HHS to define human life as ‘beginning at conception’

>The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a draft of its new strategic plan for 2018-2022, and with the addition of a few small words, it’s clear that there is a major change.

>Formerly, the document stated the following in its introductory information:

HHS accomplishes its mission through programs and initiatives that cover a wide spectrum of activities, serving Americans at every stage of life.

>The new edition now states this:

HHS accomplishes its mission through programs and initiatives that cover a wide spectrum of activities, serving and protecting Americans at every stage of life, beginning at conception.

>The change might be five little words, but its meaning is deep. It signifies that at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services knows and accepts the truth, that life begins at conception (fertilization). Pro-life activists have said it for decades, scientists have proved it, and abortion supporters have denied and flat-out ignored it, but it’s true: life begins the moment a new human life is created – at fertilization. HHS is committed to protecting those lives.

First things first; I am not a father and do not plan to be until I am ready. That being said I have said to my current girlfriend that if she becomes pregnant she will either keep the child and we will remain together, or if she chooses to get an abortion then I will leave her. We both have our own views on abortion, and have an understanding of each other's consequences for choosing in this situation regarding another life. While I find this change to their "strategic plan" good for a medical perspective and focusing more attention on helping people born and unborn, it makes me wonder how much these words will change the way they operate.

It is in my personal opinion that the government should focus more on perfecting their current models and practices before meddling in Americans own personal freedoms, and their pursuit of happiness. >cont

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In my personal opinion, the fact that science is being declared in the name of protecting an unborn vessel as life, defined as being life upon conception, is from my perspective an attack on American freedom.

In this statement, I do not necessarily agree with the termination of what COULD BE the start of another human life, but it is ultimately up to the parties involved to make that decision. While it would be unfortunate to lose my partner and potential child, I must agree with the fact that I am not in control of another person’s body. For one to value life, there must be a point where those who do not value it are weened out of society by the carelessness of their own actions. Being a person who is for abortions is not so much a bad thing in my opinion, for the ones who will not bare children cannot pass along their ideology, it’s a paradox to their own kind. If the government is pushing for the societal agenda that all life is precious, they will then see one of two things.

One, the left accepts the government’s decision to declare life at conception, abortions are illegal and people accept that our understanding of God’s function is how we let others define it within our government.
or Two, the left rejects the science declared and it is taken to the Supreme Court. A constitutional aspect is taken on the subject and it is spent years in the courts for the hope the Constitution as understood by elected officials represented by the people defines the party involved as the one protected by their government’s constitution for their personal freedoms. The defining of life based on a religious viewpoint should be enough to permit the termination of life for those involved.

What do you think? Again I’m not personally for abortion, but I’m not for letting a government define when life begins.

my bad, here is the link


Goverments only legitimate function is to protect negative rights. Life is one of those rights thus any direct attact on Life is within the acceptable realms of law.

Abortion violates the NAP



Look it up, niggers and mexicans use abortions at a much higher rate than Whites.

This will simply mean more niggers, more mexicans, and a greater welfare states

soooooooooooooooo... no more abortions

So if life begins at conception, the pill is now abortion, because it just keeps a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterine wall.

Daily reminder that abortion is eugenics and nigger population control


and in the grand scheme of eugenics, abortion is the nigger-tier of eugenics.

what if she fucks a black guy and has a mixed child?




Eugenics is eugenics, christcuck.

Stop murder you atheist Nazi faggots.

she'll pay the toll

>the right argues that "abortion is murder"
>the left argues that it's a woman's right to an abortion
Don't you faggots realize that the two are not exclusive? If women want to murder their kids, fine, but they should have to take responsibility by emotionally acknowledge their actions. The left simply wants just one more way that stupid people can ignore the meaning behind their own actions.


Half of all fertilised eggs don't attach to the uterine wall to begin with. Those that do, 30% end in miscarriage.

>Wanting to prep more bulls
>t. Cuckolding Fetish

Base pandered to: check!


Liberals always espouse the God of the gaps argument, but typically revolves around penises and vaginas instead. IE "you can't prove there's no gay gene so we're going to treat it like it's genetic until then". "You can't prove life starts at conception so we're just going to kill them until you can".

Why would anyone here oppose abortion? Abortion means less minority babies because blacks get the most abortions out of anyone. Do you really want more fatherless tyrones on the streets in the future?


This. Democrats understand this.

Just outlaw white abortion - you cant be racist against white people remember

we need to spin this into a democrats mass murdering blacks poster

This is how i won the arguement against the mrs. Didnt even say it should be banned just kept saying it was murder and people shouldnt have to pay for murder

>complain about niggers
>get rid of the one thing keeping the nog population down