Massive Red Pill

I never heard anyone giving Red Pills on HIV and AIDS on this board.

AIDS is made up disease where big pharma is taking huge profits by selling extremely toxic drugs that in end kill you which is supposedly to be AIDS.
Even founder of HIV Luc Montagnier stated that HIV is harmless virus and doesn't cause AIDS, here is video proof:

But not only him, many other nobel price winners and prominent scientist discard theory of AIDS:
Peter Duesberg - Nobel price winner- molecular biologist
Kary Mullis - Nobel price winner - biochemist

AIDS doesn't have concrete classification for disease or way to test it.
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Other urls found in this thread:

This is whole documentary on HIV AIDS

Oh hey, I just found out aids is fake on YouTube. No need for condoms anymore, gets aids.

Hey I just believe whatever big pharma and government tell me.
Yes I will give government more money to spend on AIDS.
Hey I'll just accept whatever my doctor tells me.

I remember the 80's when AIDS had become a name and people were dying in horrible ways. A fungus could just eat them up with no immune system. I mean sure it was just fags at first, but then the IV drug users, and some heterosexual people got sick too. And NOTHING could stop it. This is in the west with even rich and healthy people getting infected.

Then we got some protease inhibitors and people quit dying of this wierd wasting disease.

Then Africa started manufacturing the Protease inhibitors on their own without paying the western drug companies' fees, provided they could not export the drugs (and destroy the market in the west that paid for their development).

Aids sucks because the very cell needed to develop immunity to it is what is attacked by your immune system. People that have taken modern drug regimes can have a measured zero viral load in their blood, then go off the drugs and the virus comes right back.

So your video is horseshit.

But maybe all the fags dying of a new virus led to funding the development of the modern biochemical understanding of biology. The stuff that will give tailored treatments to lots of other diseases including cancers.

>is what is attacked by your immune system

** is what is attacked by the virus.

this is why youre dumb as fuck. you cant contract aids from regular intercourse, only HIV. and HIV doesnt always cause AIDS. AIDS is pretty fucked, but HIV is pretty livable. this knowledge is basically taboo in the scientific community

You see you haven't done your research

HIV is harmless virus
Here is founder talking about it, but there are many other prominent scientist saying same thing.

AIDS is symptom of disease that you supposedly get from HIV after 20 years which is ridicilous.

Basically they give you Chemo medicine to take and then after you get sick from medicine that destroy your immunity they declare you died of AIDS.

The whole story doesn't add up.
The supposedly only way they test if you have AIDS is by counting CD4 cells and test kit is patented to co founder of HIV Gallo. Which is totally suspicious
That is just tip of ice berg, there are many more inconsistency in whole AIDS story

In Vitro Fertilization services to impregnate lesbians runs $22,000 per cycle of implantation.

Big Medicine is making bank on the gay community.

That sounds a lot more reasonable than learning from YouTube

Like before these drugs people with full blown aids were dying within like 3 years max.

Quit being a nigger, and yeah I wasted 4 min of my life watching your first video.

You can measure the viral load in the blood. You can measure the drop in white blood cells.
you give a drug, designed to do one particular thing and the viral load drops and white blood cells come back and the shit you were sick with gets beaten back by your weakened immune system.

But yeah, AIDS is not HIV. You can have a shitload of HIV virus and it does nothing (except wipe out your immune system). You die of everything. weird cancers. fungal pneumonia, you just rot from every kind of microbiological thing there is.

Man look at how old your video is. And the guy isn't really even saying that HIV does not cause AIDS, he is just saying healthy people might be able to fight the initial infection off (pretty suspect - but a reasonable public health idea).

>pretty livable
Yeah until you kidnys eventualy start haveing problems form all the meds you gota take

is that pickle rick?

Well this is whole problem and my point, because if they diagnose people who have HIV and don't know any better they start taking expensive medicine, supported by tax payers which eventually kills them.

HIV is virus and there is no virus in world that can be latent over 10-20 years and be reactivated.
Whole concept of virus once they get in your body is to multiply as fast as possible.
They even invented new terminology just for this virus which is called RETROVIRUS

It is absolutely not taboo. The modern drug regimes use this fact. They give people massive doses of the drugs, and yeah they knock HIV back, but they fuck your body, and the trick is your body forgets how to fight the HIV virus.

So the modern treatments use big doses to knock it way back, then drop the doses to have your immune system constantly fighting it just a little.

And get this, not everybody can even get HIV at all. There are some mutants walking around that HIV cannot infect (a defect on their white blood cells' surface).

It's real, but it's purely a fag and IV drug user problem. Surprisingly, you're actually much more likely to get it from gay sex than from sharing needles with pozzed fags. We should go back to calling it GATE or the gay flu. Also we should quit trying to cure it and just let the fags die. Or better yet, just gas all the fags. It'd take care of the pedo problem too.

Respecting a man's hustle is respecting the man

>HIV is virus and there is no virus in world that can be latent over 10-20 years and be reactivated.

That is total fucking horseshit. Chicken pox does it. You get it once as a kid and it stays in your system until you get old and weak, and then you get shingles. It is the same infection.

Herpes does it too. You may get a cold sore as a teen, and never get another one until you get old.

Your body can be constantly fighting against a number of infections, but will give you no symptoms until the viral or bacterial load gets large enough. Indeed that is what happens every day.

All the time that chicken pox or herpes virus can be popping out of a dying nerve cell, but is 99.9% slammed back by your latent immunity. And you never know.

>GRIDS faggots are sold drugs that actually kill them
Even if that were true, why should I care?

>Whole concept of virus once they get in your body is to multiply as fast as possible.

This is bullshit too. The objective of a virus is to survive, not kill the host. HIV is not old enough that we as a species have the molecular tools to fight. The monkeys that are the source of the proto-HIV have evolved resistance. They are infected but like us and herpes, the infection mostly causes zero effects. Our species would evolve resistance too given enough time.

well than this disaproves whole AIDS theory.
Because AIDS theory is based that you immunity is compromised because of HIV virus when in reality when ever you immunity is compromised it could be from anything and not HIV.

AIDS doesn't have concrete classification, its basically telling you (hey your immunity is fucked up) which can be from anything, they just can't connect HIV virus causing problems with your immunity.
Because through life we are exposed to many viruses and we develop immunity after that is over if we survive, if we survive exposure to HIV we live on and nothing can happen except when you don't fuck up your immunity but then after all when your immunity is fucked up anything can compromise your health.

I don't see how giving extremely toxic drugs for treatment is helping "HIV" pacient. in end they will just tell you that your immunity is fucked up because of HIV and not drugs.

Where did aids come from?

somebody said it was a nigger who fucked a monkey.

So how did a monkey fucking nigger end up killing disco loving homosexuals in the USA by the score?

It never adds up.

>founder of HIV

Virus is smaller than bacteria and its smallest organism on earth, they don't and cant have any spohisticated mechanism to accomplish that .
Their only task is when they come to host is to multiply.

How do you think that virus is supposedly capable of such complicated task that you describe?

I am 100% sure none of all you AIDS denying retards would have the balls to fuck someone with AIDS without a condom. Also, all the literal faggots and idiots who started this dumb thing except for the retard scientist died of AIDS induced pneumonia or other stuff like that. Of course they never thought it was AIDS. You are probably antivaxxers and believe the flat earth is ruled by vampire jew lizards. Fucking cretins.

In Africa infection is supposedly spread 50 / 50 among men and women and in US majority of cases are among GAY and black people. which doesn't add up

Dump gipsy you are missing point, you can still contract other diseases and bacteria from unprotected sex. So this is why its not good idea to fuck who ever you find.

I bet you're a pozzed Canadian behind that fake flag, you shitty-dicked faggot

You fucking piece of shit.

You are obviously aware of the HIV virus. The only way that virus can replicate is by invading a white blood cell and replicating until the cell explodes. Or what tissue do you think the HIV virus uses to replicate in - it has to be something.

The real problem is that HIV is a shit virus. It can't copy itself very well. So it mutates faster than the dying immune system can stomp it out. A person with HIV is making antibodies to the virus, just not the variant killing his white blood cells - the very cells necessary to figure out how to make the new antibodies needed.

And people can get infected with multiple variants of the AIDS virus at the same time. You can be double or triple fucked - or more.

If you think HIV is a normal thing, then that normal virus could be wiped from a person's body by normal immune response. Yet even you acknowledge that it is not. Obviously there is something special about it.

And people were dying very badly - in new ways - before HIV or AIDS were even TLAs, and at least a decade before the Aids drugs were around.

it is just evolution selecting for the variant that maximizes its own survival. If all hosts are dead, so is the lethal variant.

Nothing sophisticated is needed.

>AIDS is made up disease
Dixie is now an honorary nigger.
You know niggers in Africa don't believe AIDS is real .... until they die of it. They even refuse treatment.

this seems like a shitty ruse to make people not care about getting aids.

Nice plan. Let's continue to push this meme so homosecksuals stop taking their HIV medications and die earlier

> AIDS virus
Are you sure what are you talking about?
You know there is difference between AIDS and HIV?

It was most common amongst Gays in USA because their degenerate life style and heavy use of drugs and Poppers

This fucked their immune system.

In Africa is completely different story 50 /50 men and women get infected because they equally have shitty life standards and not because they are all faggots

that does sound like a dumb conspiracy theory
but i have always wondered why the whole of Africa hasn't died from aids yet

You know that your KEK government and people are giving away billions and billions of tax payers dollars to treating this monkies in Africa which increasingly get sicker and sicker and require more and more of your money and resources.

This is just excuse so government can take your money and help Niggers


You can track the spread of the virus because it mutates so fast. It is like looking at mitochondrial DNA in people and seeing where they migrate. It has jumped from monkeys to humans like 3-4 times. Different strains are more prevalent in different places globally. And every infected person has a slight variant to everybody else.

Why homosexuals? Gay sex tears the anus and causes bleeding. So easy transmission. High sexual promiscuity in that community and before AIDS became known nobody used protection because no chance of pregnancy.

IIRC they almost know the exact year the infection started in the US.

t.San Franshillsco

Seriously- How can this pro degeneracy bullshit be even remotely anti-pharma?


"C-come on goyim! Get HARMLESS HIV! heh heh! You only need a lifelong supply of expensive BIG PHARMA DRUGS if you're wrong! Don't you wanna fuck everyone now?"

Your giving power to Health care "specialist" , pharma and government to decide what they are going to do with your money.

If you are not degenerate you don't have anything to fear but any way even if it was true why would I fund big pharma and save faggots with money tax payers money, where basically if you are faggot with HIV you get free apartment, you get food stamps and neet bux.

Just continues and give money to these fags

Because we invented the drugs for ourselves that Africa now uses to treat the infection.

Dixie obviously wants to cut off the drugs. I don't really care about that, but science is science, bitches.

is the whole of africa really getting treated?

You're an idiot..possibly, or more likely a shill. HIV/AIDS is real; stop trying to kill people with bad information.

I thought you want to kill degenerate faggots?

I don't really know the details, but there are some public health hippies in the CDC that work on it. I think sub-Saharan Africa is mostly where the problem is and the money goes.

Its is not just the drugs. It is giving condoms to women. Circumcision is being tried. Don't rape education. Standard public health stuff. Getting people to take the drugs regularly enough is apparently a problem.

>Condoms and prevention somehow making more money than a drug dependant population that literally dies without forking over money to pharma and the government and thinking it's woke to NOT take a government made virus seriously

Like how retarded and inbred are you to not understand the proposition of a government literally holding your life in your hand with an infection they could slip into you during a routine checkup all because some jewtube kikespiracy theorist wanted people to NOT worry about it "Cuz is only faggots you iz safe n SHEEEEIT" so you let your guard down and go "It's just a little HIV it's fine don't worry about it shhhh shhhh goyim"

Like you have fallen for the easiest fucking false flag bait on the planet. The heart of the virus load tumor (Cali) just decriminalized the spread of it in order to try and lionize people with it as "BRAVE SURVIVORS" and downplay the virus itself as "managable no worse than a cold"

So now they can freely have tainted blood in the donor supply, people who regularly work in industries where their tainted fluids can intermingle in the food/drug/goods supply now given the green light to bug gift you


These is what happens when you overdose on chinese redpills people. Always source your red pills from reliable dealers.

Otherwise you get nigger kangz tier anti-woke like this sloven retard.

I like you.

Man you are seriously next level retard.

Basically you are saying we should trust our government and pharma and that its good thing.
And if government wanted to do that why would they support HIV treatment.

Man your logic doesn't follow at all.

On one hand government and pharma wants to control you and infect you and make profit out of it on other hand you are saying they really care about you and they will give you best possible drugs to fight it and they will take your tax payers money for good causes.

You can't even follow your own logic yet alone other peoples.

So what if its video saying something? Its basically where prominent scientist are telling whole world that this shit is fake, but NO its not believable because its on YOUTUBE, for you it would be only believable if government delivered you a notice to door.

Who cares if its video on youtube, you never debate one point in whole video or arguments I said. The whole shit doesn't make sense and you can't explain why.

Varicella zoster. the virus that causes chicken pox in children lies dormant in everybody who has been exposed, has a chance coming back in adulthood as shingles

redneck dixie cousin fucker btfo

OP, your entire point is moot. The only thing of importance is that HIV/AIDS kills off faggots, niggers, and junkies.

We should encourage above groups to have as much un-protected sex as possible.

It's seriously the most MK Ultra wet dream useful idiot with a mental illness shit ever.

For example even-

This slackjawed degenerate is the defacto tool of misinfo because they are too fucking stupid to think their own regurgitated geocities/10 view jewtube shit through.

Notice how nothing has been added to the source material or directly addressed. I literally said hat aids was made by the government and that it's pushed by a tool by them and the drug industry itself as a tool of control and profit and this toothless goon hollers


When the entire body of my post was "Don't fucking trust them, keep demonizing HIV and being aware of it as a weapon"

Because this fucking brainlet can't crunch down the concept of disagreement that is still on the same wheelhouse.

And surprise! no further research has been posted- Much like the classic shitlib who keeps linking the same shit over and over because they can't fathom the idea of having to be challenged or prove their shit because they can't grasp the notion of an original theory or connection that wasn't pointed out first- Creation and research are alien concepts that only aliens and ancient KANGZ can do.

With nothing rattling around their skull they think it's woke to grab up anything that looks edgy and conspiratorial from the low hanging fruit.

This is the same retard bellowing about the gubamint in buzz word terms without actually knowing the how and why - They are mentally ill normies that predate Sup Forums that run out of their (ironically) government subsidized housing fresh after cashing their loony toon brain check clutching the national enquirer yelling about lizards to look like the misinformed stereotype toothless fuckface that (((Merchants))) practically cum their pants over.

He is the prime end game ideal that they wanted for all of us if we didn't accept the conditioning- Completely Lobotomized and false flag drip fed.

Africa is different because everyone that dies from tuberculosis is claimed to have died from aids induced tuberculosis.

The data is bullshit

Aids in the west affects
>drug users
>faggots aka drug users


It was first diagnosed as a beheavioral disease

I remember as a kid being paranoid of contracting AIDS from random people, because of all the propaganda in TV and movies.

After becoming redpilled, I later found out that if you haven't had unprotected gay buttsex with 500 guys and if you are not a skid row dwelling crack head sharing needless, there is a 0.000000001% chance of you actually getting AIDS. About as likely as getting hit by a meteoroid.

Yeah I'm going to trust someone who doesn't know the difference between price and prize. Better start raw dogging random Stacies, lads.

>AIDS is made up disease
>Accumulated immunodeficiency disorder.
It's not anyone's fault that the school only teaches you t mechanically memories stuff.
Basically it could be anything that shows you have an immunodeficiency.

It's formally liked to HIV witch looks increased in severe immunodeficiency anyway AS ANY OTHER MICROORGANISM.
Traditionally the disease caused by a microorganism has a name related to that organism, this being an exception.

It's a little bit of fudging of the medical service as a target to treat severe immunodeficiency diseases which get labeled AIDS, get treated with HIV medicine which is useless( if the target is precisely HIV virus for such medicine). LOOKS LIKE A DENIAL OF SERVICE TO ME.

Prone to AIDS are homosexuals because of the ejaculate in the rectum which can create a highly infectious precedent and blacks that have a natural weakness in the temperate climate or in the insalubrious slums of Africa.

If you look at the terms in AIDS you realize it's a joke but you faggots don't even have the tools to self teach.

Tony Brown did one of first recorded debunking:

Here's a real redpill. There are folks out there that want HIV to spread more and more. Notice the new law in Cali? Notice their pushing "hiv is harmless." They want it to be spread further (outside gays and niggers) so that you will have to pay them regularly not to die. Big pharma and (((they))) are trying to psyop you with this kinda thread

The main import of aids are actually prostitutes from africa

This guy really gets it. Big pharma is relatively benevolent and all you conspiracy-theorist fuckwits spreading shit like this are just hurting innocent people.

We're rapidly reaching a critical threshold in understanding disease states. AIDS will disappear. Cancer and diabetes will disappear. There won't be any new spectre of disease hanging over people then and no new ones will arise because we'll be able to deal with them. Big pharma will then disappear and the people working there will blend back into society after a job well done.

Don't forget to get your flu shots everyone.

Big pharma benevolent. Try harder petroshills

You didn't even read my post.

None of its true. They don't make money on making that disappear.


It's satire.

The CDC began as a World War II program to combat malaria in the southern United States. But, like any government agency, its demand for power and control could only increase. Its duties were increased to handling STDs, tuberculosis, and immunizations. In 1976, a supposed "swine flu epidemic" actually caused the CDC to kill more people than swine flu—with immunizations.

Obviously, this embarrassing episode—combined with three uneventful decades of existence—meant that the CDC's quest for control over the health of Americans was in serious jeopardy. But then, in 1981, the "perfect" threat came along: HIV/AIDS. The disease (1) had pandemic potential and (2) was currently restricted to homosexuals.

But the disease spread, especially in Africa. Because Africans are too poor and primitive to know better, right? If only homosexuals could get the disease, then Americans would not be sufficiently afraid of it. The CDC needed to "prove" that anyone could get it.

There are two reasons that people die from the AIDS scam. The first reason is anti-retroviral drugs. After a questionable "positive" test for HIV (which is a real but harmless virus), Big Pharma sells expensive, toxic drugs to the victim. These drugs slowly poison the victim. The second reason, especially in Africa, is that the death is caused by other conditions or diseases. If an African dies of malnutrition, tuberculosis, or malaria—but had previously tested positive in the shady HIV test—then they are counted as having died of AIDS. The American homosexual deaths from "AIDS" were really caused by their lifestyle of drug usage.

AIDS was invented in order to (1) give the state control over Americans' health and sex lives and (2) to make gigantic profits for Big Pharma, which the state can then tax.

Aids was a joint project between South Africa and Israel.When it got out of control in the wild,they left South Africa to the niggers so noone would ask unconvenient questions.
There is a reason niggers are more affected by it than any other race.

Lets go back to sleep. Who else feeling sleepy?

Gee what happened in 1993?

You’re fucking retarded.

If you rub your genitalia raw and expose it to fecal're immune system will crash.

We're done here.

>AIDS/HIV still incurable
>more people with HIV/AIDs survive to pass it on

>Big pharma is relatively benevolent

The point is that the virus isn’t benign. It kills people but retards like Mullis say shit with no fucking science to back it up.