Shingeki no Kyojin

Here's hoping for an Annie return soon to save this series. Also for her to avenge Bert and kill Armin.

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Shifter rankings as of this chapter:

Annie > Zeke > Reiner > Ymir >>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eren >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Armin


All of them are shit.

I mostly agree, though I would place Eren under Armin since it's not Armin's fault he got the serum.

I have the odd desire to listen to old linkin park songs the next few hours after this chapter.

Goodnight Sweet Commander Handsome.
You'll always live in our hearts.

Why would you want her to suffer? You know she's just going to get sacrificed on the altar of the great coconut head, unparalleled genius and saviour of all.

This bitch deserve death.

Is it safe to say that last thread was the best SNK has had in months?

Knowing Isayama, he'd either torture her to death, make her fall in love with Shitmin, or feed her to Mikasa.

Annie will save the series with her return. It's coming soon.
Not after killing off EMA. Only then can she die in peace.

It still blows my mind Armin has the Colossal power now.

How many times does it have to be explained that the size of your Titan depends on your serum?

If for some retarded reason Shitmin really is a CT now, then according to the Gekkan magazine interview he is really some kind of god now.

I don't know why everyone love so much BRA if they are traitors and killers. I waiting only for the moment when all this fuckers die in very horrible way.

Levi a best.


I'm glad Bort is dead, but EMA still a shit.

the coordinate and all that shit were passed on by eating the titan who had them

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If his CT still has the stupid hair it'd make up for it a little.

Well the worst one is dead already, don't let your hopes for the future stop you from enjoying and appreciating what you already have today.

I stopped listening to them long ago. I couldn't take the whiny shit anymore

If Isayama wantes to go that route, he'd have her out of the crystal a long time ago. Now that Bert's dead, it's likely we'll go to either Reiner's or Annie reaction after the basement. Then it'll finally be revealed whether Annie cares about Bert or not.

Isayama loves his coconut hair so much he made it grow back for some reason.

Still a shit, but at least he tried. I hope Isayama takes mercy on him and doesn't make him an Arminfag.

So does Armin's book about the ocean mention that drinking salt water is bad? What if they get thirsty and drink the water in the ocean and then get dehydrated, drink even more, and then die?

>Who is kenny

Quite true. I only have numb and breaking the habit in my library now. But back when I was an edgy teen, I even bought the albums and shit.

Ave Annie.

Will the guidebook coming out tell us more about Armin and this mysterious ocean?

Watch as RA avenge Bert EMAfag, you know it's coming.


I bought the first one I think even bought limp biz kit. I was such a faggot

Zeke is Eren's brother and Levi's father.


Link to the previous thread?

>limp bizkit
Sorry user but that's funny as fuck.

Together Forever

Nope, sorry. Historia is going to marry Shitmin so he can become the Titan king.


Yea telling you I was a faggot edgy kid

I'm 100% sure Armin is homo.

Wall Sina, Goodbye already has some fun Hitch facts. The room she shares with Annie has empty wine bottles, mushy romance novels (I wonder if she's picking up any ideas to use on Marlo), lots of Hitch's clothing scattered across the place along with mouldy bread and dried up fruit.

>limp bizkit
Sorry user but that's funny as fuck.

>not liking killers
Yet it's allowed in any other manga fanbase.

How is that possible? Zeke didn't know what 3DMG was and it was invented 70 years ago when Before the Fall takes place.

Eren and Shikishima were brothers in the live action, I think. I don't know if that's supposed to mean anything or not.

I think it's more likely Shitmin would try to kill her.

Gesumin mindbreaking Annie when

Well I had simple plan posters so I guess we're both faggot edgy kids.

EA becoming official when?

Very accurate.

Replace Zeke with Ymir and it's acurate.

Eren a shit.

Not after this chapter. Eren is shit now. Annie deserves better.

Titans don't change teeth. He'll keep his british ones.

Armin did nothing wrong.

what did she mean by this

That panel pretty much sums up this whole arc.

He lived.

You keep that ungrateful spoiled brat away from Annie.

>A complete trainwreck

Kek it's been a while since I heard that band. Did you have some AFI in your collection as well?

He's a victim of Isayama's favoritism.

He even killed one of his actual favorites in the joke pages.

>Why? Where did I get it wrong?

>kills Jean in a joke page
>kills Ymir off screen
now we know he was lying when he said those two were his favorites

Sorry user, haven't heard of it before.

It's not necessarily the case that everyone loves BRA, it's that they hate EMA more.

Only getting born.

Extraordinarily soon.

>3DMG was and it was invented 70 years ago when Before the Fall takes place.
Was that actually stated in the manga though? Because I don't consider any of the side material canon at all until Isayama debunks it in the series. I mean, in ACWNR Isabel asked Levi something like did he used to look at the stars where he's from, but in the manga it was revealed he was born and raised in the underground.

I think the movie only has some very vague details about the final story, and they just played with that.

Isayama is truly the master falseflagging bitch. Just like your typical Arminfag.

I'm indifferent towards them to be honest. I used to hate Bert but after he died I have no reason to continue hating him.

I dislike the trio EMA way, way more.

Ymir died offscreen for nothing.

He wasn't like this before. It hurts me as an EAfag to admit you're right now, though. ;_;

Seeing Bert get eaten was hilarious
"wahhh annie save me pleaseeee"

>that filename

>Isayama once said in an interview that he liked the idea of a weak person becoming a powerful force.


I honestly used to like EA so much it was actually my first 'ship' but I can't genuinely like it anymore after this chapter. Annie has to avenge Bert now.

I want Annie and Reiner to run away and remain safe from all the monsters forever

You're simply incorrect, friend. Letter and Shifter Village rescue arc incoming and we both know it.

Not really, Reiner and Historia are still alive.

I don't understand what makes people like Bert so much, his character wasn't fleshed out that much to deserve so much love

I think people liked the potential he had more than anything he ever actually amounted to, being the mascot of the series and all

So his death basically stole away all the appeal he ever had as a character

>deserve love
2D characters.

Well the sacrifice was retarded either way, but it's not really confirmed yet she is really dead.

She's dead as fuck. Letter will explain her backstory and that's all of Ymir. Now there's a young warrior on Zeke's side fast as fuck.

>inb4 one of them kills Armin at the end

I can't bring myself to like Eren anymore. And I say this as the biggest Erenfag on Sup Forums for four years now. Everything past chapter 50 has just degenerated his character to the point where it's almost unrecognizable. Isayama's a hack.

Hello /snk/, how are you doing?

Have you guys heard about the ocean?

I'm sorry sluty. Hab.

If only. Armin is practically KING OF THE WALLS now.

>fast as fuck.
Because of his titan form.

Slutty is that you?
Finally somebody made this.

If Jean murders Armin in the end because he waited the whole series to mutinybowl, he'll become my favourite character ever.