children nor infamy

Hearsay vis-a-vis a dead guy.

Seems legit. /fuckoff

Or a never humper

Would be quite the claim to make. Maybe even a retarded thing to say. So take away their freedoms muh small government fascism and etc etc. Do you have any proof? Not that i ever read any links posted on here

Hes a retarded jewish puppet of course golem goyim.

REALLY? This is the best you could come up with?

This whole fucking article is literally 'Some guy said some dead guy said X'

Fuck off and saged.

So, the dumb fuck student became to be a billionare and president of the most powerful country in the fucking world and the wizard of smart just had a theachers job at a college, unknow by anyone except the asshole broke ass that says he said such bullshit, tell that to stupid liberals they believe it like you just did, fucking degenerate fag.

Please someone who knows how to spread this everywhere. Then imidaiately blame them for insensitivity, biggotness, and whatever else they accuse ppl of.

>retarded missed the part where trump was already richer than his father when he got his $100 million inheritance

He’s not? The tree fucker has spoken
This isnt a court room. Circumstantial evidence and/or hear say are all permissible. Public opinion is not judged beyond any shadows of doubts. This isn’t even a civil case where the preponderance of the evidence is even littler. Basically if you know something is or should be false. Dont say it. Anything more. Feel free

I wish I was as dumb as him.

The Jews need stupid goyim as capital leaders to rule the goyim.

All arguments made by homophones end up sounding the same. You're on the wrong side of history.

Notice the amount quoted to you was 101 million. I dont give a flying fuck if he’s rich. He shouldn’t be in there even if he is rich. Rich people dont work for money. Theyre cheap and lazy and play computer games and are degenerates 24/7

You wish you were spitroasted by a cabal every week?

u sure he's even still teaching?

Fuck off. Shut the fuck up you God damn weak bitch and tranny. Get this “man” some estrogen. Stat

It doesnt even matter.

Yet that professor didnt make billions or become POTUS......

Because contrary to what the alt-right and MENSA want you to believe IQ is nothing without drive and ambition.


>Notice the amount quoted to you was 101 million
Yeah, that's why I said $100 million, because he already transformed his $1 million loan into his empire.

>Rich people dont work for money. Theyre cheap and lazy and play computer games and are degenerates 24/7
Sounds like someone is jelly.

The article says the professor is already dead.

Yeah. Go to the national bank of brazilian uma deliçia sopa and demand a million pesos or whatever the fuck. It aint gon happen

>Being obedient and indoctrinated makes you smart


Careful, I can report you to your leftists internet police for harassing your 3rd world superiors.

>one man says another is a retard even though he pays me
Even republicans and white house staffers constantly say this now. It’s called not being a shill. And also having a pair. Guess the trump curse cant work on an already dead guy yes. Muh hillary “he’s going to end up suicided” may mays and emails and my entire jewish famiy did em too and rocketman and blah blah fucken blah

I'm not talking about that. For instance, Socrates and Alcibiades had sexual relations together. But they were both married with kids and fought for their tribe. They didn't identify as homosexual. They identifed as Greek men, their true, inalienable identity, and honoured what they were. Sucking each other's cocks came second. It's a choice, not inalienable. Socrates advocated against sexual indulgence and essentially founded Western civilisation. Alcibiades became one of the greatest generals of all time. Their survival and reproductive instincts weren't perverted by sophistry, despite their love of cock. They defended their tribe from the Persians, left a genetic and cultural legacy behind them, and still had time for cock sucking. You, on the other hand, have been tricked into adopting an identity opposed to your inalienable identity and attacking people who share your inalienable identity purely on the basis that they choose not to suck cocks. You have chosen a lifestyle that makes it unlikely you will do anything other than subvert your tribe, not least by attacking your elected president and discouraging reproduction. Sad.

23 posts by this ID , an ass blasted fag flag who would have thought

Wars dont cause refugees? The Americo/Isisraeli coalition doesnt make any refugees? Mmmmmmmmkaaaaaay. But you dont read things like leviticus that tell you not to crack wise with “sojourners” or samaritans or things like this. But you don’t care

Pretty amazing that his dumbest student became a multi billionaire real estate developer and the President of the United States. I wonder what happened to his smartest student?


Leftism, the post

You talk outta your ass and play the victim and single handedly hold up this ribbiting disgrace. Tough tits
>is his mkultra trigger phrase or something and he goes off about men always sucking dick and lying about it
Didnt read

the professor must be old as hell if donald was his student.

Oh yes wow the prezident of america. Nobody cares anymore. Why should they? He’s a fucking walking mcdonald’s franchise
Youre all memed out kiddo

so it is true that faggots are mentally ill, or are you just a happy coincidence

Fuck off pharisee. Youre so weak. Muh ink stains!

Maybe he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

>Didnt read
Is it too complex for you? You don't seem as intelligent as you think you are. I maintain, you have been tricked by people smarter than you to serve their interests against your own self-interests. You have been conditioned to dismiss with bigotry viewpoints that contradict your ideology. You are a pawn, cattle. You are proving me right, unless you can prove what I said wrong.

Visit California some time if that's not already where you're from and catch something fatal pls

It's legal for that to happen to you btw


Some dude claims he knew one of Trump's professor's from the University of Pennsylvania - William T. Kelley (he probably did know him, who gives a shit) and claims that the professor of marketing management called Donald Trump the "dumbest goddamn student he ever had". He apparently liked to say it a lot, and repeat boring shit to his peers, because he said it over a hundred times to the same guy.

Despite being labeled a borderline retard perhaps by someone who is supposed to be an expert on marketing, Trump has his name all over buildings, products, a hit TV show, and the presidency. Either William T. Kelley is a retard, who thought one of the best marketers in the world was an idiot (specifically in marketing) or Frank DiPrima (who claims all of this) is a liar.

In short: Who gives a fuck what some dead guy clearly erroneously thought, and Frank DiPrima is a fag.

Muh kill for your tribe muh truvada muh you are deceived by genesis

Barry poses in front of books
Barry reads teleprompters
Barry hides out all day
Where is Barry hiding today?

>Oy vey goyum, why did you elect trump instead of killery? It was her turn damnit.
Stupidest student.
Goes to prove those who can, do, those who can't, teach.

Didn't have a rich daddy. What an idiot.


Trump might be the most intelligent person to ever walk to earth.

He has somehow managed to slowly take over the world right in front of everyone, while simultaneously convincing (almost) everyone that he's retarded.

It must be exhausting, having to constantly be in character, but I guess for him it might be easy enough.

He's kind of like a real life Palpatine.

Daily Reminder Fag Flag hasn't dropped anything useful in this thread but wants to REEEEEE About people on this board being uninformed

Who was your candidate user? Probably aren't even from the states

>every rich person has a rich daddy

breaking the scale there buddy.

Bend the knee boy

One in twenty thousand millionaires is a billionaire. One in five hundred humans is a millionaire.

Trump's million dollar investment from daddy was turned into a 1 in 20,000 success story.

He sure is a moron, huh.

>some dead guy told me things years ago.
>it’s only news now.
Fake and gay news.