Dealing with homeless

Why do we pay for the homeless to litter our streets? While they shoot up drugs and terrorize our communities? They get free money, no questions asked.

Instead, why don't we ship them off to the country where they can work the land instead? If they don't work, then they don't eat. No drugs allowed, and only simple meals. It cleans up our streets, gets them off drugs, lets them get ahead, and ultimately it's cheaper.

Our current system is leading to moral decay and crime. It's long past time that we end it.

Ignoring this problem has lead to a hepatitis A outbreak in California. We need to fix this.

Most often the drug use occurs after a person becomes homeless, if only out of depression or boredom. Most people become homeless because of either not caring enough to function in a society or because of mental illness.
In short, cut off required assistance for all and supply a way of getting out for those who will actually try to do so.

bump because i hate homeless people in a general sense.

I'm an armed guard in San Diego tasked with patrolling the new restrooms built for the homeless. AMA

bring back factory towns and dump them there

Put them into work camps that provide food and shelter but don't treat them like jews.
In an ideal world, they'd be killed.

What percentage are black or Hispanic. 99%? 99.5%?

How many bodies do you find a month? Or at least how many do you catch alive but spaced as fuck with syringes in their veins?

We have plenty of arable land in California that's not being used. Get these people out there.

how many OD's a day?

sneaky cunt

here they are starting to move the homeless to the countryside to keep rural communities alive and provide them with homes. great idea imo

75% black, 20% white, and maybe 5% hispanic oddly enough.

In the first 3 weeks these bathrooms were erected I've prevented 3 documented ODs in the restrooms. The new policy is now maximum of 15 minutes then you're out.

None, so far.

luckily for the blacks, crack only takes a second.

Very true unfortunately, btw most of the drug problem is originating from one place in downtown.

This 24 hour public restroom on 3rd ave where the civic center is has been left unguarded and now all the drug dealers have made it their base of operations and the police ALONG with the mayors office WON'T DO SHIT ABOUT IT. I'm tempted to gas that place with chlorine

I took a greyhound from San Diego to Redding last year. Had a 6 hour stop in Sacramento in the middle of the night. I checked Google maps on my phone and it said a Denny's was nearby. Thought I'd lug my stuff over to sit and eat in a place that at least had some other people awake and lucid (the station was obviously not ideal since there were so many filthy strung out people)

As I walked outside I took one look at the streets and I couldn't believe my eyes. EVERY 20 bloody feet a bum had set up camp on the sidewalk. Just sleeping there! Canada does not have a problem that size. We have smaller population and more infrastructure to provide basic needs like shelter. Anyway, noped out of there to avoid getting blacked and mugged (this was pre redpill too). Spent the night wedged between a vending machine and a brick wall on either side of me so I wouldn't get robbed.

Now I don't know about sending homeless folk to the country to do menial labour seeing as that would never actually fly. But I do believe in a limited number of chances for these people. They are given food and (free and subsidized shelter or housing) and often times there is access to work programs, high school equivalence education and testing, and even internet. The issue is these people settle with this "opportunity" as a sustainable lifestyle instead of a ladder rung to better places.

I think we ought to allow the competent and driven folks who have actually been dealt a shitty hand. (Because you can't help it if your parents are divorced, drunks, drug addicts, abusers, homeless, shitty) that environment damages their psyche and ruins opportunities for them. We need to always provide opportunity but somehow ensure we don't get leeched. Thoughts?

This is exactly what work houses were for

What have been the results?

Dude I know your take on Christianity very well but you can't just ship an out like cattle. Gotta assume every individual has value inside the context of community. We agree not every person is equal in intellectual or physical ability, appearance or contribution. But that old scripture talking about feeding those who were hungry and clothing the naked and visiting the imprisoned can't be ignored. It's a salvation issue. If we deny the least of us we deny Christ. Now being firm in our beliefs and making sure we're not being taken advantage of is another story. The big issue (especially in protestant churches) is that they don't know how to form boundaries that ensure the integrity of their beliefs. Oh you're gay? Oh that's ok come teach Sunday school. Oh your drug addicted? Use our bathroom to shoot up. That's what Jesus would have wanted! NOOO! Jesus visited sinners but he never ever sinned with them not enabled them.

There are so many opportunities for these people out here, but a lot of them CHOOSE to live this lifestyle. They like being .

Every morning they eat a nice warm breakfast at father Joe's, then they go and get their free obama phone and head to the local library to watch porn in the library. Then in the evening they go and buy dinner along with a few cigarettes or a flask of alcohol with their government checks. Whatever they have left over they spend on crack for a good night sleep. Fuck these people

Thank you, user. I appreciate your service.

As someone who is very knowledgable about homelessness in San Diego, I've come up with one solution for the problem. Euthanize them all.

More like all of them choose to be out. If they wanted to be functional, they could have a bed, clean cloths, food, and job placement by tomorrow.

Set up a remote pipebomb and blow it when you see the degenerates enter

Your right. What angers me is the ignorant lefties that cry and scream bloody murder when the police tear down there massive dirty camps

>Lets export our problems to rural communities. I'm so smert!

We dont need them to work the land faggot! We have John Deere for that. Fix your own fucking problems.

Too risky, some might live through it. You need to go inside and make sure there are no survivors and dispatch them with 000 buck

My solution for the homeless problem:

1) Create public land which allows for people to legally squat on with tents, while they can earn enough money to rent an apartment and find a job, assuming they do not have debilitating mental illnesses and drug addictions.

2) Offer voluntary euthanasia clinics giving the homeless access to a painless and quick death via barbiturate overdose.

If a man will not work, neither shall he eat.

Huh? My problem is that they're in my community wrecking things and getting high. I want them out.

>the state has to

Stopped reading here you commie shit

I just want to say bless you, thanks for doing what you do

The state is letting them squat on public land. Enforce vagrancy laws.

As of right now people's ID colors have only been "cool-toned" ones (blue, green purple)
Homeless problem is getting worse in Orlando. We're not a real city and don't have shit to do, but since the prices of houses keep rising and drugs are cheap, there's literally a mass homeless compound at Lake Eola that is making it so kids aren't safe to go there to feed ducks anymore (one of the only things there is to do here)

>Offer voluntary euthanasia clinics giving the homeless access to a painless and quick death via barbiturate overdose.

Masquerade them as crack dealers

No, this guy is right. The homeless have violated the NAP by wrecking private property and squading on it as well. We need an Ancap solution.

"A coin is turned over before handed to a beggar, but a child is unflinchingly thrown into cosmic bruteness" -Peter Zapffe

So, basically......... you want to make Australia II I can dig it bro. Let's send our prison inmates, as well. But where?....... Mars colony when?

i just through this together. Top four is Lake Eola as it used to be, bottom two is what it's like now. '
Btw liberals did this, they illegally feed them, and were PROUD of the fact that they brought and fed 4,000 people there, which is why the problem is growing (since it's become the location they get gibs)

I just threw*
Sorry desu
