Love Live! Sunshine!!

Knowing that Uranohoshi is a Catholic School, I'm not surprised. How about you lads? Are you surprised that Dia loves Kanan and that Mari probably has feelings for Kanan as well?

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All of them do anal because they love Jesus.

What's so great about Kanan that the two girl want her pussy.

That's not how you love Jesus.

Riko is love.

She was the Honoka of their generation.

Nothing in the Bible that says anal isn't pure.

t. actual Catholic who has read the Bible.

Dog love

Gay men buttfucking is actually ok?

I seriously want KananDia to happen so that EliUmi and NozoEli fags treating MariDia and MariKanan as replacement for their pairings get BTFO.

Personally I want threesome end to happen.


That sounds good since I like Mari and want her to be spared from shippers. I already can't admit to liking Eli.

You did not read it you liar. It's very clear there that gays are abominable.

But this shall not make EliUmifags and NozoElifags shut up.

I just want annoying ship wanks to end.

>Following a Jewish law

She gives good hugs? I really don't know.

>implying anal is for gays only

But MariDia is NozoNico. MariKanan is NozoEli I agree. Closest thing to EliUmi is DiaMaru or Youshiko.

I don't like any ship wank but I can see why EliUmifags see MariDia as a replacement for EliUmi -- both ships feature a pairing of a gaijin descent and a Yamato damashii.

Popular pairings are the only thing that can help the third years already low fandom status, please don't doom Mari to be the eternal least liked idol with the smallest amount of fanart due to making her the third wheel too.

And it's still utterly retarded because the dynamic, the thing shippers usually care the most about, is completely different.

Why would they shut up just because some sunshine sluts dont colour code according to muse?

You is pretty cute and I literally can't stop saving pictures of her

What about that time God destroyed two cities because they were full of fags?

>And it's still utterly retarded
Perfectly summarises why I detest ship wanks.

Don't worry mate, KananDiaMari would be the next HarukiKazusaSetsuna.

Because shippers would see a threesome end as pandering to them and their "enemies".

Old Testament God isn't canon

We need that to happen again with New York.

Is it really the same fucking thing original LL was?

By it is how you love You.

OG testament is the only one that matters, pleb.

>catholic girl anal joke
you guys are very original

>what is sodomy?

Sunshine has a himecut Yamato damashii ojousama, so no.

I bet you're circumcised too pleb
That's all Old Testament God

Nice photoshop, fucker.

Too bad, that's what she really says there lad.

Didn't she actually say that, I'm confused


>Yahweh tasks Abraham to find 50 righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah
>Abraham literally cannot find 50, bargains lower and lower until he wants to look for 10
>Yahweh agrees
>Two Angels stay with Abraham to check on his progress
>Literally every man went to his house and asked if they could rape the angels
>Abraham offers his girls instead, men get angry and break down his lodge, wanting to rape these angels instead
>Yahweh takes this as "nope, no one good in there" and destroys the cities
And nothing of value was lost

They asked if they could rape the angels?

>Genesis 19:4-5
>Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”

>catholic school
>short skirts

Mari actually said that. is probably in-denial about the fact that Dia has feelings for Kanan.

>so that we can have sex with them.”
I've never read the bible but I'm pretty sure that's not what it says. Unless you're taking some high-school translation as a basis.

I should read the bible some time

>inb4 wikia

I mean, I know about the rape part but pretty sure sex is not the word used here

New International Version

Fucking dropped.

>white album
Oh no, fuck you. Don't bring your ntr fetish into this.

English standard says "“Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them.”

Can Dia ever overcome her miserable past? Can Mari be the one to put things right? Only time will tell.

What kind of feelings?


Are you suggesting there are no short skirts in catholic schools, because there definitely were in mine. It's what I have to blame my schoolgirl fetish on now

Are you mexican

Mari would have to take care of Kanan first.

Nope, Midwestern 'Murican

So she's like a depressed Honk who didn't snap out of it?

I wonder though, why are you dropping this just because Uranohoshi's a Catholic school?

Apologies. Little Kanan, Dia, and Mari reminded of Haruki, Kazusa, and Setsuna for some reason.

Romantic feelings.

Nice woof

Kanan reminds me of Erika in some bizarre way

I still can't get over the fact how fucking autistic Kanan was in that scene. Swimming there in the middle of the night and doing some special ops entrance just to gloomily stare at Mari to make her know that your passive aggressive ass is still mad at her.
It can only be autism or she's the biggest drama queen in existence.

>Love Live! Old Testament!!

Which Aqours would be most likely to tempt you into eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

Kurosawa Ruby is a giant Baby!


Everything you see in this video is literally a fact.

Catholic School Student here.

This needs more mass, a choir, a Priest or brother/sister of a religious order and let's not forget the bi-annual Bible Camp.

Was it gay

And more lesbians.

This school already has closeted lesbians. It's enough.

Nah, never met an openly gay person at my school. There were openly homophobic people who used religion as the basis of their hatred.

So in a real Uranohoshi, Aqours might get bullied.

Homophobes in those settings are almost always closeted faggots.



>openly homophobic
Confirmed gay.

I want to tickle Ruby's ruby.

What's the deal with homosexuals wanting to fuck "straight" men gay?

Hanamaru pls. Seeing the future does not mean you can post about Ruby in Anonymous Imageboards.

Heterosexuality is just a strong form of tsundere.

Can anyone actually explain if they know, what's Dia and Kanan's problem?

I don't like how they just keep on showing how they don't like school idol's but when asked, they do the usual anime backturn move and go, "you won't understand anyway." or something. They have been doing it for the past 6 episodes already.

i guess it's the same as wanting to corrupt a pure girl

No one knows.

I want to scissor this girl into next week. SHINY!

My guess is.
-DiaMariKana became school Idols for similar reasons
-They flopped hard at the Love Live contest. Dia being a perfectionist completely lost it. She screamed at everyone and then quit thinking she wasn't good enough
-Mari left the other day, Kanan hates her for abandoning them when they needed her ost
-Kanan still hasn't gotten over what Dia said to her.

I'm not so sure, everyone seems to like Ruby, not just Hanamaru.

Mari pls. Focus on saving your school before posting stuff online!

I mean, fine it must be a big deal for the 3. My problem is on how the series is pacing it out.

2 episodes, is enough to show that it became a major problem for the 3 of them. But going for 6 episodes all with the same way on how they react, that's just irritating for the viewer really. I know it was already a big deal, since even in the beginning, why keep repeating the same thing over and over again.

Too bad the staff hates Ruby.

I think you mean Riko

pretty sure you have to be a girl to do this

Anyone with ears hate Ruby.

It's being spaced out over an annoyingly long period of time. Mari didn't show up in any way in episode 2 then Kanan didn't in episode 5. There was no episode in the original season that every girl didn't show up in. The new director is fucking over the third years and their would-be fans.

>Riko having full on fanservice everywhere
>Ruby doesn't have a single one
Yeah, sure.


They literally took Ruby's worst character trait and gave it to Riko.

Riko has the worst development, oh wait she doesn't have one. Even Ruby's personality is better than Riko.

Fuck man I can't stand her voice. Even worse than Hanayo.