Would you die for your country?


politician works for jews

No im all set

Fuck no.


Absolutely not. I'd die for the few nations that still cling to civilization and reasoning though.

I'd die for the nations that fight against international jewry.

none of u faggots would fucking do it

>that pic
Kek its like a German Hilldawg


for the general principles it was established for. I don't think there would be anytime in history when I ever fully supported my country's regime. (America is my country btw-the reason my flag is norway is because I'm on holiday rn)


No it dont deserve it

nuh uh

No one ever won a war by dying for their country. They won because they made the other dumb SOB die for HIS country.

Even when I was in the military I wouldnt have died for this country. I did, however, bullshit my way to a free college education.


defending it from foreigners? sure, but i'd try to survive

going on some foreign adventure for the jew? nein

lol fuck no

Only to fend off an invasion
Sorry dr Goldberg

Canada can keep going into the shitter, I won't save it. If things were different, and there was an earnest effort being made by the government or opposition party leadership to improve things I would consider defending it. As it is now... fuck 'em.

If by "dying for your country" you mean risking my life to destabilize some middle eastern shithole then no.

I would die trying to reverse what my country has become.

>would I die
>would I give even a cent willingly to the gocernment

Depends on what was going to happen to it.

States or russua annex = probably not
China or u.k annex = yes

Threat to our freedumbs!

Hahaha. No.

Yes, and more importantly, I'd kill for it. America isn't perfect, but it's better than a solid 95% of the rest of the shitty oppressed world. Also, this is the land my ancestors fought for.

The only America I would die for his pre-1965 America. This minority infested mess, no thanks.

Pick one.

Imagine if all taxes were voluntary we will see just how "patriotic" chumps are.

No. Anyone can be Canadian. Random poos and arabs are Canadian. Why would I die for my country?

>give us half of your income for AMERICA!
Lol no


I don't really want to fight a war for Zionists

Already fought and was nearly killed by sand niggers on a few occasions.

Is my country worth dying for? No, it isn't.

No, but I would die to end my country.

I already have.

Depends. War for (((their))) interests no. If it spiraled into ww3 or the USA was facing a legit thread than yeah I'd enlist

There's always an Iranian masculinity threat to the US.

if by my country you mean fight against the current establishment thats currently trying to fuck up europe then yes

There's always an Iranian masculinity threat to the US...

I'd fight to defend Canadian territory but I'd never fight for the government of Canada if our territory or interests were not at stake. There is only one realistic scenario in which I would end up joining the military, that is if the fucking international community declares the Northwest Passage international waters, I will join the military if that dispute were to come to violence in order to defend Canadian interests and the sovereignty of what is clearly our territory, any attempt to internationalize the NW Passage would have me lined up at the recruitment center ASAP.

no, the usa is ruled by jews


I'd fight for the shear violence of it. Canadian, Iranian, Australian. We all burn the same.

>into the fashwave folder

my country has already been culturally enriched. why would I die for a Saudi prince?

you forgot to add 'nothin personnel kid.'

I would die for the ideals of which my country was founded upon.

>Would you die for your country?
Your'e from Afghanistan?

Enlisting after all of this.

...after Knowing?

All you saying "yes" are fucking cucks. No people no nation. I'm not dying for Jews.

haha faggot.

Back in the 50s I would have.

For what this shithole has become since then, I would pay just to watch it burn.


There hasn't been a good fashwave thread in a while

In its current state? Fuck no. The only way I'd die these days is in some sandy shithole after we tag along with the USA for a certain (((someone)))'s interests.

Now, if this were pre-Trudeau senior Canada and we were fighting for a noble cause, absolutely.

New question:

Why was the First Gulf War so aesthetic?
Was the First Gulf War the last war the Western world won?

No, I'm from Britain.

I only recently started saving the pictures myself. Whomever makes these does a great job.


I like you, Fella.

Yes, I plan on enlisting and going sf. It's always been my dream and I have real former sf guys training me to prep for it. They want to pass the torch to me and I have developed pretty good relationships with them.

But yeah.



once upon a time but not anymore OP.

I made those two. I intend to do some more stuff in the future, I just have a lot of university work to do at the moment.

Hmm, well if that's the case... well done. They look really good. Ever think of making one that involves naval warships? I guess as a Brit you could draw the Falkland islands as inspiration for 'taking what's yours back'.

Totally not a CIA Nigger thread

Back in Medieval times?


>I fight for Merkel

Jesus Germans are pathetic beyond words.

And no I wouldn't die for my country.

>Don't just spray 'em..

That's hilarious

Fuck no

I would only die for the south.

We need a tutorial on how to make this kind of style pictures.

Well, fight for anyway, yes, I tried to enlist a long time ago. Military did not want me because of my history of mental illness.

No, I'm an American, and America has never fought a war for a good reason, IMO.

Look at the Vietnam war. Talk about pointless. That place is a tourist destination now haha. Those retard American soldiers died for nothing there.

So... no. I would never fight for America. Nationalism is stupid.

I'd certainly kill for it again. Hopefully this time I get an M4 though because I'll be too old to hump the pig anymore.

The point of war isn't to die for your country, the point is to make the other bastard die for his

We get it, you're a beta male with SDS (small dick syndrome). Say no more.


>Nationalism is stupid.
If you have a nation that supports your interests it is not.

Just a quick one I made now. I'll probably try and do some more stuff like this.

I'm sure your frat parties were pretty fun.

In a civil war? Yes. Mowing down commies and niggers wouldn't even be a challenge. Hell most would die of starvation within a month.
In a world war? I'd defect rather than fighting on behalf of the old, overweight, entitled, and minority ridden cesspool this country has become.


I made that a while ago. That was just done by messing around with the colour balance in GIMP and adding a video filter.

You're mom was fun. x'D We get it, your a retard. Say no more.


Well said.

Please do, maybe incorporate some different countries flagships.

I'd die for the ideals of the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the Republic, and its history... Not sure about some of the people of this country though...

Good shit mate

I didn't make this one, but I imagine you'll like it.

For my country, yes. For my government, hell no.

