Love Live! Sunshine!!

muh (You)

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Reminder that Kanan needs to let go of the edge.

I like this one. It has You

Reminder that this will never stop for Riko bullying.

Who ruined it for the Third Years? I bet it was Dia. Her ridiculously high standards must have caused quite a shock when she found out no-one showed up for their first live followed by losing to AriYuki in the finals.

At the end of their performance, Arisa and Yukiho probably tried to shake hands with Dia only to get slapped away.

Riko is love.


based FFF fueling my del/u/sions.

I want to breed this sushi roll!

Who Mari here?

she will once she gets her fingers on Kanan and remember why they were so close once.


Was there zero attendance and Kanan went full crawling in my skin?

they need to cleanse riko's image and stop those overused doggo memes. it should've stopped after ep3 desu

So that explain the pain she going through

please tell me we'll also get doujins for this scene.

>Dia loves Kanan
>Mari hugged Kanan when they were younger
Third Years confirmed for angry because of NTR.

When you have that one user who always post up a reminder to not sexualize Riko that when shit breaks out.

they want the dog lover audience


nah. As a ChikaYou fag, I'm more than happy we're getting Riko out of the picture. She can keep the knot memes.

>no upper lip

Chika kawaii


Fallen angel a best

Why does You ride the bus home with Yoshiko who lives in Numazu? Is she a city girl too? If that's the case, ever since I left the city YOU
You got exactly what You asked for
Running out of pages in your passport
Hanging with some girls I've never seen before
You used to call me on my cellphone

someone add an upper lip. I'm curious.


I think this person got a stroke while typing this.

>Why does You ride the bus home with Yoshiko who lives in Numazu?
she was escorting her because she is a good senpai. She is not having a sexual affair and cheat on Chika if that's what you're thinking.


Nigga what?

This is the average Youfag, ladies and gentlemen.

Here's your (you)

Drake pls stay and go

You will never show Zuramaru the future.



>not "can i have my panties back now, please"
Wasted potential

This pretty much some up your question.


What the hell is going on with this post?

You think they fucked after that?

So why didn't city care about these bitches but they care so much about baka chika and the boys?

Kanan literally walked away. Stop fantasizing.

Don't fuck with Ruby. She always keeps her fists raised for a reason: so she's ready to drop you at any given second.

What does Ruby's tongue feels like?

Probably soft, hot and moist.

Summer is hot, please stay hydrated user.

Stop shitposting.

>Ruby will never fuck your shit up

no boys in LL fuck off

Why is Shiitake so shit she ruined the whole episode.

>low profile best girl
introduce her as boring bookworm girl so all other people with inferiour taste choose memegirls while Zura developes into a best.
plus she is allowed to add a sweater to her uniform to mark her superiority

There's only one girl who was shit from the beginning, and only got worse.
Hell she was so worthless the staff decided to give her few gimmicks to a more popular girl instead.

Surprised this is the first time I've seen this joke but hell I laughed

Can you explain it to me?

>Surprised this is the first time I've seen this joke
Probably because most people here don't listen to normalfag nigger music.

You don't break into someone's house just to ask a simple question. If she wanted to do that, she could've just asked Dia. How did Kanan find out anyways?

Kanan is always lurking in the sea.

If you have heard one normie song in the past two years there's a good chance it was this one. The joke is just you -> You which wouldn't usually be worth making but this song was fucking huge and memey

I don't know about calling Drake nigger music, that's pretty damn cross-demographic right there

>You thought you were the one stalking me? Ha.

Maybe it might have something to with one Chika's sister.

Who sang the ED this week? Was it the third year trio?

Also Ruby was surprisingly not shit this week.


>not shit
That can only happen until she opens her mouth.

>The joke is just you -> You
No you fucking retard the lyrics are the joke, not the fame of the song.

I wonder myself

Literally swam into her place, trespassing instead of calling or knocking on the door.

This fucking girl.

Of course the lyrics are the joke, I was just remarking that it's a popular and often-meme'd about song

The anime is also making a big deal about her cellphone, compelling me to make the joke once before but I didn't get any 曜s.

Oh is that song Sup Forums always meme about.

I happen to have a spare You.


That's a big phone.

For You

Ugh, this is my second guilty laugh within a half hour, I need to go outside

We are all here together.

Never heard of it.

Why is Kanan's voice so shit?
In fact, why is Kanan so shit? I thought she was going to be best girl.

>I thought she was going to be best girl.
She's always been shit

eeeee that was a good one user lmfao

>/fit/ to swim across the sea to a private island
>has courage to brave the open water at night
>has the authoritative look that keeps the guards from stopping her from entering the compound
>purple eyes

She is best girl, she gets to do whatever the fuck she wants


Fashionable Chika.

kys liam

My hope those Tokyo girls don bully my beautiful Chika-chan.

She's too pure to understand void stuff like fashion.


anyway why were they making a big deal about her smartphone? are they poor? wasnt smartphones already a thing during the muse series and that was even 5 years away from sunshine lul

Dude, they literally live in backward ass hick town.

I miss the old CGI. I always frame step through those parts to find funny screenshots. There's barely any in Sunshine, mainly since they removed nearly all of the shading.


You-chan wouldn't ever take a naughty selfie with her new phone, would she?

I bet Watanabe You sends nudes.

I'd much prefer lewd swimsuit pictures

Where can I find lolis like these?

Why is she touching the chunni's chest?


What was Zuramaru trying to accomplish during that scene?

Reminder to DON'T bully or sexualize Riko-chan!