ITT: dogshit art god tier story
ITT: dogshit art god tier story
>hunter x hunter
>one punch man
>mob psycho
>Yu yu Hakusho
>a large amount of 90s manga
Yep this seems to be a trend
>god tier story
Read things that aren't battle shounen.
>7 Seeds art
I mean is far great, but is not bad either.
Also Hana best girl
7 Seeds or Basara?
the only battle shounen he posted are from Togashi, who is a god tier writer. kill yourself
Most of Fukumoto mangas.
Why hasn't there been a new chapter in a while? Group dead or something?
> Togashi, who is a god tier writer
Sure, and he's the best panelist of all time, too, and HxH has the best themes in all manga. Go back to your HxH threads and stay there.
Yeah, the group that did it for the last like five years hasn't updated any of their projects in over four months.
>god tier writer
Like he said, read more things that aren't battle shounen.
Togashi is such a fucking hack that even One Punch explicitly makes fun of Hunter x Hunter a few times. He's better than a lot of shonen battle manga authors, but HXH in particular is just fucking terribly written.
get that head out of your ass
Yu Yu Hakusho does not have a "God Tier" plot, world, or story
And neither does Mob Psycho
They are still good but come on now
But HxH doesn't lose much to any other manga of any genre. This is just common sense.
>Objecting to YuYu and Mob, but not HxH and One Punch Man.
This has gotta be bait. You couldn't have accidentally picked the lesser manga to exclude both times by accident.
What Mob Psycho has to do with Togashi?
Murata and ONE are HxH fans you retard.
Can't have a single manga thread without battle shounenshit only retards shitting it up. No,hxh is not well written or drawn.
>Starts with a fucking exam/tournament arc.
>Stays there for over a year.
>"Best Manga Ever"
Fuck you.
>You can't make fun of the things you love.
And I guess the first villain of OPM being fucking Piccolo means they hate Toriyama, right? Because it's impossible to take the piss while enjoying a thing.
I forgot to mention One Punch man
Hunter x hunter is my only exception because it has never let me down (except Greed Island) and always keeps me wanting more
...It's literally the worst of the four in terms of writing, what the actual fuck?
I know its a beloved classic for all ages and the most popular manga of all time, but I cannot read One Piece due to the awful awful art. They all look really stupid!
I was able to get over 7 Seeds art and it is very good. Maybe my favorite ugly manga.
i wish that were true
OPM is more of a dank SoL capeshit meme. It doesnt really take itself seriously
>it's a winter team chapter episode
Why can't I hold all these feelings?
>one punch man has bad art
That's unfair, the manga isn't that rough now.
Why is Aramaki's life so suffering? I'm afraid he's going to end up dead, too.
Probably not anymore. I haven't read in about a year, but he seemed to have gained enough popularity and charisma to get a plot armor strong enough not to die.
Literally rapebait.
Hana is trying to sacrifice herself to save everyone and the cryosleeping babies. Aramaki, Ango or Arashi, one of three is gonna die saving her.
I felt sad about her and other baseball player's death, but the one that really got me was the dog pretending to be the dead baseball player all along, and then the dog dies. ;_;
HxH loses to at least half of the manga I've read. It's literally just a normal fucking battle shounen except it does the cliches slightly differently, which apparently makes it a masterpiece to retards.
I love 7 seeds, really sad we're not getting translations at the moment.
I like the shoujo style, fuck you
Anime never ;_;
I never liked Hana that much. I read pretty much only for Aramaki. Hana's fucking ikemen boyfriend should die as soon as possible.
New scans when?
Otakumole has raws+translations, you need an account though.
>godtier writer
HxH is my shit and all but the writing is basic as fuck and only considered good because the rest of the genre is trash.
How do you make an account there?
Either by invitation links or registration in site. Sadly both have been disabled for months. You'll have to wait until the admin allows it again.
If you had a raffmanga account before you can use it as well.
>I read pretty much only for Aramaki
How does that even work? There are several dozen characters and you don't see Aramaki for whole volumes at a time.
The latest arc in 7 seeds was pretty lame.
Is it ending soon? Everyone's finally together now.
It's not like I hate other characters. The story is nice and they are entangled, so I need to read it all either way.
I bet you think Berserk is a good manga.
>Natsume Ono
>bad art
It's called minimalism nigga
the art is not shit but it's really inconsistent
Another user wtf is wrong with liking Berserk anyway?