Shingeki no Kyojin

Can't wait for an entire arc dedicated to Armin's masturbatory habits.

Previous thread:

Armin is love
Armin is life
Armin is the shifter we need but don't deserve
Armin is the light in Eren's eyes
Armin will make the walls great again
I love Armin

Only heartless monsters could abandon such a sweet, innocent boy!

Jesus, Annie makes my heart go doki-doki. Also, I want Annie to kill Armin as soon as possible.

I want to adopt baby Armin.

I used to love Armin but now I hate him.

Armin is worst shingeki.

You are not welcome in this thread.


Annie is love
Annie is life
Annie is everything to me
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out