So I've been reading through Berserk, but one thing has been bothering the absolute hell out of me. What the fuck happened with the conviction arc? beforehand, the manga struck a perfect balance between gritty reality and fantasy. Everything during, however, felt like some absurd caricature of itself. It just feels wrong. Does it get any better, or does it all go downhill from here?
The world is descending into madness. Everything is supposed to go full blown fantasy.
Conviction is a high point but the arcs after are fine, excluding the boat. Regardless of what people may say because they're chapped they had to wait 8 years for a boat.
Ah, this shit again. And with a facebook picture this time, neat.
The whole thing with the worlds "reason" being killed by skelly
The apocalypse is coming dumbass. You see how bad Mozgus really is.
>newfag who just started reading Berserk
>Facebook filename
Nice thread.
Conviction is the last good arc in the Berserk series. Be thankful for what you've got and move to another manga after it.
Godhand's plan was altered so that Guts and Casca could cause a ton of evil spirits to spring forth. There was a sacrificial brand being carved into the mountains. The ones who gave Guts a clue as to Casca's location was none other than the five fuckheads. All this was to facilitate Griffith's resurrection with a physical body. Originally, they were planning something different, but the behelit apostle was told to delay the whole thing.
miura created a transition from gritty realism into fantasy and also applied it within the visual aestethic.
>newfag who just started reading Berserk
>Facebook filename
This is what we call an Edgy McEdgelord. They only want shonesque Akame Ga Kill brutalities. They are pretty common on Sup Forums OP.
Nice thread.
Since Miura is becoming a chinese comic maker, can someone replace the behelit/behelit apostle's eyes and mouth with moe?
so, are you gonna contribute anything, or are you just gonna jerk yourself off over how much of an oldfag you are.
>contributing to a newfag's cancerous thread
I sure hope he doesn't. Either lurk more or fuck off.
> Since Miura is becoming a chinese comic maker
>kikebook filename
Kill yourself back to Facebook.
it only took one facebook photo from google images to put you autists into full blown sperg mode. Shocking.
nah. drop it like it's hot.
That's what retards always say but I am pretty sure that google doesn't even find FB images. Not to mention that it has a FB filename, you must have taken it from that shithole directly. Learn how to capitalise and go back to Facebook, its community is fucking cancer and people don't want it to spread.