Neocons forced Wikileaks into Bitcoin in 2010

In 2010 McCain and Lieberman pressured international finance to cut of Wikileaks, forcing them into Bitcoin and the resulting 50,000% return as WikiPOURS!!!!!! WikiRAINS!!!! WikiMAKESITFUCKING RAIN!!! AHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
1k investment October 2010 = up to $56,000,000 today.

Smart man??
Or no other choice?

How does he cash out

Isn't anyone who tries to fuck with wikileaks proving that they have something big and dirty to hide? Fuck McCain so much

You don't cash out, you just give people who help you smaller and smaller amounts of bitcoin because everyone wants some

>mfw I discovered buttcoin in 2009
>mfw I dismissed it as not worth mining
>mfw I still dismissed when it was $200 after the $1000 crash
>mfw I could be a trillionaire by now

Jefferson would've called this divine providence.

Is evil

he's evil but he'll die soon so it's okay.

Was working fast food in 2009, thought bitcoin was pretty cool. Was gonna buy $50 worth but decided it was better spent on goods and services.

You’re looking at it the wrong way. You didn’t just miss bitcoin, you missed thousands of other opportunities. Bitcoin is just the one you can easily see.

>implying I don't see them

>1k investment October 2010 = up to $56,000,000 today
No one who actually bought that much back then held on to it though

6k per coin is going to look cheap as fuck in 10 years when it's over 1M per coin and you losers are still going to be kicking yourselves
>t. ~25btc

he will be kept alive as a vegetable until the end of his term and wheeled out to the floor of the senate to push the button for more wars for israel

This is a good thing unless you're a pessismist. There's always tons of opportunities out there to become successful and rich, you just have to step outside your comfort zone to get them.

I wonder if governments will move against it or if bitcoin extinction will eventually happen.. Maybe it even gets cracked or leaked and all goes to 0

says the fag that never sold.

I've made about 600% ROI in three months trading shitcoins.

pretty fucking sweet desu. sage cause this isn't really political

if that is true, he could buy the best lawyers in the world and free himself oh wait he can't cash in because they are meme coins HAHHAHAHAHAHA

Why would wikileaks have had at least a grand in an account lol. Also, from that time forward they've received a ton of coin via donations. Julian might have over 100 million in coin. Maybe even a billion. Wikileaks is here to stay, they're a permanent part of life now.

You would have sold when it hit $800 so what, it's not that much man.

What was your initial investment? Is it easy to trade shitcoins?

It's a classic bubble. It will end up costing a bunch of retards their life savings and the same dipshits that are sticking their tongues out at the government now will be begging for a bailout and new "consumer protection legislation."
Count on it.

Oy gavalt stop using a new currency goyim

McCain needs to be tried and executed for treason

reminder that assange is dead

Yeah if you're good at research and spend a lot of time online, it's pretty easy.

initial investment was 20k.

He's not wrong, things can't safely increase in value by that much that shortly, it will crash.

Yep. It has little legal use and will continue to have little use, not just because it isn't government backed but because it wildly fluctuates.
Most people who buy it are doing it as an investment, literally waiting to change it back to government currency. The reason it keeps going up isn't because people line Wikileaks want to use it but because more and more people find out about the huge gains and buy in. You already have billionaires like the Facebook twins owning shitloads just waiting to sell it ofd.

>Yep. It has little legal use

You think that the majority of people that have it do so for investments?

Open. Markets.
Actual free market capitalism resurrected through Bitcoin. Anything you want bae, I'll get it for you xx

If you show bob and feet and maybe open a bit of cloth for me

Tortured first though, so he can sing on all the globalists.

it was designed as a currency, which happens to also appreciate in value. That's the exact opposite of what is supposed to happen. Although cash is an asset, it is one that typically depreciates in value over time due to inflation. Having cash on hand is technically a liability as it continuously loses value, since governments print more money as an incentive to keep people from hoarding money and instead reinvest their wealth to prop up the economy.

"Fiat currency possesses buying power bestowed upon it by the government," which signifies that money is backed by the government's ability to repay your bank note (bills). Nothing backs Bitcoin except the demand for it at any specific time. Although it was designed as a currency, it is treated as an asset which normally appreciates in value making it an investment. Anyone who can get in early has an advantage over others and can move the market to their liking. It's a literal Ponzi scheme.


user, John McCain's mother is still alive and she's 105 years old and still healthy...