Well, Sup Forums..?

Are Israelis, dare I say it..

Other urls found in this thread:


Fake and gay but yes Israel is our ally. Only leftist cucks protest against them.

not for long they aren't.

Israel is the most based nation on earth, no doubt about that

Israel still supports NZ because apartheid. Whites can't vote in maori electorates

Kek, I bet these are Russian immigrants, half of them are only pretending to be Jewish

Sup Forums needs to get on the train that Israelite/nationalist jews are your friends....it's the international banking diaspora that is the real threat.

The second you drop this retarded Nazi bullshit and stop thinking in black in white is the second you see clearly and begin on an even playing field.

Even in Israel you have retarded leftwing jews who want to invite Palestinians in who literally want to massacre them.

If anything this exposes a loophole in human psychology, "liberalism" is just due to lack of environmental stressors.

Seriously, outgrow your retarded Nazi phase, WN will go nowhere with a relic from ~100 years ago.

I don't mind ashkenazi jews desu..

I would gladly ally them in a natsoc global cooperation

i want to believe.

I, really, really want to believe, i really do, that not all jews are malicious evil globalist cunts. But Sup Forums has made it hard to, and i personally carry quite a lot of disdain towards them, so i have no idea what to think to be honest

If jewish nationalists help us rid the international hyenas, i would have no problem painting the levant jewish

holly shit surreal to see this on pol. thanks guys

fuck off kike sucking bongo.
Your pics dont mean your not a shill

The turning point for me was seeing Israel defend Hungary's anti-Soros campaign. I'm starting to get that Judea isn't the monolith we think it is. If we can help the nationalist-minded jews that just want a homeland and destroy the serpentine internationalist jews that are destroying the world, we can go our seperate ways and each have our own ethnostates and live in peace.

Merchant, you are truly our greatest ally.

wow. shills jerking themselves off. what has Sup Forums become :(

Your welcome lad, i just want everyone to get the fuck out of america i really don't care what shit you get up to outside of it and i do respect israel for selling to rhodesia and SA


I once spent a few months in Israel. Almost everybody I met under the age of 35 who didn't have family connections to American politicians was right-wing, anti-globalist, pro-Trump, supported white European nationalism and thought that Brexit was a good idea.

Young people in Israel who aren't the aforementioned globalist elite or weird turbo-SJWs that get buttblasted over killing Muslims have been completely fucked over by globalism just as much as we have in Europe and the States.

I made a few really good friends out there. That isn't to say there aren't cancerous Israelis/Jews, but they treat their own just as badly as they treat the rest of us.

Israel like the US flips depending on who gains power. These swings really only matter because of the amount of influence the two hold in conventional and clandestine circles.

Jew here

I can't wait until Jewish National Socialism is unironically a thing. Literally the only thing that could stop us is China

#notalljews #notallmuslims

Yet most Zionists ARE Kikes, and, most terrorists are Snackbars.

I'm 1/4 Jewish, I still don't trust Kikes.


when they start donating and stop shitting on white people ill consider them aquaintences. Till then they are all subversive kikes

How can the kike nation survive without the shekels from other nations? It can't. It is like jewish honor - a farce.

>The synagogue of satan creates schisms in every nation and culture


nigga. I've had ashkenazi teachers and they have all been the best. Jews are literally an academic blessing and as long as they don't push for nigger immigration or "muh marxism gibsmedat society", I see nothing wrong with them.

But only ashkenazi jews.

The times change man, to protect our nations we need to ally with constructive elements.

supporting apartheid isnt neo-nazi
its simple sanity
apartheid existed long beore nazis did

there's definitely a difference between Israeli Jews and globalist Jews like Soros and so on

If anyone wants to help spread awareness about the USS Liberty you can donate to a movie being made. They've been trying to get this funded for awhile and not many people know about it.

one of them are atheistm basically satan worshipping for the lols. The other are an actual community, like trying to be a nationstate

Fuck off kike

faggot they support soros first until the backlash convinced them otherwise.

>impkyibg the ashkeNAZIm weren't the original nazis

National Socialism is for all peoples. Israel has a far-right. Perhaps you should emigrate to Israel.

we should round up all the globalist bankster jews and force them all to move to israel.

Tbh Israel is about the most based nation on earth and nationalist Israeli Jews are about the most based/right people on earth. I would love to see a white ethnostate which functioned much in the way Israel does for Jews.
I don't even think that white or European ethnic nationalists disagree with them on much, just look up Meir Kahane and Kach or Lehi. I honestly wish white people would take more after Jews and start loving and advancing their whiteness (not Jewishness) and caring about the other members of their race. The only problem is internationalist Ashkenazi Jews, and even Israel has them, mostly concentrated in Tel Aviv, and they're a cancer there like they are everywhere.
This is true/right.

Israel are literal Jewish Nazis, opinion discarded

>Israeli Jews

yeah, my point exactly, because these have been nationalized and aren't more despots jumping from nation to nation to parasite their host. Now they have found peace. We need to start considering international natsoc cooperations.

The world will be split up in two sides, the left and right. And israel is very interested in being part of the right wing side.

There is awlays a nazi
in the ashkenazi.

Let me guess, Russkis?
We had a story about that more than ten years ago when the great Exodus from the failed Soviet Union into Europe and Israel began.

Story goes usually like that: Russian Jew family emigrates to Israel, because dad wants to. Kids lose their friends and feel alienated in that foreign country where they have to learn a new language and the food is strange. They get depressed, start drinking, and then blame Israel for them bein miserable there. Then they start spraying swastikas on the walls. Voila.

These goys get it. Der Judenstaat is a model for National Socialist ideological literature.


I am a 1/2 jewish and still not belive to this shit.

Great Gassing is best Final Solution

>baaaahhh! what has my safespace become!?
Sup Forums is and always has been a place for free speech.

If we give you this and let you genocide the arabs will you leave Europe alone forever? If your answer is yes we might actually have something here..

izzys are OK, trust me goyim

>having anything to do with hating israel
"""civic nationalism"""

natsoc is just a way to run a country, has nothing to do with jews (unless jews happen to be the ones ruining the country). nazi germany wouldn't have given two shits about israelites, the entire premise behind nationalism is to have a country for your own people. nazi germany did not outright hate niggers like we do, or hate muzzies like we do.

the huge issue with the jew back then is that they were fucking up germany and a lot of europe at the time (see: communism), and did not have any official "homeland". you must have at least been here long enough to know that 6 million jews was a complete hoax, even though there were still a fairly large number of jews killed.

most of them were not killed, most of them were physically removed. the only issue is, what do you do with people who have no country to get shipped back to?

so yeah, hating israel as a nation isn't a nazi thing–it's far more recent, esp since israel wasn't a nation back then.

i'd say the roaming jude are just as bad for them as they are for us, but i would also say that israel leans far too hard on the US. they're also playing too many games with the arabs around them, they should just finish off all the palestinians or some shit.

>people are actually falling for this kikery
truly bizarre.

I was thinking something similar the other day.
There's no point hating on foreigners. There is no lesson of Rome to learn, we are Rome.

Don't let this thread distract you from the fact that jew kikeroaches need to be exterminated

*hearing the horde of godless communists*
Neo-Nazis: I though I never died fighting side by side with a jew.
Israelis: How about with a friend?
Neo-Nazis: I can live with that.

While Jews founded the philosophical ideas that underpin Cultural Marxism, most of those fled to the US.

Those who founded Israel are mainly nationalists.

Jews have a tendency to help other Jews but those who help the marxists aren't always doing so because they support marxism, they support Jews.

Fuck Commies and Fuck Muslims
No worries non marxist kike you get to stay in Israel and not be ovened
the marxists will have to go though

Whole area did have light skin in the past, until Mohammad ruined everything and the scummy Yemenites muddied the whole place.

>tfw Nazi Jews

I'll get in the oven but I want to help out first

they sold to the iranians in the 80s as well so idk why jews making shekels is so special

WTF, I love Zionism now!

This thread is Commie/Muslim poison
fucking beautiful

>conform to kike sensibilities goyyyy
Fuck that, if they stop bitching about the Shoah and get down with NatSoc - you get a deal.

Good goy

I love Isreal now.

most of these neonazis are russians who moved there because they were 1/9999 jews. its same me as americans being 1/999 indians.

As soon as the international Jew is extirpated you'll see "scholars" and "historians" magically revise the Auschwitz number down to 38,000 and the Shoah will never be heard from again


Most westerners are used to leftist jews in their own countries

Israel is based.

I've always supported Israel

just take your kike cousins back

Shaprio can stay

The evil red cross will exonerated and their figures will stand

> Shapiro can stay
You've got to go with him.
Savage is the only radio Jew that can stay

any more minimalist/abstract merchants?

no, Ben "browning of america" shapiro needs to get gassed.


lol are you the guy from the hezbollah thread

i dunno mate
am i?

nice try, shill

Savage and his 'holier than thou' routine are both fucking unbearable. And his voice and speaking style are like nails on a goddamn chalkboard.


Don't fall for the praise it's just the Jidf. Sorry bro.


yes you are

>Savage and his 'holier than thou' routine are both fucking unbearable.
how is that different from any other kike

oven yourself jidf you are the scum that killed jesus christ and you have been chosen by god to burn


>If anything this exposes a loophole in human psychology, "liberalism" is just due to lack of environmental stressors.

Liberalism is guilt culture taken to a pathological level, that your own good fortune is at someone else's expense, and that if anyone hates you, you must have done something to deserve it.

Guilt is a big part of Jewish culture - just read the Prophets. But that doesn't mean that all Jews push this garbage, as you mentioned correctly.

you shills took a little long to arrive btw
the threads well on its way and you havent gotten anywhere

i'm not paid to be here so its not surprising

This is a complete and total lie though, there's no such thing as le based jew, they're all backstabbers.

Israelis do some based things, and most of the bullshit we see is done by secular jews.

But Israel isn't your friend, nor are the Israelis. Never forget that.

Gas the arab scum! YHWH speed, anonberg.

sure you arent mate
funny how all the responses against the train of thought in the thread all come in within a few minutes of eachother

Tfw White Africans gave their nukes to Jews surrounded by Muslims to keep them out of niggers hands.

>Supporting Rhodesia and SA makes you a nazi

the difference between educated, leftist, revolutionary Jewry and the Jewry in Israel, is that the former is usually irresponsible and doesn't have to care about anything. They usually hold positions in journalism, business, academia and entertainment, they're not responsible for people, and they've never been in their history, while the latter have their state, and this has change completely their view on things. Now Jews confronted with Palestinians, have gained more understanding for how nations work, and that sadly chauvinism is something that exists in every nation, also among the Jews, and that has made them change their view on this grand narrative of victimhood, they're not in a comfortable position to talk about victimhood and to criticize society, unlike the jewish commentariat. Palestinians remind them of the Jews in Europe after all

This. Right wing needs to get behind stupid conspiracies.
Jews are not behind everything. Sure they might have some influence here and there but jews are mostly unimportant.
Macron = Not a jew
Swedish PM = Not a jew
Tony blair = Not a jew
And all of them got majority of votes by WHITE population. Its home traitors and marxists that are behind western fall. Jews are like what 15 million of world population of who many live just normal lives in Israel.
Also most Jews today are genetically European. Israel is like colony of Europeans. Israel also supported many far right(Anti-muslim) movements across Europe. And its not the jews who commit terrorist attacks and act live savages in Europe



Daily reminder only m*slims and leftists hate Israel, all ournationalists in europe and the US are pro-Israel

tmw ID starts with JQ

Good goyim

Israelis are based, they have to serve in the military, most of them came has poor refugees whose families were partisans and surived the war not bankers, they don't have mommy issues like some wood y Allen sterotype, they are whole as a nation

This is the truth, the sooner we understand that based jews isnt just a meme the better.


>Zionist groups funding rise of nationalists in the Netherlands
>Israeli lobby pushes for Geert Wilders
>Austrian Far-Right finds allies and support in Israeli parliament
>European far-right and Israel form strategic alliance
>Jewish groups back the AfD and Pegida in Germany
>European Fascist parties receive backing from Israeli right
>Israeli intelligence services conclude that a far right Europe would be safer for Israel
>US Jews pour money into financing of anti-immigration parties in Europe
>European Far-Right forges links with Israeli right
>European far right dangerously anti-Muslim and pro-Israel conclude European intelligence services
>Dutch Secret Services investigate Israeli links with Dutch Far Right
>Israel warned us against Iraq invasion, US officials say

not the opposite, Avraham

Reminder that all kikes deserve the oven