Why do japs still use flip phones so much? Almost all of the phones you see in anime nowadays are those shitty flimsy things, are they afraid of white devil technology or something? I just don't understand.
Why do japs still use flip phones so much...
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They probably don't care about the rat race
10-key input for kana is a lot faster than romanji and many cases.
Because flip phones are the best
Japan is like a technological Galapagos islands.
They are pretty cool in their own way.
But pretty inefficient for modern times.
Look at that phone. Its beautiful, unlike piece of shit "smart" phones that all look exactly the same. Its also much faster to type in kana using 10 key input method.
Actually some of the flip phones in japan are pretty well specced. Honestly with the battery life they get I wouldn't mind one myself.
Because they don't. Have you ever even been in Japan? Most of them have iPhones and Sony brand smartphones at this point. I've been to Japan every year in the last 5 years and only on the very first I saw a considerable amount of people running around with flip phones. This stuff changed quite a bit.
Because flipping a phone's screen to close it looks much cooler than closing a smartphone.
Karen has a smartphone because she's rich
>using the touchscreen jew so (((apple))) can collect data on you and your movements
If you actually pay attention you can see them using smartphones.
Actually a lot of the flip phones in japan run andriod.
Nips are so behind in technology it's not even funny.
Not everyone is stupid enough to buy a new phone every year for $800. Seriously, cell phones in the rest of the world are expensive. Americans and the Koreans are the ones that keep upgrading and upgrading.
Japanese normalfags are always 10 years behind. Mobile phones firstly appeared in anime in the first place when the rest of the world was already using them for 7-10 years.
Nigga modern anime all have smartphones now. The only ones that don't are adaptations where the time period matters somehow.
>implying le thinner smartphones are any better
RIP Nokia
They don't want to waste money on the latest tech when all they do is work and sleep.
It doesn't change the fact that flip phones are cool.
>Not everyone is stupid enough to buy a new phone every year for $800.
what are you talking about? the cell phone company pretty much always upgrade your phone for free depend on the plans.
Didn't say they weren't?
Because Japanese flip phones are superior to smart phones. didn't you know?
japanese flip phones ARE smart phones, they have touch and apps and everything else a normal smart phone will have. It's more of a habit of protecting the screen when closed than anything else. But many already switched to normal smarts phones now, there was a big push couple of years ago.
There are cheaper smartphones out there that does everything most people need nowadays. Nobody needs to spend $800 for texting, browsing and GPS.
>tfw use a 20 dollar andriod phone from walmart
Kill me
>free upgrade
Wait, is this for real?
>what are you talking about? the cell phone company pretty much always upgrade your phone for free depend on the plans.
>for free
kek, so this is the kind of stupid cunt who falls for cell phone company ads. Hasn't it occured to you that maybe you've been paying for that free phone upgrade monthly? And I'm sure you end up paying more than the cost of the phone in the long run.
T-mobile has a deal I think where if you go with their samsung or iphone you get upgraded each time a new version is released. The problem is the insurance and shit usually ends up costing you more than just buying a new phone.