Elections on October 15th in Macedonia. Macedonian anons, who did you vote for?
Macedonia election general
Isaac Sanchez
Jaxon Hughes
i'm just a lowly burger stuck in my land, but which macedonian is /ourguy/?
Austin Bailey
Cameron Rogers
ffs it's just regional elections
Luke Evans
It's important
Are we going to be cucked by Bulgaria/Albania or will Macedonia be independent again?
It was embarrassing to have voting papers in 2 languages.
Samuel Rodriguez
i voted sdsm in gorce because ill get a better position desu
Adrian Rivera
Matthew Barnes
If you didn't vote SDSM you're a Grujocuck and should kys asap
Xavier Phillips
Any anti-immigration party in macedonia?
Adam Edwards
>ancestors came from Macedonia 100+ years ago
Don't know anything about it now but I hope it turns out good for you all.