What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Why is Futaba so shit? she ruined the whole episode.
It means soaking up all of Futaba and Teru's young teen juices really works up an appetite.
She meant your distro is selling you out to Amazon and the NSA for your loli.
There's literally nothing wrong with Unity
Why the excessive parentheses? Are you Russian?
>There's literally nothing wrong with Unity
It means this show is ded
Why is Unity so shit? It ruined the whole Ubuntu.
install gentoo
You can use other desktop environments/window managers ranging from KDE to i3, you know
>There's literally nothing wrong with Unity
shonobe shino to moshi masu
nishkawa ken no maido desu
aragawa incho,
binbo mani pan gumi,
inagura black hole,
sansha sanyou no jinsei
hontoi omoshiro
steaky desu a ne
oh kay cridase uchuu a parado
jan ken po
Ubuntu was already ruined before Unity.
OP was better
unemployable fat weeaboo pedophile virgin detected
>real people
you ruined my day user
S-Stop bullying me
It'll all go away as soon as you install Gnome, user.
It's for your own good.
Your pic related does not count, he's only doing it to cope with losing his wife and child.
Gnome is a steaming pile of shit that's barely better than Unity.
>that last 2mins
holy shit that was nightmare fuel
But Unity is very comfy
Kill yourself disgusting frog-cancer. You're even worse than Unity.
It made me smile
your smile and mine aren't worth that much user
Well KDE is worse, and XFCE is missing several features normies need.
what do you recommend? i3?
go to Sup Forums
>XFCE is missing several features normies need
Like what?
Don't shit on something if you can't name something better.
UI for several critical configs, is what comes to mind.
ALL normal people use Gnome.
>Don't shit on something if you can't name something better.
That's is stupid, if something is shit the it is shit.
>UI for several critical configs
And what are these '''''''''''critical configs''''''''''?
>Sup Forums
>knowing anything about Loonix aside from calling folks that use it freetards on sight
also i3 and xfce are best WM's
Guys, take your Ganoo comments to Sup Forums.
Gnome is the best DE, Unity is second best, KDE is literally a placebo, XFCE tears your screen, Cinnamon is deprecated and LxQT is the future. If you only use a WM you're probably autistic.
Now let's talk about anime.
Technology is anime.
>what is xfwm4
yea I noticed that seconds after I hit submit, whoopsie daisy
my opinion still stands, they best
but how would you know that if you were shit too?
and how do you know if you AREN'T shit?
>xfwm4 = xfce
>linux = OS
Which distro is this?
You can use xfwm4 as a stand alone WM.
We can't, not until OP knows how to press the F key.
But that wouldn't be xfce anymore.
Uiharu probably uses Arch + OpenBox
I'm just glad a Sansha thread is getting this many replies so quickly
but isn't it not a sansha thread by this point?
First define what Xfce would be.
The Sansha thread is over here
Not what the post this chain started referred to it as.
As long as Sonobe is on the catalog, it's a Sansha thread
So previous and/or newer versions of Xfce that do not have all of the components listed there do not qualify as Xfce?
>post this chain started
*post that started this chain
this is how unemployable fat weeaboo pedophile virgins actually compute
The iterations of xfce are constantly changing. Those software components are merely what make up the current xfce. Xfce was never only xfwm and therefore xfwm cannot be called xfce.
So xfwm plus, say, xfce-panel, is enough for it to be considered Xfce?
Where the hell is this going
If you could have (at any time in the past) gone to xfce.org