Homura is suffering
Other urls found in this thread:
Who will protect her smile?
Homura protects THIS smile, but no one protects hers
I think the order of this one got fucked up bro
I wanted it to start with a mugshot of Homura suffering. But I also wanted to draw attention to the fact that Homura is shooting Madoka's gem in this scene, so I compromised.
Madoka is kinda lame here. Thread is on page 8...
Do Kyouko's transformation from the first recap movie
I'm literally just lurking
Madoka will protect Homura's smile. Hopefully.
>the first recap movie
Recap movies are on my list of shit to do. Whereabouts is it at time-wise?
She might be suffering but unlike you she actually has friends. I just thought you should know.
I'll look into it
Not after Rebellion she doesn't.
Just re-watched everything. Made some webbums. Even spotted a bit of 1s animation.
You seem like a decent tripfriend.
>not believing in the power of friendship
Now I now you've never had a true friend. I'll thank you for giving your opinion on the matter but I think that will be all as I'm fairly sure at this point you have no idea what you're talking about.
Huh, I'd rather this not in the recap movies. Part of what made the beginning of Rebellion feel so off was having stuff like the transformation sequences.
She overrode all of their memories. So yes, at the moment, Homura is friendless.
That's nothing compared to the power of friendship user. That's why Madoka almost remembered everything before it ended.
What is this scene trying to imply?
OK enough apples, this was supposed to be a best-girl thread
She's pretending her other hand is Madoka
See: Luminous
Thanks bruh
Actually now the only one missing from my collection is Homura's at 1:11 of the second movie
IDK, Kyoko seems to be being friendly here
I didn't say that she couldn't reforge her friendships. Although Madoka wants to be a bit more than just "friendly" with her.
Provide hairflips.
You have truly been blessed by goddess Madoka user. This is truly a rare occasion and I hope you treasure it. She has chosen you to fight by her side in the great holy war. Congratulations!
>Provide hairflips.
WAY ahead of you.
>1:11 of the second movie
This one ain't so bad. It's very short, and as serious as Homura.
I should have recorded more hairflips, but did not think of it till I was watching Rebellion.
Yeah this was one of my favorites since it's straightforward but still somewhat flashy. Kyouko and Mami's are so ostentatious.
Last one I've got. Need to find more fwips...
While It's true Homura was born with flawless silky smooth hair everything comes at a price. That's why she has a heart disease
Why did she keep it in twin braids? Hair like that deserves to flow free.
A price most of us would gladly pay.
I challenge to put the entirety of one movie into just one .webm
>Hair like that deserves to flow free.
>I challenge to put the entirety of one movie into just one .webm
It's been done. The webM lasts only 10 seconds, but has the entire movie in it. It's actually pretty cool.
That one got mis-named somehow. Oh well, I made 65 webMs, a few are bound to be messed up a bit...
How many frames?
No one can beat Homura unless they are wise to her tricks, and even then...
Theoretically if you had perfect memory like Index would you be able to recall every part of it just from watching that?
>How many frames?
It's just a normal 30 FPS webM. The movie itself is some 160,000 frames long. So there's something on the order of 700 individual shots going on at once. I'll try to find it, maybe someone will post it?
As in, each frame is a composition of 700 others? That's impressive.
No idea. I, personally, just cheat.
Easily done
In my opinion I think it could work as long as it wasn't going so fast that it was skipping parts of the movie. I kind of wish magic was never interdicted into this series in the first place. It ruined the show in my opinion.
>I kind of wish magic was never interdicted into this series in the first place
>As in, each frame is a composition of 700 others?
Yeah. Imagine a tiny TV moving across the screen, so that after 10 seconds, it moves one TV length. You could then take the last 10 seconds and start over, with the previous 10 seconds right next to the second 10 seconds. This creates a scrolling effect. If you just sit and watch the one TV from the beginning, the entire webM is 2 hours long.
Oh NVM. A bit longer than 10s I guess. Framerate might be a touch under 30 FPS as well.
>no series about the adventures of Gertrud, Gizela, Izabel, and Suleika before they were witches
Why even live?
The ones for the individual episodes are like 4s long each fyi
I don't feel like posting all of them though
I'm sorry for confusing you Nagisa lover.
I don't feel like posting all of them though
I still don't understand what you're trying to say, you wish this had been a SoL instead?
For some reason I wasn't thinking of a grid. I was thinking that it was an overlay of 700 frames in each webm frame.
Who made these anyways? And how? Do they have a name for this technique?
I believe it's called a zoetrope. I'm pretty sure the technique involves wizards somehow.
Kind off sort of like Hidamari Sketch with very few magical elements.
So how do you turn the characters into child soldiers, then?
This is a best moment.
That would be a completely different show. How pointless.
Love the ending to Rebellion.
You teach them how to dig a fox hole. Every soldier must know how to dig a fox hole.
What kind of janky serif subs are these
>janky serif subs
The default subs for yesy suck. I believe it was yesy. Also, serif is best font.
Who mami here?
Least controversial madoka thread ever.
Homura would wreck mami 90% of the time
Fuck off with your shitty chart, for the hundredth time
You're not my mom.
You left in the timestamp on the first frame nerd
Woops, couple of frames got missed in the trim there methinks
>these fucking captchas
After so many posts, why do the captchas become nigh impossible?
The problem with this chart is that Homura totally held her own against Mami in Rebellion with no use of her primary power. And even in situations like this here, , she still had tricks up her sleeve.
More lovely, easy-to-read serif font.
Mami wasn't even going close to all out on her and if you cannot see that I don't even know what to say to you. Mami could have had her way with Homura at any point in that battle. The fact is as soon as Mami attached her hair to Homura the battle was over.
The problem with the chart is that treating "power" as a single number is retarded. Homura relies a lot on tricks and people not knowing what she's capable of, so her effectiveness drops otherwise. It's inane to look at an outcome and say "well there, clearly X > Y"
Also, early timeline Madoka's power is essentially completely unknown, we don't even know if she has some ability aside from arrowspam.
Serifs are for homos
>all out mami
Like this? Wouldn't work on a tiny magical girl. Mami's power is good for blowing away large witches. She, and any of the other girls, only beat Homura if they get the jump on her. if she gets the jump on them, they die before even knowing they are being attacked. And in a fair fight, she's going to activate her time powers before they can do anything almost every time.
And now Homura knows about this here trick as well. She'll not be fooled again.
>powerlevel argument with the idiot namefag
Is this hell
>Getrud is a student at Mitikarah and manages the school garden
>Gizela is her best friend, and a hard ass delinquent girl
>Izabel is some stuck up kid from one of their classes that only hangs around for the grief seeds
>Suleika is a creepy chuuni kid that sits in the back of the class that think's she's a ninja
Apple-chan never showed up. I made all these kyoko webMs too :(