Ask a Shia Anthing

ask me anything ill answer

Other urls found in this thread:

do you suck dicks?

Do you realize Mohammad's mother, Aminah, was Jewish, making Mohammad a Jew, and that Islam is a Jewish trick to replace Arab culture with Jewish?

I have a feeling that all Abrahamic religions were distorted to indoctrinate people into thinking Jews are special.

Do you get in trouble for eating the goat after you fuck it?

Why do you beat yourself?

Everyone before Hz. Mohammed (SAW) was a jew (well sort of), also I'm not arab so I don't care

How do you feel about how Sup Forums keeps stealing your shitty flags?

Shia seem to be tolerable and open to integration into other cultures, as opposed to sunni muslims.

Why do you think that is the case?

Are you guys going to ever make peace with Shiites?

when are you gonna kill all sunnis

those are Sunni's t. obese burger
I'm not a fan of how the Ashura is done but it is to commemorate Hussein the Grand son of Hz. Mohammed (SAW)

What's your opinion on Islam being newer than Christianity and Judaism, whilst claiming that Jesus was never crucified, even though Christianity and Judaism developed together at the beginning, whereas Islam was developed by someone who didn't exist at the time?

I don't care
yes I hate these sunni dogs that infest the west with their shit ways of Islam, this is the reason why the hate for Islam has grown in the West


So what's your reasoning behind Christianity lowering Jews from "God's chosen people" to being the same as gentiles?

Can you show your flag btw, just so we know this isn't a LARP thread.

What ?
I don't kill, I hope They burn in hell once their time on earth is done

ops a fgt

what country are you from, put the geo flag on

how come you guys don't attack us in the west?

are you upset that we're closer allied to sunni countries which pose much more of a threat?

Why are Shias and Sunnis so butthurt at each other when majority of them don't take religion 100% literally anyway. Why care?

well I am in Belgium at the moment visiting Turkish family but if you must know I am From Azerbaijan

The hadith record Mohammad as a pedophile -- are you aware of this?

Why did you commit the las vegas massacre? Is it cause youre a sand nigger working for a non union terrorist group? Union terrorists get theyre shit comped all day

Do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ?

How long do you think Saudi Arabia has before imploding? Do you expect the fall of SA to mostly end the era of sunni created terror?

I'm in belguim rt,
no we are just better and more peaceful

most shia's take their religion seriously unlike Sunni's (wahabis)

Do you know anything about the extinct or at least near extinct Muslim groups of the yazidis and ibadis?


So seriously that in Iran you're not homo and avoid hanging if you (((fix your gender))) and then be with a man. I bet you if their country had the money western countries have they would be degeneracy central of the world.

I don't expect those dogs to fall anytime under the power and protection of israhell and burger land
why attack us when your (((greatest ally))) is lurking in the shadows

Why do you follow the religion of some crackpot Saudi when you already had a perfectly based native monotheistic religion?

no sorry I don't know that much
Christ was never Crucified he was send to Heaven when Judas betrayed him instead judas was put on the Cross, and to the second part I want to talk more if you like but not on Sup Forums

Why haven't u managed to perfect GOAT AIDS? Srsly. Niggers banged monkeys and managed to crank it out and do mass damage to themselves.

So whats ur fucking problem? Been banging goats for centuries and got sqaut ro show for it.

t. (((Israel is greatest ally you guys!! muslims are the true enemies!!!)))

Wait so Judas didn't even commit the sin of suicide?

no. he betrayed Hz. Isa = Jesus Christ

ayyyye thats my meme, i made it lol

Jesus Christ is Lord

not a question

Why do you believe imams are above other people ?

That just screams of revision to me. Like a story that was rewritten to make the ending happier, thus taking away Jesus' ultimate sacrifice. Judas betrays Jesus and suffers the same fate Jesus would have while Jesus supposedly is whisked away to safety.

when it comes to Religion yes they are higher then the average Muslim

Why are all Muslim countries envious of israel?

But why as a Sunni

why were the Spanish so envious of the Muslims when they invaded your country?

sorry what ? do you mean sunni imams ?

Why do you follow a mass murdering child molester?

why do you follow a hippie ?

I meant asking the question
As a Sunni

Why do you worship imam/
At grave sites (ask dead for help)

sorry to say I don't know why, I dont do it nor does my family

Are you a peter puffer?

This. Retards ITT are too stupid to know that

Whar was starring in Transformers like?

Whoops, wrong Shia.

what's the ideal shia day like?
prayers. helping people out? or praying?
is reading quran what muslims must do to "climb up"on the holiness stair?

Where's the HWNDU flag at now-a-days?

Are Muslims unaware muslims are their enemy. I assume you arent taught that Muslims subjegated your ancestors and forced them to be Muslim. Feel the exact same about Christians.

What do you think of the Nazis and how should we resolve the Jewish question

Do you know what Sufi Mysticism is about?

No worries
We differ slightly but it’s all the same ummah
As long as you believe in Allah swt we are brothers
Forget politics


>Ask a Shia Anthing

Is that what Obama is? Or is he a Sunni?

Can you explain briefly the different sanctions between Shias? I am confused on how some sanctions don't even believe in Muhammad as the Prophet.

Why do you believe in a religion that was literally made up by the kike Abdullah ibn Saba?

was hitler right?

I've known a few Iranians (from the Islamic Revolution disaspora). Most of them were agnostic and critical of current Iran. I'm not sure if you're Iranian but do you support the Iranian government or are you critical of it (or neither if you are not Iranian)?

Could you tell us the differences between sunnis and Shia? I know sunnis are Arabs, Shia are Persians, and that the Shia believe the caliph should be related to Muhammad and the sunnis believe it should be the most qualified Sunni but other than that I don't know what sets the two apart.

What's the best way we can add hudood laws to the US constitution?