It's a Free Planets Alliance Episode

>It's a Free Planets Alliance Episode

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Really makes you drink.


Free Planets Alliance>meme monarchy nazi (((empire)))

Alliance had good humor

Not nice

For the first half of the show, the Empire was the most interesting part of the show, but the Yang Gang got way more fun to watch in the second half. Them chilling at Iserlohn was so comfy

Yang is most based men

>its a yang episode

>its an (((Adrian Rubinsky))) episode

>It's a what would Yang Wenli do if he was still alive episode

>It's a Julian doing strategy as well as Yang while fighting as well as Schönkopf and banging his hot tsundere daughter

>it's Yang dies episode

>it's mpc not saving screenshot with subs

>it's a Kircheis episode

well it did have planets

so 1 out of 3

That's a one better than Holy Roman Empire.

>It's a Schenkopp, Poplin and Attenborough talk back and forth episode

I heard a lot of the bantz' were anime original, more props to the show if that's true

Aww yeah

>Its a space Charles Bronson episode

>it's a documentary episode

I hope the new series will have some as well.

What was Lex Luthor's endgame?

Also Yang is overhyped as fuck. """""Miracle""""" the undefeated Yang my ass. At Astate, Amlitzer and many others his strategy was shieeeet i'm getting rekt let's try to gtfo of here. Also Kircheis routed him

>It's a Terraist episode

Absolute MADMEN for doing this, nice touch from them

Is this the best ending theme?

Also Bittenfeld a shit, guy was jobber to fucking everyone. Still best admiral

I like ending 1 the most. 4 is the only one where I don't really feel the music.

Why is it mad to have a documentary episode? I wish more shows would do it.

One of the best episodes of the West Wing was the mock documentary episode of CJ. The whole story within a story plot.

That it wasn't needed, but the way the made them was very nice and engaging like watching an actual history channel docu

The way I look at it is, it was a way to develop the world in an interesting way. Up until that point, you hear tons of exposition about the start of the war, empire and alliance. But none of it has any context. Its actually amazing that they were able to develop so much context in just a 30 minute documentary while real documentaries can't even explain World War II in 30 minutes.

it's a what if siegfried were still alive episode


Also how beta was Müller. He goes

>muh Admiral Kempf
>muh revenge on Yang
>muh i'm going to kill him

Then he meets him and forgets all those promises he made like a retard

>it's a "why won't that pisshead chink just let me have the galaxy" episode


>It's a my kaiser is being autistic episode.

>it's a "chessy 90's space anime makes user cry" episode
a little sick of these reruns honestly


Yang was delighted at the government's cease fire order.
He didn't want to kill Reinhard. He was a secret Lohengramm Empireboo

I live in a shithole and my second book still hasn't arrived. Is this what people felt when they had to wait for subs?
FPA is truly the land of freedom.

that episode was just pure rage, really make you think about politicians

b but liberty stands for freedom user
still best anthem
Bucock should have shot Trunicht right there instead of just slowly walking up to him and putting his hand on his shoulder.

I guess the Reich reached 100% warscore before Yang could win.

What did he mean by this?

Are you implying something?

Is Reinhard a retard because of the way he chose most of his high admirals?

Lutz- Literally just told him to block bullets with his hands
Lennenkampf- muh fair superior former CO
Kempf- Air wing captain that was getting BTFO in a battle?
Wahlen- his XO for 6 months
Bittenfeld- Cruiser captain that had sank 2 ships with one lucky shot
Müller- he gave him some shitty intel once
Eisenach- Bitch that ran away and left precious supplies in space for him to pick up by chance
Fahrenheit- Former enemy????
KIRCHEIS- had luck he turned out better than him

Literally only Mittermeier and Reunthal were the only good ones

Will we be able to handle zetsubo?

Space Bronson was great, although he was really just an obstinate old-school military guy who refused to go with the new regime. It just so happened that he was a likeable personality as well.

>FPA is truly the land of freedom.

It absolutely is. Show makes a point that people are simply way too easily manipulated through various means.

Mittermeyer married a relative while Reuenthal had mommy issues the size of the FPA military budget.

I assume they were just that good and most never got anywhere because nepotism and cronyism was rampart in Empire military.

>What was Lex Luthor's endgame?

Basically he wanted to cause more chaos so that the flow of money and corruption would spread easier.

It was like a 3rd cousin so it's literally nothing

Hauser von Steiermark seemed to have been a good admiral within the Reich navy during the corrupt Goldenbaum years.

Were Fezzan and (((terraism))) the space oy veys?

"""""oy vey""""

The more the two major powers fought, the more arms he could smuggle and the more money he could get out of taxing trade/military passing through Phezzan. This is why the empire took over the planet. Instead of spending billions of Space Franks to pass through Phezzan, just make it one of your colonies and pay nothing.

This, it wasn't well explained in the anime but basically the end game of lex was manipulation of money. The problem was they figured they could corrupt reinhard the way they did with space donald trump

They were space merchants famous for ripping you off and selling their mothers for the right price while Terraism brainwashed the masses from the shadows. Obviously they were space Nigerians.

It was pretty clear in the anime. Bladly McLuthor pretty much explained it all to his son.

Literally who?
is he from Spiral laberynth?

well yeah, there were some older members who clearly kept the entire machine running somehow. they also got out of reinhard's way instead of going to join the lippstadt league because they actually realized he was the shit.

It's important to keep in mind Yang pretty much always fought with one hand tied behind his back, though. That's really what makes his accomplishments even more impressive.

Still, all his accomplishments were basically because ha managed to get away. His only true perfect miracle victory was capturing Iserlohn. Other than that his wins were pure deus es >muh Rosenritter and the enemy routes type

Yeah only the chief of staff, the fatty mustache stayed in office all the way to the end of the civil war to be ousted by Reinhard's coup.

What? What are you saying?
This right is the best ending by FAR! Gave me goosebumps by the end, especially the designation part.
>dat glorious laugh

Can reinhard make america great again?
better version with trumpet

Why did Reinhard had such homolust for Kircheis when all he wanted to do was plough from Odin to Henissen his sister?

>muh Rosenritter
You mean the guys who can't kill a man with a knife using an axe?

Eisenach and Mecklinger were my favorite side characters from the Empire. Schenkopp was my favorite side character overall. He literally is the kind man I want to be when I'm 30.
>woman spill spaghetti over him
He'd be the kind of person I'd want to mentor me. Reminds me a sort of Imperial German Africa Corps type person. The kind a guy that would tame a cheetah.

Yeah a man that was stated to be a top tier ground fighter also. But everytime the imperial troops saw a Rosenritter logo they routed fast. Be it in the Iserlohn vs Geiersburg battle or the retaking of Iserlohn

fuck wrong pic
Sorry, wrong version. Meant to post this.

but could he grow a masculine mustache?

Yes, yes he can.

Well correct me if I am wrong but I thought Schenkopp was supposed to be a god-tier fighter who actually does still fight ground warfare unlike Reuenthal who is a captain now.Are you saying this allmighty Rosenritter leader can't even win against a man who hasn't been on the ground in a battle of axe vs dagger ? Truly a MAGNIFICENT force.
See how classy this is? Right before a battle, serves all his buddies CHAMPAGNE and smashes the glasses on the floor like a jew

Also he prays for Odin for them. Did he meant that in a religious sense or his he one of this "cultural nordicks" fedoras?

Why is Bolero so fitting for space combat


Is Yang a robot?
spills spaghetti

Well Reunthal did specifically say he acted out a farce engaging in hand to hand combat.

start at around 22:07, damn that it didn't work

Count your blessings. I live in such a shithole I can't even order it. Not like I want to though. I'll just wait until I can pirate. Judging by the excrepts I read prose seems like trash, I'm not paying for that. Might not even be arsed to pirate, desu


>it's an earth cult/phezzan episode

>it's an idolize Yang after-death episode

The hypocrisy of the Iserlohn gang was astounding.

best OP

>it's a Julian stares a computer episode

Which one of these is the least autistic?

>not Sea of the Stars

>ywn be an Alliance officer who captures and has his way with Reinhard
>ywn mindbreak him and turn him into a horny submissive slut through the power of Stockholm syndrome and your dick
How do I cope with this feel?

One on the right.

Right. They all are autistic, but the left ones also look like complete shit from a design point of view.

Don't do it user. Don't wear any of these.

The one on the right honestly looks pretty cool. I'd wear it!


>Its a Julian wonders what Yang would do in his situation episode

It sucks to be Julian. He lost his father twice.

But he got cucked by Yang. He was all over Frederica until Yang upped his game and made her his wife

>It's a Cazerne is being a dick episode.

except he got the hottest piece of female ass in the galaxy


>it's a Rubinsky episode