
Where were you when Freyja got put in a corner and BTFO by Mirage?


frshshhsh lewd delet.

I see Freya being a weapon of mass destruction a good sign for her her relationship with Hayate, I mean he's got it in his genes to fuck with such dangerous objects.

Honorary Belkan girl. A living weapon, truly a Belkan dream. LONG LIVE BELKA

>only 7 eps left and we still don't know about Lady M
The merchant was talking about her.
Mikumo might be the final boss of this series.
Mirage is slowly becoming relevant.

Why do you post like a shitty cancer from Sup Forums?

>shitty cancer from Sup Forums
>implying Sup Forums is better

Don't even bother trying to fit in. Just kill yourself.

I told you retards. The first one to get close to hayate loses. Mirage will have a come back win, it's always the case.


In order to have a comeback you had to have been relevant at some point.


Is this a good way to describe Macross 7 to someone who don't know about it?

Despite how cute this pairing is, it makes absolutely no goddamn sense. Half of their time together was spent with them completely shitting on each other for not doing such and such right and talking shit to each other. The other half is about her mulling teen romance for the first time in her life while hes just trying to get a woman's input shopping or planning an event for Freyja.

"Power of rock saves the day"

tf2 micspammers

Autistic musician defeats unkillable aliens

Macross 7 is basically you being locked in a room listening to Dragonforce until you learn to like it.

Hayate still respects the shit out of Mirage, however Mirage is head over heels for him at this point.
I love Mirage spilling her spaghetti, I think is fucking cute, but I feel broken seen her sad when it comes to Hayate.
Mirage x Keith when?

> Mirage x Keith when?
If only works with spanish guitars.

This episodes doesn't seems to answer a lot of questions. We still don't know why Mikumo is called "The Macross."

Shes a next generation battleship. I thought that was obvious.

She is an android according to the merchant.

Oh so a battleship can be a giant punching robot but it can't be an android?

I want to man her bridge

What is the title of the next ep?

Hayate Dies

Maybe this is the equivalent to when Ranka sang Seikan Hikou, saved Alto, and BTFO Sheryl.

Episode 16 is Freyja's Seikan Hikou

wtf I hate Mirage now

sleeping i forgot it was sunday

In magma?


If Mirage wins, what the hell was the point of all those manga implying otherwise? That's some fucked up shit, Kawamori!


The one you posted is from the anthology though.

Do you remember love, Sup Forumsnons?

freyjafags BTFO


It did not even take an entire episode, just a few minutes

Now Freyjafags will say that its just the writers throwing a bone

anthology does not mean non-canon, or does it?

One of the songwriters when she was told about the story said she wanted to make a bright song for a tragic girl.
The development in the latest episode is a sign of the good things ending for little hoina and I think Kawamori is trying to make her into the Little Mermaid.
Mirage will emerge victorious because hoina can't sing anymore, and hoina will turn into fold foam because she won't betray her friends and go back to Winderemere.

I can't remember something i never had


> hoina will turn into fold foam

Holyshit so cute. Always feel great to be Freyjafag. She always cheer my heart up.

Ultra cute! More Freyja, please
And some Kaname! And Mirage

>In the TV series the resolution was brought about by Minmay’s song but in the movie, due to the 2 hour restriction, I had to simplify it down. Although the song did bring about an alliance, the last boss had to be beaten by weapons in the end. That ending I regret.”

>That regret resulted in a new Macross series ten years later known as Macross 7, where the protagonist was Nekki Basara, who is constantly singing and never uses weapons. So in terms of the positive side of a song can bring, this is something that Nekki Basara did. As for the negative side, I thought about things like mind control and that’s how the AI Sharon Apple for Macross Plus came about.

Kawamori on songs and shit

>miragefags get pissed their girl doesn't get focus in a series where she has no reason to be focused on and calls it bad writing
>freyjafags just enjoying all the vanilla throughout the anime
>story is just fine, with lots of cool moments and great music
>mirage finally gets her moment with hayate that was already a given
>mfw I'm just enjoying all the great Freyja moments we're getting throughout
I know it's not all Miragefags, but really nigga.



Let them have their moment, we all know who'll get her husbando in the end.


>Freyja Wion
You can't win against someone who has it in their name. Heck, she even has "won" in her name, too, so we can make fun of Miragefags after the fact.

dude spoil that shit too lewd for this board

She was the original Miss Macross


Mirage masturbates over Hayate's comatose body

Do people truly think of Mirage as the mature one when she's supposed to be a professional soldier with lives at stake but she's freaking out at having to touch Hayate, spazzing out at holding his hand, sighing and throwing bitch face at everyone because he's not dating her?

Seikan hikou is a great Ranka strike back after she got BTFO by Sheryl for 7 episode isn't it? God bless you is not the same.

Freyja is an EVIL She kills people with her songs

>older thread and new one about shippwars.
>nothing about plot.

So what's up with Roid?

I don't regret that ending. To this day, it remains one of my favorite climaxes in a mecha series/movie.

We're waiting for subs.
Also Roid totally planning Gramia's death almost confirmed.

Still waiting for sub, gg gonna delay again.

No, Kawamori likes to make the 'weaker ones' win according to him.

Ranka killed more people in the final battle for Macross Frontier than Freyja ever will - especially since Windemere is only willing to field 6 pilots at any given time.


I hope some artist gets the same idea from this episode and draws a box full of kumos

Roid is Aizen. Everything went according to his keikaku

It's more or less confirmed Gramia's death is on his hands. CONSPIRACY AND SHIT. Doctor guy wants to warn Keith.

>yfw if he somehow poisoned Gramia's mind to start this war when he was barely alive in bed

I'm so jelly got told in the face that the thing Freyja and Mikumo love is a weapon.
Can I disagree this? I don't want to accept that Sheryl is weaker than Ranka or Sara is weaker than Mao.

>Looking back now, why do you think Alto chose Sheryl in the end?
>Well, his feelings towards Ranka had become something akin to that of an older brother’s. Furthermore, if you think about it, Sheryl is actually the weaker one. Although she appears strong, it’s like she’s just putting up a front.
>So although Alto had originally thought that she was strong, when he came to know her weaknesses, I think he just felt something tug at his heart. You could say that he was fascinated by that gap between what he originally thought and the reality* (laughs).

After episode 20, Ranka broke off with Alto and went to do her own thing while Sheryl cling to him because she needed him. Yes, Ranka got captured by Grace but those are plot developments rather something on her personality trying to be needy. I don't mean this in a bad way, because I prefer Sheryl over Ranka.

He allowed a dying old man to take to the battlefield on the command bridge. Of course its on his hands. But it doesn't seem like there are any better candidates to run the head of state. And strictly speaking objectively, the boy king is already expending his lifespan so the best opportunity to establish Windemere hegemony throughout the galaxy is to use him up in this short time frame while finding a way to mass mind control everyone in the galaxy.

You can't really argue it as evil either since there is no real alternative to UN rule. There is no competing power in the galaxy who can keep the UN Spacy in check from curbstomping noncompliant planets. This is the natural consequence to oppressive rule.

The only thing you can really argue as being wholly immoral was Windemere resorting to galactic warfare as a first course of action instead of a last course of action. No one will dare call Windemere friend at this point.

What if it turns out she was the reason the deater was dropped?

I can't understand what's thinking Roid. Can he really think he can conquer the whole universe with a few knights and with Heinz almost dead? He isn't even telling anything to Keith at least.

At this rate Keith is going to defect.

Everyone got shafted in some way. The love triangle was so conflicted that by the end of Frontier, my first preference was Ranka x Sheryl because they fit into each other so well. It was Sheryl who slapped sense into Ranka, after all.

Keith just wanted to kick some NUNS' ass and his nigga went full conqueror and killed his dad.

>At this rate Keith is going to defect.
Yes, please. He is too handsome to be a bad guy

That's why we got movie.

Theoretically speaking if this protoculture weapon can mind control all protoculture races throughout the galaxy in real time or near real time, he could literally have non-hair-cancer beings be sung to death. Wiping out the entire galaxy and replacing it with Windemereans would totally be in his playbook.

Would they really welcome the guy who slew Messer?

Depends on your definition of mature. Mirage is more analytical and overthinks things which makes her bad with emotions while Freyja is better at dealing with her feelings but isn't very rational.

If Alto can make up with his rival then this is totally possible.

>she needed him

And they said in a later episode, Hayate needs Freyja. But Mirage is appearing weaker and more vulnerable. So is Freyja though. Dammit I don't know what to think.

>This episodes doesn't seems to answer a lot of questions. We still don't know why Mikumo is called "The Macross."
Of course. We only got Berger's theories this episode. We won't get actual answers until we get the facts.

If Keith hadn't reacted with anything but awe and respect to Messer, I'll say no, but he did. He misses Messer more than any of them. Hayate might be angry first, as would Kaname, but Keith isn't a bad person. They are just in a war. People die in it and have reasons to fight. Hayate understood Qassim when he said he couldn't forgive him when they fly. He knows all have reasons to fight now.


Freyja can pull herself together. Mirage just broke down she can't deal without Hayate.

>Do people truly think of Mirage as the mature one when she's supposed to be a professional soldier with lives at stake but she's freaking out at having to touch Hayate, spazzing out at holding his hand, sighing and throwing bitch face at everyone because he's not dating her?
Mirage, being a Meltran, could very likely have a lower mental age than the average human purely due to her longer natural life span. It would not have been an issue back when all Meltran are cloned fully-formed and with implanted intelligence, but now that Meltrans are reproducing the issue of mental age could matter. Frejya is way more mature than her physical age, so why couldn't the reverse be true for Mirage?

We don't know (yet) if he killed Gramia or not. Maybe the only thing he did wrong was take the command of Windermere (under Heinz as a king) when Gramia revoked him before.

What if he wanted Keith to take command and not Roid?

For the people saying that Mirage and Hayate always have the serious talk while Freyja doesn't, that is because the serious topics are more suitable towards Mirage. Let's talk about some of the topics.

>Hayate's first kill

Mirage is a pilot just like Hayate so, she obviously can relate to him very well and help him out when she herself had her first kill. Freyja is just an idol so, the serious talk wouldn't be fitting for her.

>Messer's death

He's a pilot in a squad that is the same as Mirage and Hayate. Of course Mirage would be more suitable to talk to.

>Hayate's dad caused nuke

Yeah, no. He's not going to be talking right away to the one he feels very guilty about knowing his dad nuked her planet.

>Current situation

I don't really need to explain this do I? Freyja has a good reason not to be all comfortable talking to Hayate. It's still pretty clear that Hayate still doesn't see anything in Mirage besides being a great friend when he's always openly touching her without feeling anything such as the hug previously and the holding hand.

After this episode it's look like Freyja can't dealing with this problem because Muslim faggot throw a "Song that you love is a weapon and you're harming your boy." theory in her face. I hope someone will encourage her, maybe Mikumo.

We're not even sure Mikumo is still going to be the same person when she wakes up.

More likely Hayate or Kaname will reassure her. Or Makina and Reina will do it... sexually.

Wow, he still doesn't feel anything towards her at all! No blushes or hesitation to show feelings. Nice BTFO!

Mirage's breakdown was a long time coming. She already had problems when people kept expecting great things of her due to her bloodline. No one ever acts like they respect her for her piloting skills, and she never seems like a threat on the battlefield.

That's some kind of damage control. We can't deny that it's a very intimate scene even he's not blusing.

Why y'all fighting over HayaFre vs HayaMira. HayaFre definitely has more development at this point but there's still more episodes to come. Personally I can only see HayaFre becoming stronger after this but I'm not going "HayaFre is end game".

In the end, it could be anyone's game or we may even get sky end since Delta puts a huge focus on chasing your dreams.

Freyja realizes she wants to sing forever
Hayate realizing he just wants to fly
Mirage realizing she's best standing on her own two feet

Plot twist: Freyja goes for Mikumo. ShinpiHoina Endgame

>not OT3 Shinpi/Heinz/Hoina