What positive things has he done for this country? Seriously... name some PLEASE!!!

What positive things has he done for this country? Seriously... name some PLEASE!!!

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Ummmm. Ummmm. Ummmm. Ummm. He’s advanced the rights of the orange

Kids no longer growing up with a nigger as President


1. stopped destroying it, it's already a great win
2. gave people hope that America can be fixed
3. reverts pathetic Obama's legacy

Exposes the lie of the media, Fake news and narratives of the left.

triggers faggots like you 24/7

He beat Hillary. And that's why we still have a USA.

Don't have to watch the fucking Apprentice anymore

My 401 is massive thanks to Trump.
Gorsuch is a boss.
The VA health care action is big league.
Liberal tears havent stopped flowing.
Kept Clinton in the garbage. Big. Huge.
Tells fakenews to fuck off weekly.
Wants to dismantle Obama legacy.

killed federal title 9 requirements so its possible to not be a rapist in college

got ice moving again, confronting sanctuary cities, and deterring migrants by sheer intimidation

forcing cucks to exhaust their entire supply of anti-white slurs, creating more rationally self interested whites shrugging off fake commie duties to other races

stayed out of Putin's way while he removed isis

niggerball is suffering

more oil/gas

less paris climate accord

banned at least some muzzies and all refugees

stripped fed money from illegal alien

no tpp, redoing nafta

im bored now.
5year lobbying ban

literally none

Fuck Trump

All that stuff sucks though

He made you cry.

He proves the need for competency testing of future presidential nominees...not no doctors note.

In all honesty and unironically - I wouldn't really be surprised if it is revealed in the near future that Trump has some serious mental disabilities/problems.

>putin removing Isis
you should stay away from rt for a day or two


Brings his haters to the point they respect him, they don't drop a coffee pot, that's awfully hot, on him, atleast probably

We should all ball up a fist for that, it's admirable

By "competency", of course, you mean adherence to the logically and ethically unsupportable leftist dogma. This is why we need to outlaw the Democrat party, and exterminate you all.

He proved pres nominees need iq tests

His IQ is probably 50 points higher than the nigger's. Just like Kerry's was lower than Bush's. THE defining characteristic of Democrats is low IQ.

Yeah sure Daddy's money got it harder than the lawyer

look at your own country's leader krautcuck

He collectively assravaged the entire left and caused innumerable suicides. Probably the best President we'll see in our lifetime for that fact alone.
also this,

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Trump. His politics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of things you don't know about, most of the 12d chess will go over a typical voter’s head. There’s also Trump’s 80's style outlook, which is deftly woven into his personality- his personal philosophy draws heavily from self help literature and fox news, for instance. His supporters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these views, to realise that they’re not just great - they say something deep about stuff. As a consequence people who dislike Donald Trump truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the brilliance in Tump’s favorite catchphrase “I guarantee you,” which itself is a clever reference to Trump’s Art of the Deal. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated communists scratching their heads in confusion as Donald Trump’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a MAGApede tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid..

>killed and continues to kill regulations and is gradually whittling down the size of the bureaucracy
>prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming president
>working to undo most of the damage done by Barack Obama
>killed TPP
>renegotiating NAFTA, may drop out of it entirely
>illegal border crossings down 70%
>ICE free to actually do their jobs again
>stock market is up
>economy recovering finally
>makes liberals REEEEE



In all honesty and unironically - your nation is importing so many MENA's that will never assimilate, will reduce your already limited individual rights, and will outpace your birthrates until you are a foreigner in your own lands.

Absolutely. He's a breath of fresh air from Obama and really demonstrates just how incompetent Barack Hussein was. Competency Testing will be needed to ensure more Trumparian leaders emerge and fewer Obamas have the chance to shit things up.

Spoke up for cops, re-established rule of law, grew the economy, exposed corruption, exposed liars, trolled sanctimonious people. Re-established America as a power in the world. Prevented a war with Russia......


He kept Hillary, a corrupt lying POS from the the presidency. For that I am eternally grateful to Donald Trump.

Exposed the the true nature of the left to normies.

>Jews pissing away billions in a failed attempt to destroy him
>Hollywood eating themselves
>Comey fired
>Wall being built as we speak
>Liberal media discredited
>Tax cuts coming
>Subsidies for health insurance companies terminated
>Sent Bannon out to fight the neocons
>Bill supposedly left HIllary
>Anthony Weiner in prison
>Obama fled the country
,... to name a few


Sucks for faggots but good for lower class.

I can't believe people like you have the right to vote

As opposed to people who liked having a Marxist nigger as president and wanted to vote in an evidence destroying cunt who let people die in Libya, and who's in the middle of a pedophile ring.

Unironically thinking Obama is a marxist should immediately disqualify anything you could say about politics

He is influenced by Alinsky, you limpdick fuckwit. Alinsky is a marxist.

Spoken like a typical liberal with a drug addled little mind.

The nigger broke the law by forcibly signing the ACA before it was ready you probably don't know this since you're a dirty faggot hippy with no job but healthcare was fine in the US before Obama and insurance was steadily decreasing in price and creating more jobs until that faggot gouged its guts so lazy poor faggots can eat all the twinkies they want and live off of welfare longer. He probably won't go to prison just like Hillary but people know the truth thanks to the social media globalist machine they themselves built.

In every Trump general two pastebins are posted with a ton of info.
But, this is weak b8 and you don't care.

The Wall is being built. NFL is about to lose tax-exempt status. ICE going after sanctuary cities. Liberal ESPN is dying. Hollywood is being exposed. Hillary & Bill aren't talking to each other. Late night talk show ratings are tanking. Stock market still climbing. Tax reform about to be implemented. NYT and Maggie Haberman are about to shit themselves. Congress can't negotiate DACA without the Wall. Liberals in DC & Hollywood are all exposing themselves for the slimeballs they really are. Bannon is back and fighting for the MAGA movement. So much WINNING and I'm not tired of winning yet.

I'm surprised that no one mentioned decertifying the Iran deal.Trump sure showed those nuke possessing terrorists what was up.

why do you need someone else do stuff for you? are you that inept to accomplish things on your own?

Spoken like a typical trumplet with a meme addled little mind

Tell that to the poor working people who should benefit of ACA to not die of easily curable cancer. The ability of americans to vote against their own interest in incredible but easy to understand once you read posts like yours where ACA is only beneficial to "lazy poor faggots". Really the master's voice.

My mom worked a low paying job with healthcare and after the ACA she was required to get Obamacare which not only took benefits and coverage away but actually exempted her from certain benefits because she chose not to be on welfare and actually work for a living. How about you spend less time whining and buying bullshit and actually put more hours in an actual job. Obamacare is bullshit the ACA was incomplete and was rejected a bunch of times before Obama broke the fucking law to get it passed. Your health is your own fucking responsibility if you want full coverage pay for it like a grown up not some government sucking leech. Look up how many WORKING americans got screwed over by Obamacare and then look up at the trash that actually benefitted.

I am not even american.
However I am extremly thankful to Trump for the extreme butthurt he has caused to retarded lefties both inside and outside the us.
I could go on and list, as posters above have done, the steps he is taking towards restoring sanity to the social and political life of americans and towards improving the economy.
But, I am not joking, even if he will not accoplish anything more from now on this overflow of communist tears that he has already caused is enough for me to make him the best US president in my lifetime

Not an argument, faggot

Doesn't matter, snowflake. We won.

dozens of right winh judical appointments
reduced refugees to 1/3 amd majority Christian
killed Paris accord
killed Iran treaty
banned many muslims from coming to the US
killed TPP

You're looking at your tiny interest here and not the big picture. The USA have 3rd world-tier areas because people believe in the myth that is "you'll get everything you want if you work mindlessly" which is also the rhetoric pushed by heirs like Trump btw. That's the kind of rhetoric that leads people like you to believe that poor people deserved it for not working enough and "spending too much time whining and buying bullshit" and not looking at the real causes of the inequalities (social and cultural background, unironically race and gender...)
People who work real hard (like your mom for instance since that's how far you can see) get a microscopic fraction of what the ruling class gets. And they don't get the right to fail because they'll lose everything : house, health, family... while CEOs or steak entrepreneurs can file for bankruptcy and move on to the next scam.
But they'll tell you it's the migrants' fault, or those "poor leeches"...

You lost but you don't know it yet.

How did I know that a commie faggot like you was going to unironically bring up the race and gender card?

Take your "We needs mo money fo dem programs and sheeit!" and "Spread the wealth" slogans and shove them up your ass.

>Exposes the lie of the media, Fake news and narratives of the left.
yeah cause FOX is so not the same, right?

Godamn you're an idiot. My grandpa came to this country and fought in WW2 because the immigration officer told him it'll fast track his citizenship and it did then he worked menial labor like cutting grass, cleaning cars and hauling scrap metal for junk yards his entire life because he had no education to speak of he couldn't even fucking read. My mother finished high school and worked at gas stations, cash exchange offices and a thread factory so my brother and I could have go to college, my uncles and aunts worked as security guards, home depot like stores and walmarts. Now my brother is a phsycial therapist I'm a pharmacist with my own store my cousins are teachers, detectives, engineers and even a doctor. Don't fucking tell me we need welfare because we're fucking hispanic you racist cunt we have never ONCE been discriminated against and if you let something as simple as the knowledge of some racist somewhere thinking you're a subhuman or a third hand story of some racist somewhere preventing some black guy or muslim guy from getting a job stop you then I hate to break it to ya, you're a weak human being and need to be shot.

Also, where I'm from over half the police force is a minority, our mayor, senator and governor are minorities you walk into a DMV and they're full of minorities as is the post office etc; so tell me mister white man(I'm assuming from your faggotry that you're white). Where the fuck is the racism or gender inequality? Because I've never fucking seen it.

>The USA have 3rd world-tier areas
Filled with 3rd world-tier people who bring it on themselves.

>Gorsuch is a boss.

Dont forget 60 fed judges nominated with a total of 160 possible. He is using the Harry Reid rule and just getting them all done.
He will reshape the American Judiciary for the next 40 years. I can only get so erect, so I won't list more. Pic related.


Pee Pee tapes.

Trump is on track to be best ever.
All u gota do is lower gov spending and deregulate
muslim ban
end bad obama deals
gorsuch on sc
enabled coal production
kept carrier etc in usa
there are entire trump megathreads each day on this

what he has not done
destroyed the economy by regulation
dumped productive people money dwn drain of stupid green energy pipe dream projects
enacted socialist medicine
fly economy into the mountain
enrich lawyers

>e fucking hispanic you racist cunt
Thats some true american shit

Homo-erotica. You're living the dream, my friend.
Try reading books instead of burning them. You've got this all wrong.


Great family history, really enjoyed it, good to know you've NEVER been discriminated, guess it's a general rule then, you also probably live in a nice state and they're ALL as nice as yours, but once again you're only seeing your perspective and not the general picture.

Also please pinpoint the exact moment where I said that as a hispanic you'd be in need of welfare, didn't know that and don't give a fuck, don't wear it as a fucking badge of honor.

brought the dishonest media to light

no, fox is bad too retard

He made half the country go nuts and the most radical cry and cry live stream best thing that's happened in America since I've been alive and I'm oldfag



Illegal immigration is way down, deported a lot of people already, wall construction has begun, stopped TPP. He has done plenty of things. Going on Sup Forums and pretending you don't know what Trump has done doesn't change that.
Feigning ignorance doesn't make Trump look bad. He is doing ok. 5/10 as a president so far.

Trump isn't some perfect candidate, but I am glad you faggots have him instead of Hillary. You dodged a massive bullet and got the first mediocre president in decades.

he made people pokemon go to the polls.

I've lived in Phoenix, LA, Seattle, New York my brother lives in Austin I have family in Boston, Utah, Kansas and they've never seen discrimination when I visit I see minorities everywhere. Tell me exactly where you see the fucking discrimination? Just saying that it exists is like me ending the conversation because "Illuminati" and walking away. Just because my family is not like an entitled little shit who wants everything given to them doesn't diminish anything I've said. You're assuming that our country needs free shit even though we have veterans, elderly, children, special needs, government workers etc; already on the government dime. Just because you can't hold a job because of neck tattoos or your drug habit is preventing you from buying health insurance. My mom put two boys through college making 8.50 an hour pumping gas AND had us in her insurance plan.

It's not about your mom or 10 people. It's about 0 million.
It's not about 50K coal miners. It's about everybody else and the future of breathable air.

50 million - that is.

Honestly I'm okay with just this reason.

Kept the worse of the two Clintons from leading this country....

Are u that retarded?

Sage the retard.


The larger the insurance pool, the lower the premiums. Ideally, I'd prefer to destroy the insurance industry all together. Extortionists. Blight on humanity....but until then, we have to play them smart.

kicked a nigger out of the white house? that's enough for me

>My 401 is massive thanks to Trump

Stocks were rising at historical rates during the Obama administration. Trump has had no effect on it, except inheriting what the previous administration gave him.

He's too busy fucking up everything else.

Nice one Gandhi. Try some compassion, and call the kettle...?

Holy shit, go back to the hole you crawled out of, fucking maggot

he gives pretty good speech.

The Supreme Court, the single most important thing that has happened culturally. If Garland won the nom every kid here would be LBTGFDTUJFS

Thank you my obese friend. Try some salad

I must say that this is one fresh hot meme.

capitalism is opposite of fascism

I hate dems

Might not fix the uses with America personally, but has single handedly created a platform to actually talk about them. Try as they might, we don't look so crazy anymore now that Obama or Hillary aren't there to try and silence us with their patronizing. Now, their supporters are the only things standing in the way.

Trump isn't perfect, but he's a step in the right direction. Still, I think he still has some tricks up his sleeve.

/all poll threads

Good for you, a true american hero.
I guess that if you NEVER saw discrimination it must not exist. Not like profiling hispanic-looking people by the border patrol, which I witnessed.
But you would know since you're hispanic hence knowing the plight of every people of colour, like growing up as the children and grand-children of literal slaves and not hollywood-like immigrant success story only-seen-in-america™ that would make a great leftist movie by the way.
If your family made it then anybody can do it, sure.

Honestly I hate Trump he has no tact but he was the only man capable of beating Hillary and rousing the usually jaded right against a common enemy. Personally I woulda preferred Rubio or even Jeb but right now he's a necessary evil so I'm content.

you are retarded beyond beleif
rubio is a dirty spik con man who sold gov favors same as hitlery
jeb si a meathaead who should be a history teacher a a local high school safey outa way where do no damage not running a state

I appreciate that he stopped this lying unhealthy wheezbag from taking office

killed the TPP like on his first or second day

Fox is the only conservative propaganda on TV. Everything else is liberal propaganda. You're comparing one channel that's constantly attacked by all the other channels to all the other channels that try to delegitimize it. It's like a 100:1 liberal to conservative propaganda ratio. Even so Fox still won't touch anything far right the way CNN embraces the retardedly far left.

He's sucking jewish dick very good.

dont worry, the hole in mass media is covered in the other sides by Sup Forums, Briebart, infowars and Russia

Kek you're truly delusional. I'm not the only one dipshit if you're race is making up most of the illegal immigrants coming into a country it's not "profiling", if your race is committing 80% of the crime even though it's only 20ish% of the population then it's not profiling. Stop trying to have the moral high ground because you have feelings its stupid and it's what's leading Europe in becoming a post apocalyptic society. My story is one of fucking many there are hundreds of cops, government workers, small business owers, mayors governors kids in college getting their useful degrees not majoring in stupid ass classes that serve no purpose. You're chasing ghosts dipshit I feel nothing for illegals who milk the system and rely on stupid people to take care of them for life. My grandpa didn't fight in ww2 or lose a little brother in Korea so illegals can come and take what they worked their asses for by playing the sympathy card to naive little shits like you.