>tfw all you want to do is create a peaceful world and maintain it but the magi's are useless and fuck
Sinbad's the true hero of the manga.
Is that a dead Jafar or not?
I don't see how market competition goes against his vision of a world without war.
He uses his future seeing powers to lead the world towards a path without war. As long as he controls the world, everything is going to be fine.
If his (economic) hold on the world is weakened, the world strays from the path he is trying to lead it to and is more likely to go towards another war.
jeez hes saying all those things with a might bright face
Well he's obviously trying to look calm but is pissed off inside
Why dont they let Sinbad lead the world?
>Aladdin is stronger than Sinbad
>Similar to young Sinbad
>Fish who was ignored by Sinbad is getting Aladdin
Ain't no one trying to live their life as a robot.
Just wished Aladdin actually came up with something than that retarded speech he came up with after an entire year
Shit wrong reply
when are these raws comin
>Just wished Aladdin actually came up with something than that retarded speech he came up with after an entire year
>tfw just read it
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Aladdin just advocating the same system that's always been in place which led to the countless wars until Sinbad came out winning the battle of the king vessels? Everyone lives and fights for their own hopes and dreams but not all hopes and dreams are compatible with one another which leads to conflict. In reality, there is a limit to what you can compromise.
It sounds nice but in that system, there will always be people like Kouen or Mogamett or Arba who has diverging views on what the world should be. So is Aladdin advocating for endless conflicts and cycles of war and peace when one side emerges the victor? Which is exactly what the world before Sinbad took over?
What about Arba's hopes and dreams then? Is Al Thamen's hopes and dreams of restoring the old system automatically disqualified? I mean Arba begged for Solomon to not fuck up Illah but Solomon just went ahead and disregarded her wish. It seems like the only way Aladdin's idea could make sense is that if you create multiple worlds where everyone can have their own vision of the world. Arba can have her old system, those that want Solomon's system can live in theirs, Sinbadavid can have his etc. Everyone can just choose which world they want that way.
>Liking sinbad
Good goy anons make sure to go buy your magic tools from his trading company
>He buys from Kou
pfft have fun with your cheap shitty magic tools pleb
yeah not really gettin what aladdins on about. The current system in place just leads to a shit load of suffering
I'm not liking how they're making Sinbad out to be a victim of David's manipulations.
Al Thamen are a bunch of retards lead by the biggest idiot dancing on Davids strings.
They don't deserve anything but being thrown into the trash when David is done with them.
>Sinbad seems to have decided to give up, like really give up, he said that he walked this path with his comrade and he will make a better future for them and said this is his difference to david, that he is able to right the world with them and lastly, he remarked that he couldnt hear his voice anymore, again nothing cfmed yet but it seems thats the case
Yes, yes he is
So that automatically means certain hopes and dreams are disqualified so Aladdin's statement that Destiny is a combination of everyone's hopes and dreams needs an asterisk?
Destiny is formed by everyone's hopes and dreams*
*doesn't include the hopes and dreams of some people that don't agree with the majority like Al Thamen
yeah with aladdins system you better convert to the norm or get your shit fucked. God dam I just wanna see aladdins ideals BTFO
That's exactly it. The hopes and dreams of everyone would just coalesce to make a destiny that is the collective will of the majority and crushing the dreams of the minority whose dreams can't be made a reality.
>Sinbad's the true hero of the manga
>wanna see aladdins ideals BTFO
How can some nerds be so fucking deluded?
Is like you do it on purpose so you can shitpost harder when the obvious outcome happens. just like retarded shipping fags
Because Solomon nd Dacid are the real villains and Arba is the used goods.
Not them but Aladdin's current ideals are flawed and so was Solomon's and everyone else including Sinbad's. I'm expecting them to come up with some other way after everyone fights that they can agree with. Still thinking they'll go the matrix route.
The most important thing to remember about the conflict is that Aladdin isn't fighting Sinbad because he thinks he's wrong morally. He's fighting him because no matter how moral someone is, they're not perfect and shouldn't be the sole force behind the order of the world.
Everything that's happened since the time skip reinforces that. Sinbad is making a better world, but it was only Alibaba who gave enough of a shit to help the Kou Empire out. That wasn't in Sinbad's plans, though he didn't seem to mind it much either. Because, again, he's not evil. Just wrong. Same with Reim, who have forged their own path that has yielded similar, but distinct, results to Sinbad's plans.
Aladdin's point is that people have done good things outside of Sinbad's will and designs, making things better than if it had all only gone as he expected. If he had had total power of the world, which he already nearly did anyway, no one would've been able to help Kou and, consequently, be able to create a chain of events the led to a more prosperous world in general. It's a fairly idealistic sort of narrative, things are much muckier in real life, but within the bounds of the story Aladdin isn't wrong to think how he does. Aside from this, Sinbad has been wrong in the past and made mistakes. He shouldn't be in charge of all outcomes forever just because he's one righteous dude.
And Aladdin doesn't want his friend under that kind of pressure either. It's why he's not telling Sinbad to stop trying to make the world better according to his own morality, but to allow his friends to share the burden with him.