Kabaneri of the iron fortress

Where did it go wrong Sup Forums?

Sold great and will get another season, so nothing went wrong. Other than hispter delusions that it would fail, I guess.

I got kind of bored of it the episode after they introduced Biba.

Biba happened.

Please Explain.



zombie fusion

How can one character that isnt the main ruin a series?

It is a dumb action series, pretty enjoyable to watch with friends, would watch a second season, would not rewatch.

>Biba as a vilian.
For what porpose?

Are there nondumb action series?


Fucking trash character.


It wasn't Rolling Girls S2

Kingdom maybe?
When I said dumb I mean bat-shit crazy like JoJo.

But then that means dumb is good. I thought you meant dumb as in stupid/bad

Why do you guys hate Biba so much?

Please explain.

I stopped watching the episode he showed up and want to know why you think it's so bad.

What did Biba even want? What was his goal?

Every one was insanely stupid, I.E. acted unrealistic, creating spirals of forced drama. All they had to do was have lots of battle with yukata loli girl, but they fucked it up. They even started fucking up immediately at episode 2 by adding shit loads of stills

His character was poorly thought out and badly implemented. I still can't tell you what his motivation was other than to cause everyone to become kabane, because his dad pissed him off. Everyone following him clearly knew this as well, and did it just because?
He's a bad villain, but it's made worse by the fact that the second six episodes revolve entirely around him. The first 6 were fun train shenanigans that didn't take itself super seriously, and then the next six are a complete reversal into shitty drama and shitty villains.

>Every one was insanely stupid, I.E. acted unrealistic,
This is good. Predictable, normal characters are boring. The mentally ill characters are beauty.

Zombie fusion was interesting, fuck off.

They needed a monster that couldn't be killed by just chopping his head off.

Considering WIT is still making stuff about kabaneri, I wouldn't doubt a season 2. Maybe in the beginning of 2018, or late 2017.

Another case of "Japan makes strong starts but shit endings." Pic semi-related.

What a waste of money. Great visuals paired with a terrible story, as expected with Japan.

He's generic as fuck.

His sole saving grace is Miyano.

Biba is to Kabaneri what Five is to Zankyou no Terror

>implying Japan gives half a fuck of what the nerds over MAL think.
Re:zero has a pretty high score in MAL, and its first BD still sold fewer units than Kabaneri.


I realize that Japan's taste is vastly different from the West. That's why BD sales threads are such shitfests.

Don't shoot the messenger, I just collect data and present it.

So maybe people shouldn't be going apeshit over this series when it did what it was meant to do: sell to the Japanese. It wasn't meant to sell to the foreign hordes, so they didn't need to change Biba

Episode eight. The storyline was just simply not that engaging until at the very end.

Biba's character wasn't handled well. The writing made his actions and motivations unclear to many people who thus wrote him off as a shitty villain.

But basically, he was someone who got fucked in the head ten years ago, wanted justice/revenge against the Shogun, and implemented an immorally twisted plan to save humanity in the long term by eliminating the central leadership of weak cowards so the rest of humanity could get off their asses, fight the Kabane, become strong, and survive/win.

MAL doesn't represent anything.
Japan likes it.
Plebs like it.
Sup Forums don't mind it either.

So is he basically Shishio?

Biba did literally nothing wrong.

When he saw that Ikoma was superior to him, he accepted that Ikoma should live while he had to die.

If Sup Forums doesn't mind it, why does this thread exist?

They didn't explained how to zombie virus spread around world and how it was started?

to discuss stuff and shitpost about mumei, user-chan.

I'm still loyal to my Hime.

Jesus Christ, what happened to her face?

The OP post is clearly wanting to talk about what went wrong though--which means he minds that the series went off the rails according to western viewers.

It wasn't Snowpiercer with zombies.

She had nose removal surgery

Too many snacks.

Maybe we should all try to train ourselves to act and think more like superior Japanese, so we will enjoy what Japanese enjoy.

Well, it was Biba. It's probably safe to say that the japanese didn't like him that much either since the BD sales tanked after he was introduced.

How do we pierce the snow with our drills, Gurren Lagann?

Start killing yourself buddy.

Hurr durr Biba like -- let's kill rest of Japan durr! For what purpose? Biba must be a good guy.

Will that turn them off to a S2?

Why do they look like 90s characters?


Biba ranked 8th place in the best male character category in a Animage magazine. I'm assuming they don't despise him as much as we do here.

I like how Japan also appreciates the "rock on shoujo!" meme.

Now it's over 10k first volume while Kabaneri has 7,5k

I'm up to episode 6 right now and it's kinda boring
I want to lick mumei's armpits tho
I don't even care if you spoil me because I have no will to keep watching. I'm sad, I was excited to see it


they don't, they look like 80s characters


way to ruin her character design tho

>takumi never got his harem


B-but the Kabaneri volumes cost more so it evens out.



>mfw ikoman becomes a strogg in the end



Is that the name of a macross girl?

I just don't know what went wrong.



Kabaneri BD: ¥ 14,040
Rezero BD: ¥ 7,560

Rezero ----> around 75,600,000 yen
Kabaneri ----> around 109,470,400 yen

Most people don't rate until a series is over or close to being over

That said, I do think Kabaneri went to shit once they abandoned all hope of having it be a zombie series

it was fucking good

Kabaneri has 4 episodes, Re:zero 1 double episode

>they abandoned all hope of having it be a zombie series
The series theme was fear with zombies mixed in to show it. It's not that difficult to notice starting from episode one.

Biba was complete non sequitur. Plot point from the machine.
>show before
Development of MC-kun's fighting ability and knowledge of himself and the enemy. Armpit-chan learning to fit in with the group. Hime going from naive dumb cunt to competent leader (gradually). On the run from a constant threat. World building.
>suddenly biba
Every development thread goes out the fucking window and the show is suddenly about a sociopath bishounen (real original) trying to get back at daddy (real original). MC-kun just gets handed info on a silver platter from this point on. Oh here's this black blood. Oh here's this white blood. We figured it out for you here's the 10 second 1 sentence explanation.

It was complete bollocks. The show was actually surprising me with how not awful it was before hand. If the show held to being Battlestar Galactica: Thomas The Tank Engine Edition it would've been a lot better.

Would have been better if it was episodic or monster of the week. It didn't have enough episodes for what the staff seemingly wanted to do with the pace at which they presented things.

He is a scapegoat because he encapsulates everything good and bad about the show in one character.

Indeed. 24 episodes could've fleshed out the side characters and their backstories more, fleshed out the Kabane more, and fleshed out Biba's shit more.

the moment he turned pale green

monster of the week imo. they should just focus on short stories within the world since the big story is like whatever

12yo cunt who fucked it all up

The big story might have been better if they had a chance to show more of it. Instead, we have no idea about the origin of the Kabane thing, what's the extent of the Kabane research that's mentioned a bunch of times, whether the people who survived the Biba business are going to try and set the world on a new course, whether there are any people who exist outside of the walled city + train system etc. In fact, even with that they did show, they still left out critical details like what the hell Biba's problem was. People here had to find it out from supplementary materials.

In short, they tried to introduce an actual story arc in 5 episodes and ended up failing pretty hard.

Fuck, man.

This guy's pretty good though.

Did it though? Because it's at least better than that piece of garbage it often gets compared to.



This show had a lot of OC.

The threads were the best all Season.

Too bad I had to wait for the BDs and thus ignored them

It was still a fun ride even if the second half went to complete shit.


I wish the whole series was shots of the train operator switching off the pressure limiter.

They were the best threads until everyone suddenly started hating it.

The false-flagging also was pretty annoying. I watched everything again, and it's better than I remember.

Me too user

Spiciest memes of the season

Best girl.


it was never good. just style over substance.

>Mumei's life-size figure