If a messiah ends war, reduces crime by 70%, and trims the populace so that hard working and intelligent people are the majority, would you kill that guy so all that good shit goes away?
If a messiah ends war, reduces crime by 70%...
If that messiah was an arrogant sociopathic cockmongler who killed anyone he felt even had a chance of getting in his way and thought he was god's gift to humanity, sure.
Would you take 1 arrogant sociopathic cockmongler who killed anyone he felt even had a chance of getting in his way and thought he was god's gift to humanity or thousands of arrogant sociopathic cockmongler who kills anyone they felt even had a chance of getting in their way and thought they were god's gift to humanity.
Basically 1 hitler
1000 hitler
No other alternatives are available. If you choose not to answer, the by default the 1 hitler will kill 1000 hitlers.
Towards the end, Light killed people whose names were posted on an anonymous site. And what about people whose innocence only gets proved years after he is in prison? Light was an edgy teen whos thought he was intelligent but actually didn't think through everything hard enough.
>Not this shit again.
It was discussed in-universe and the answer is clear: who fucking cares. If you're one of many people that have nothing to do with how this messiah works, you just sit back and relax, continue whatever it is you want/have to do. If this messiah has to kill you because reasons, will you just accept it? There's so much answer that is neither correct or false, but it all boils down to do _you_ think the world _deserves_ your death or not.
In Death Note, it's pretty much pic related. Nothing more, nothing less.
Not to mention he started his war with interpol himself, basically bringing about his own downfall, just to wave his dick around on national TV
Well, not started, but they would have had nothing to go on with if he hadn't hgelped them by narrowing down his location from "Japan, probably" to "the only region we broadcasted this shit for"
Light's idea is right - I'm fine with a person taking upon himself the burden of eliminating true undesirables from existence. Too bad he was an arrogant asshole that killed a great deal of good men and women just to protect himself, also too bad the DN didn't come with omniscience so who knows how many wrongly accused criminals he killed (which is why I am theoretically in favor of the death penalty but I abhor it in practicality)
>Light's idea is right - I'm fine with a person taking upon himself the burden of eliminating true undesirables from existence.
I agree
>too bad the DN didn't come with omniscience
To be fair, it's not for humans, and the original owners has the means to know more about their targets.
>I am theoretically in favor of the death penalty but I abhor it in practicality
I absolutely agree.
With that in mind, and assuming you are not a thief/murderer/rapist, wouldn't you prefer a world where you are 70% less likely to be stabbed by a nigger for your spare change?
Only if I'm negatively affected.
You literally watch him descend into villainy and continue to make these threads in an attempt to prove otherwise. I'm more worried about people like you than I am about Light
>a messiah
>To be fair, it's not for humans, and the original owners has the means to know more about their targets.
The original owners were very removed from the idea that there was any sort of morality to killing, or to kill to prevent further killing. They just picked random people whenever they felt like it.
Light's plan has been tried before numerous times, and it failed. The Death Note didn't allow him to do anything that any ruler with absolute power couldn't have done.
Except there weren't a thousand Hitlers. None of them had the influence, death count, and powers that Light had.
Use your fucking head, man. This nigger was killing hundreds of completely innocent people EVERY SINGLE DAY on a whim, and oftentimes it was based on extremely faulty logic like "well this person MIGHT screw things up for me" or "well uh I'm not aware of all the evidence for/against this guy who was accused of crime X but I'll kill him anyway". Light was only intelligent when it came to technical studies like math and science, but his idealism was shortbus tier philosophy that makes you wonder if he too was actually legitimately autistic in some way or that maybe he knew what he was doing was wrong but just got a special high from it.
leave light alone y'all he was a GUD boy he dindu NUFFIN
>death penalty
Only third world countries still have it
The west will be third world in 10 years.
Please don't remind me
>you killed 95 people, hey, let's lock you up, sure there's a slim chance you might end up not even suffering that much, but hey, let's take it
I'm pretty sure he wasn't killing people posted on the anonymous boards, just that people were posting on those anonymous boards hoping he would kill people they wanted dead.
Light was right, only moralfags hate him. Plus his two great enemies were egocentric faggots who only cared about 'muh thrill'.
Death penalty should exist, but be limited in its application. If it's a single murder there's ALWAYS some sort of justification in the murderer's head that can be fixed and be worth fixing, whether or not it actually gets fixed and they become functioning members of society.
But two guys go into a packed shopping mall or school or government office and gun down everyone they see because they're crazy? There is absolutely no way they deserve to live, even if they can be "fixed", the loss of life that they've caused far outweighs the potential good that wasting time, energy, and tax dollars on fixing them could bring to society.
>If a messiah ends war, reduces crime by 70%, and trims the populace so that hard working and intelligent people are the majority, would you kill that guy so all that good shit goes away?
Nobody likes this kind of people.
Yet ironically, only edgelord defend him. The fact that his opponents had egos doesn't make his actions any more justifiable. You're literally arguing a moot point
If he dies he doesn't suffer at all.
The additional legal costs that would presumably go towards a trial where the death penalty is a likely result (including potential appeals) and the actual costs of the process of executing that person aren't exactly cheap either
Dealing with wackos like those is just a lose-lose situation
You could say spending entire life in a room is a punishment. Even without the goal of fixing the mass killer, it would be a sort of revenge
I guess that ironically means only 'edgelord' have brain and can think for themselves.
>The fact that his opponents had egos doesn't make his actions any more justifiable.
It means they have no moral high ground when reasons to stop him are dubious.
So why do you hate him? Don't like his personality? Juvenile. Or are you scared? There's nothing to be afraid of if you aren't trash.
What is "trash"? Who is allowed to judge "trash"? Who is allowed to kill "trash"?
Surely it's not a random faggot, and that's why I would hate light
>What is "trash"?
Those bringing society down and making the world a terrible place for decent human beings to live in. Criminals, deadbeats and people who blast music loudly from their cars.
>Who is allowed to judge "trash"? Who is allowed to kill "trash"
God, which Light basically was.
Light was noble and he didn't want to hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. Most of the world loved him, while only a minority of selfish pricks wanted to stop him from making the world a better place. It's actually the ones who hate Light who are edgy contrarians.
Just because you have a weapon that allows you to mass murder people indiscriminately that doesn't mean you're God.
God is allowed to be a judge because he's supposedly infinitely wise, Light isn't.
Not if he manages to tackle corruption. Light had that going for him: he never really cared about money.
I figure society already has selective forces trimming out parts of the populace, but with no info or guidance so no guarantees on how optimal it is. Thus, it's not clear whether Light would be worse with his pop trimming, since we don't even know what we currently select for where, nor what the result is.
It's not really about suffering or desert. It's about societal optimization. Of course, properly you should improve your control so society doesn't raise criminals in the first place. Killing them after the fact or jailing them are both sloppy fixes.
Light strayed far from his original goal and killed/hurt innocent people as well. Even if removing the ""Messiah"" was objectively harmful for Humanity, removing him as a criminal made perfect sense.
Sounds like a jews wet dream to me.
>trims the populace
Fucking hell, is this really how you see people? As livestock to work for the benefit of the economy?
Sorry, if you have power over life and death, you are practically a god. Light was a shinigami and a very wise and noble one. The majority agrees and that's what matters.
>We need to stop Light because he's above the law!
Yet L acted above the law all the time, despite working for it. Some of the shit he did was criminal, just to catch a guy who was objectively making the world better.
Why would I?
It's not like it improves humanity in any way.
The only ones that stupid fuck has killed are people who were already cought and convicted, he can't prevent crimes, he can't save lives, he can't fight organised crime, especially after everyone in a world would figure out the name and face thing.
All it would eventually add is a bunch of fanatics going on blind range linch mobs and more fear and madness
He also killed people suspected of a crime.
And people still defend him.
How did he reduce violent crime by 70% without stopping crimes?
Did you speedread through the whole manga?
The crime stopped because people got scared, he can't stop crimes unless he's aware that they're about to go down or are actually happening.
I wonder what other magical shit existed in that world.
If the crimes stopped because he scared them, then he stopped crime.
You're fucking dumb.
No, you. "Crimes stopped because he scared them, but that doesn't mean he stopped crime!"
By the power of shitty writing
Crimes of passion would still happen because they happen in a moment, without thinking
Planned crimes would still happen because people who do them don't plan on getting cought ether way
Gang crimes would still happen because gang members are still dumb and crazy
Vlad is considered a great hero in Romania for his feats in kebab removal.
But he doesn't stop literally any crimes, he just lowers the crime rate by scaring people.
If someone wants to make a crime, he'll do it anyway, and the only difference is that he'll get killed afterwards, but Light can't stop anything from happening until it's reported.
>shitty writing
I can't argue with that.
You do know most crime is committed by recidivists, right?
That's how the law mostly works. A lot of crimes are easy to do. Not getting caught after is harder. It's fear of getting caught.
Light lost any moral high ground that he might have been able to claim the second that he killed the guy he thought was L because 'muh justice'.
The guy couldn't even stand within his own convictions and a bunch of people that didn't need to die did because he was a shitty egotistical brat.
>oh look its this thread again
When Light was fooled completely (probably for the first time in his life, considering his intelligence) by L, his ego got hurt real bad, and it was from then on and forward that he went from the pursuit of 'justice' to the pursuit of 'winning'/'surviving'. L was the one who triggered Light's innermost evil.
A: yes
B: literally all he did was shift crime onto himself