Books that would make a good anime/manga

Books that would make a good anime/manga

>garbage novel
>making a good anime/manga


>tfw no objectivist anime

I particularly wasn't too fond of it but I believe it'll make an interesting psychological anime.

Atlas Shrug would be the perfect novel for an anime adaptation. Terrible writing, some of the most in-your-face themes in literary history, and full of self-insert characters and mary sues. On top of that, there's just barely enough of an actual "plot" that happens so that everyone who is expecting the anime to be a masterpiece is satisfied. Even though nothing major ACTUALLY happens, plebs would be tricked into thinking that something is happening.

Unfortunately for Atlas Shrugged, this anime already happened 4 years ago.

It's called Shinsekai Yori.



The Great Gatsby. Just play up the homolust a bit and fujoshi would be all over it.

King Rat would be good too

In this regard, I wish American politics more closely resembled anime.

This is fucking amazing. I want an anime adaptation of this.

Samson's arc was so badass, shame that it had to end in such an asspull.

Japan can't into American literature.

Anything west of the UK is off limits.

Literal statist opinion.

I think an animated Decameron would be interesting

>It's called Shinsekai Yori.
Great post up until here. Fuck you.

I wonder how a Bible adaptation into anime would go though? How will they depict the incest? Would Judas be tsundere for Jesus?

shinsekai yori was good but the story was a bit disjointed and never really took off

everything else was pretty good though

We have Mahouka.

He's not wrong.

This has already been turned into an anime. (Mahouka)

Just turn some characters into cute girls and bam, you got yourself an educational isekai!

Jesus is MC and all of the apostles are cute lolis

Would love to watch an anime based on Don Quixote. Based on, though, not a direct adaptation. Put it in a japanese context.

holy fuck this please

Also make Milo a cute girl

pic related

Every Murakami book is practically an anime anyway. Male protagonist has every female he encounters try to fuck him or talk about perverted things and every single one of them has a defect that is meant to be endearing.

Plus it has magical realism.

It would be shit. Norwegian Wood might be nice though.

this would be the perfect anime for kyoanus to adapt and fuck up


>ctrl f
>no dark tower

I actually haven't read this since 2nd grade

diary of anne frank

Colorless life of tsukuru was pretty comfy.




>so it goes
>pans camera to the sky

with someone other than Goro directing it

Some years ago I read the manga compilation adapted from Hoshi Shinichi's short stories but I've never seen an anime adaptation. Some stories were memorable. Too bad the scanlation stopped.



Not sure about anime, but I think it would have made a great VN.

>It's called Shinsekai Yori.


nice meme

+1 upvote

Why would you want an anime version when the labeouf version was perfect in every way.

>michael moorcock
This HAS to be a pseudonym.

Did Brave Story ever get a proper anime series or just a movie? Either way I'd think it would make a decent anime.

Isn't Atlas Shrugged basically a repudiation of all Japanese values?

>Individuals are free from collective guilt, admonishment, and responsibility
>Guilting people into paying for others is wrong
>Defiance of authority and government is a key theme
>The individual people, not Society, are supreme
>Freedom, not conformity, produces the best society



If there's one country that would never ever accept objectivism, it's Japan. Sadly, here in America too many idiots still take Ayn Rand and her awful books seriously.

Not a book, but the album House of God by King Diamond would be pretty great in animation

It got a okay JRPG. I absolutely hated the MC's design and weapons though.

Batshit crazy action with pretty elven men, what could go wrong?

I know it would probably be heavy on the fujoshi pandering.

I enjoyed New Traveler. The soundtrack was pretty great. I didn't like that you couldn't get new weapons for Tatsuya, only upgrade his sword a few times throughout the story. Spear dude was god tier party member.

I think anime does need more explicit plots, when it's too multilayered and nuanced and shit, things will either get lost because of lack of time, visual to literary interpretation by the director, and so on.
So I'd say most science fiction authors work, the plot is usually straightforward with just enough twists to be interesting.
PKD is a master so I think all of them would work, but I do like Ubik quite a lot.
I'd also like to see Larry Niven's works, I guess Ringworld being the most popular would be cool to adapt.

And have Shaft adapt A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man. It'd be fucking good and plebs would ragequit at the intro already with the whole "moo cow" thing.
It'd be comedy of the year and the epiphany episode would be fantastic.
As a countermeasure so that we can still have Kyoani vs Shaft fanboys fighting to death, have Kyoani adapt Stoner, it could also be quite beautiful.

Yeah, but pls just adapt the first one and that'd be it. Afterwards it turns into shit, sort of like a cool one shot turning into a terrible series afterward.

It would be incredibly good if well done, even if it's considered a meme.

Pretty much, even the ending (to the first book) is all evangelion ala "congratulations" with all the dancing and smiling.


I second this motion.

That retarded dragon sword before you got the final version of the thing, sweet mother of god, I hated looking at it.