Why did I love this show so much Sup Forums? Marathon'd it really quickly because I couldn't get enough...

Why did I love this show so much Sup Forums? Marathon'd it really quickly because I couldn't get enough. Finally episode was just fantastic.

Because of Yume's butt.

Show was fucking garbage

Plot didn't go anywhere, 70% of the series was crying about Manato.

it was fucken BORING

Are you new?

>tank uses a fucking two handed sword
>hunter melees
>rogue pulls
>mage can't hit shit
>DPS jerks off somewhere else at all times

It was a scrub suffering SoL with cute girls and boys.

>Plot didn't go anywhere
Not only did they avenge Manato but they even avanged the previous party of the girl who replaced Manato.


Everyone shits on the pacing but it was comfy as fuck. The pacing made the show imo. People just wanted to see some shit art online pacing. Yet you fuckers claim mushishi as the opus with its snails pace.

>The mage chose to specialize in some shitty debuffs
>No AoE attacks

Honestly, Yume carried the second half of the show.


Fuck off with your garbage.

Lord almighty I was never happier than when OutOfMana-To died.

>Marathon'd it really quickly

There is why. Watching this show each week was just painful, but I guess if you marathon it then it improves.

Still triggers me they omited so much dialogues and infor from the source material. I mean I would understand if they adapted lot of material and there wasn't time but they only adapter one volume and a half and half the series was backgrounds and insert songs.

And this is not a problem of being different from the source material, is about omiting info that is ssential for the anime working properly, How the hell you replace dialogues with backgrounds and expect it to work as anime?

D&D level 1-3 party tries to survive.
It's a nice concept.

There was some jewery with the songs, they were forced to use them for some minutes per episode to promote some band.

It really needed one or two more episodes though, the Deadspottto fight was extremely rushed. Also they ran out of budget as well.

>tank uses a two handed sword
Death knights?

>rogue pulls
Sap pulling

Haru's armpits or Ranta's legs?

So much this. Was AOTS for me.