Lostrage incited WIXOSS

Lostrage incited WIXOSS

first teaser is getting released today.

They confirmed that there will be male selectors.

Other urls found in this thread:


They could've picked a better name

When Selectors lose a battle they will lose their memories.

one Lrig from the previous anime will appear in the show.

At least Four new Lrigs apear. Their names are リル, メル, ナナシ.

what kind of title you want fampai?


we can be selector now

>male selectors.
Fucking dropped

It will be taking place several years after the previous series.

also, no Okada.

So who's the staff this time?


>They confirmed that there will be male selectors.

Welp, they found a way to kill the franchise

You're both faggots.

>male selectors
Midoriko confirmed trap.

selector-wixoss.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:BlitzerRyuusei/The_News_Feed_Part_4#August_6.2C_2016 Stuff from the stream

But lost orange has no selector, it's not even in the tittle.

Director: Sakurabi Katsushi

Series Composition: Tsuchiya Michishiro

So is this the bastard child of Saki and C-Money?

>Kiyoi shows up in the PV
Fucking great.

So we got the Flying Witch director and the PriPara screenwriter

>Less than a month for destructed BDs
Can't fucking wait.

What does this mean? There won't be a wild ride and instead we will have cute girls doing cute batoru.

Cute batoru? Did you see the trailer? This has suffering all over it.

(Okay, that doesn't preclude it being cute.)

Was that Kiyoi and Alfou in there?


Why did they get rid of everything that made WIXOSS appealing?

I want Okada back.

You'll have to be more clear.

>No Okada
Hype levels: Non-existent

>male selectors.
Hold on, how will this work again?
Will the premise be "turning into an eternal girl" for them too? Will they turn into boy LRIGs if they win? Will their LRIGs be girls in boy bodies? This is confusing.

No more wishes. Instead, you put up your memories for wager in the battle against your opponent. Each battle you lose you then lose those memories. So why play? Because if you win, you're allowed to /change/ the memories that were put up for wager. Hashimoto Chinami, the cutie voicing one of the MC's, Homura Suzuko, mentioned a situation where a boy who beats a girl can change her memories to believe that they're dating.

Male selectors can't win, obviously. They're just there for victory fodder for the girls. Also find me one male in existence who wouldn't be happier living as a magical girl

Holy shit. That's fucking nasty.

Holy fucking shit. Does changing the memory change the existence or does it merely alter their perception of it?

Yo that's way more interesting than the TV series.

>Does changing the memory change the existence or does it merely alter their perception of it?
Oh hey, you made me remember the only good thing about the Fullbring arc.

Unknown. We don't have very much in the way of info, but the hosts during the live event were making jokes that it'll be as "bright and happy" as the original. The setting Ikebukuro, a bit away from the original setting of Shinjuku. Pictures are the coins that your memories reside in. You can see them turn into cards during the battles.

Wow, that sentence was a mess. I'm going to sleep.

I'm willing to bet my dick that these thing about /change/ memories are actually changing the world. i.e. if I win against a selector and want to change her memories like I was on a date with her, it won't only change her memories, but also people related to both my opponent and my personal cycle as it was a real thing since the beginning. That's pretty fucking scary.

>male selectors
>Mari Okada

i see ded franchise walking

Same character designer?

i'm a-ok though as long it's shota o otoko no ko or a combination

Are those backgrounds even by Studio Pablo?

No more Mari Okada
They chaged the character designer. Also no Studio Pablo ;_;
I can't wait for the boys to job hard. Also it would be funny to see YOBs.

No. But they are tying to look like them.

>Also no Studio Pablo
These won't even be Wixoss backgrounds!

>no Okada
So it might actually be good this time?

Alright, I'll be clear:

>Mari Okada isn't writing
>Takuya Satou isn't directing
>Kyuta Sakai isn't doing character designs
>Kanon Wakeshima isn't singing the OP
>Studio Pablo isn't doing the backgrounds
>Characters aren't 99% cute girls now

So unless what you found appealing about WIXOSS was the very basic premise of cute girls inside cards or the OST, they got rid of all of it.

On the plus side the new staff seem to be trying to keep the spirit the same. We just need to see if they'll succeed. Also I'm happy Kiyoi seems to be back, I just hope they don't fuck up anything relating to her.

Now we just have to wait for Asenshi.


But what about the LRIGs? Do winners still become them? If not, where do they come from?

We don't know.

Is this Kiyoi?

It's a ghost. A spectre remnant from the old selector system.

Yeah, she shows her face a couple seconds after that.

Sounds good to Japanese, not to gaijin

Was it just me or did Yuzuki always sound like she had a box of rocks in her mouth?

Wasn't this really too slow of an animu? I guess it succeeded financially.

Maybe it's a reverse trap. I refuse to acknowledge that there can be male selectors.

>Male characters galore

Well, there goes my interest.

Looks like shit but

>Saori Gotou
>Shizuka Itou and Hitomi Nabatame in the same show
I can work with this

Staff selection is pretty what the fuck, writer pretty much got the job from Takara Tomy because he does fucking PriPara of all things.

>males somehow erase females from the show


What do you guys see in battoru? Why not peacfaru?

It looks like MC's LRIG can shoot beams.

Probably not, the series comp is being done by some literally who instead. Okada's not ultimately preferable over an actual good writer but I would rather have Okada in this case over whoever this guy is.

Most of the appeal of a female cast comes from the absence of male characters.

Humans must love lrigs

You really must have hated Yukaris bro

silly disgusting males, get out of my pure show about pure girls

Kind of the thing that made selector neat was despite being created to shill a card game, as a product it was pretty light on blatant marketing.

While this time around we have:
>rival character voiced by OP singer
>writer hired for their success at selling a little girl's card based video game
>we want the fujoshi audience
and a few other pretty blatant things. Original character design is by an otome game artist even.

So, are you staying on board, or jumping off?

The suffering will be in real life this time.


>Having males=we want the fujoshi audience

Has Sup Forums sunk this low?

I love it when /u/ gets ass hurt. All I need now is for Hibikek to go heterosexual.

Ohh man

>has Sup Forums sunk this low?
It's 2016, what do you think.


They can't exactly be doing it out of desperation for sales. They would've given up by now. They're probably just mixing things up. I'm surprised an anime made to sell a card game could have this much depth

So I never tried Wixoss before but is it like Vanguard or YGO but with cute girls?


Will there be male LRIGs? Thats where it might get spoopy


>male selectors.

And sufferring.


Card game news here


What doe the runes say?

As long as there's no male LRIGs.

Is white doing the corrupted ehehe face?

>male LRIGs
You mean YOBs?


Orange hair is white.

We already had Midoriko

Where are Remember and Alfou?

Fuck off to your haremshits, self-insertfag.

What do they say at the end? Fight my fear?

It will be good.
It will be good.
It will be good.

>Male selectors
What the fuck is this bullshit? WIXOSS is going to the same bullshit Aikatsu is in.