I trusted you Sunrise. What are you doing?
I trusted you Sunrise. What are you doing?
Incoming unpopular opinions.
I like the new cast more than the original
Even my least favorite Sunshine is still better than my favorite from the original series.
I like the way they're handling the rehashing of the plot too by having them get all excited because it's the same situation rather than depressed and force drama around it.
I'm enjoying the show as a whole more than I enjoyed Season 1.
You trusted "here's the 900000th Gundam show" Sunrise to make something fresh?
Can't say I care. I didn't care care for the plot in the first LL either I only cared about the characters and Aqours > ยต's
Why make any effort when the fanbase will eat up anything?
You really thought this would have a worthwhile plot? Also closing schools is actually pretty realistic because of Japan's low birthrate.
Because it's been done before.
>Ruby better than anyone
Sunshine girls are more charming and dorky though. Beside characters sell a series,not story at least in Japan.
Better than your waifu.
Second Season already sucked, what made you think Sunshine was going to be better?
>Rubyfags thinking anything is worse than that shit
I'm laffin
You > everyone from muse, even Nico
What I like about Sunshine is that the characters are quirkier without falling into the common trap of having their quirks be their entire character.
Yoshiko is a good example as her quirk is being chuuni, but she still acts normal most of the time and only has the occasional chuuni moment rather than being obnoxiously chuuni all the time.
She's not even my favorite, but she sure as hell is better than your waifu.
>You > everyone from muse, especially Nico
Fixed that for you.
That's impossible because Ruby is absolute shit
Which means your waifu is even shittier. So congratulations, I guess.
It's no surprise that someone who like Ruby can't understand what impossible means.
>the shitposter thinks he has an opinion
>The retard thinks Ruby isn't shit
That's funny, we even have a parade example in this thread:
not him but everything has been done b4. but i do agree that they shouldnt have done the closing school thing cuz that happened to muse already. i think they should had made it about how MC loved muse and wanted to be like them(without the fact the school is closing) and with little to none drama
I don't really mind the school closing thing being repeated too much because they seem to be doing a lighter take on it. Less drama.
I agree with all of these.
yeah thats true, i havent seen the last ep that aired but i can see them going more in-depth about it as we get closer to the end as alot of shows do.