Damn girl. Or guy. You are not okay.
Houseki No Kuni
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I know one day, in the future, we will have Houseki No Kuni threads with over 500 replies. Just wait and see, fuckers.
This manga is too good for /a, i guess
Btw, how do you think, why Phoss is so nuts about Anite?
Well, obvious reason is because of guilt but it's still too creepy
Guilt, spending that whole winter thing together, and Antarcticite was like a mentor/brother to her. Also her first loss. Phos biggest change in demeanor and personality come right after losing him.
And now with Ghost gone i think Phos will just get crazier and crazier.
Still at the beggining it was a light hearted chapter.
Yeah, i guess you're right. Her attempt to reach Anite was so sad.
Strange thing, but no. Actually Phoss soon will improve her mental stateand will lose her head just after
i'm reading the latest chapter now
Did she say anything? Fuck fuck fuck
just finished it
fucking shit
i don't even sure how to react
it's still Phoss, she's awake after 102 years of sleeping. Then she saw herself, she said that she's beautiful (lol it's so, so Phoss-like) everyone happy and shocked. But then in a dream she recieved message from Lapis in which Lappy told rhat she thought a lot about connections with moon people and sensei and Lapis said that Phoss should solve all these questions and that Phoss memory kept waterpeople words and other stuff. At the end Lapis said that she's giving her intellect to Phoss and Phoss wakes up and says that she can see so good now.
here you can look through chapter readmanga.me
My poor Phoss is changing again ; ;
No, Phos has continually been factured (psychologically and physically) and lost more and more of himself in pursuit of answers. He's arguably seen more of all the sides of this conflict than any other gem what with meeting the people of flesh and her continued attempts to communicate with the lunarians. It's a very sad affair because each step forward costs him a part of himself or someone else. The scene where he had forgotten Cinnbar still haunts me a little.
It's the price we pay for having such a hidden gem to read.
How ya been Russianon?
sorry it's a little fucked up post, i just was full of emotions
where do you guys read the raws? I can't find it on my usual site
struggling with an illness, actually.
And how are you?
I don't read raws, i read russian scans. Sorry
holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
so it was what i predicted
i knew lapis would be interested in the moon people too, being a librarian and everything
phos a qt more now than ever
hope you get better, i get ill all the time too
you are my favorite user here (aka the only one i recognize)
And wait i think i know you too. You are the one who likes Tourmaline because it is your birthday gem.
Well she hasnt done anything so far but i like her flower
That end was weird. Next chapter when.
I wish it would get an anime because it looks fucking awesome with colors and I loved the animated trailer.
But the threads would be shit. 50% of fuckers would call it pretentious or fujoshit, the rest would call it a steven universe ripoff.
shit sorry to hear that. I'm ok I guess. Just enjoying my day off. Get well soon.
Basically. It's you, me, and russianon who get these threads going.
Yep, but i a little bit afraid of what will happen next. Like before, because of Phoss attempts to contact moon people we lost Ghost.
And she is lesser and lesser Phoss. Can you imagine smart Phoss?
Yeh, she's beautiful but i'm kinda miss old Phoss. I loved her design.
Yeah, now it's better, thank you! I hope your immune system will be better too. to be ill sucks ;_;
Thank you, user. I guess it's easy to recogize me ;_;
And you are Alex fan user, right?
Also wasn't Tourmaline in one of the more recent chapters? She had a solar flare attack or something like that
Indeed i am!
I was glad to see her this chapter even if it was a small panel.
Yeah, something about her new design feels weird, but i still like it. I wonder if she will ever recover herself at all.
That said, i always had a feel Phos would die at the end of this story.
lets have gem adventures together
At least qt Toury is here unlike my birthday gem who is already on the moon, so we've never saw it.
Thank you! i hope i'll be fine soon. And you should have a good day off
i read on somewhere that she has electric powers, because her gem conducts electricity or something irl
Well, i hope with returning to investigations where will be more Alex
It's not so much of her already. Literally all she have is torso. So yes, i guess she'll die.
Will we go to the moon together?
Her head is still on the moon so i guess she will recover that at some moment. Honestly im really hoping for the moment she and some other gems venture there to fuck shit up and get fucked up too. I think just bringing Phos, Bortz, Yellow Diamond and Red Alex would make a good team.
Speaking of which yeah, lets go and rescue the other qts.
I love HnK but these threads always have so many spoilers for unscanlated chapters and you faggots can't stop yourselves from discussing it.
That is why these threads die so quickly.
I'll add Rutile, since she's one of my favourites, but i really would like to see it.
But i guess moon is inevitable for story progression. And i really wonder about that the fuck is wrong with Sensei. Like he knows a lot about moon people and people itself, but what the fuck is he.
Btw i hope downwhere in the sea there are a colony of sea-people, who worship the Phoss who saved their ancestors
Also, thank you for dumping art!
My bad.
But i dont think thats the reason actually.
Its just not as popular as it should be.
Well, we usually using spoiler tag at first, but because here posting no one but us, we just discussing them.
Sorry, i guess
This is pretty damn cool, I began reading it because of this thread, thanks anons
There are like 4 people who actually come to these threads on a regular. I guess it got easier to just talk in the open since it's a tight crowd. Will try and keep future content spoilered but I'm pretty sure the niche nature of this series is why threads don't last long.
Yeah she shows up in chapter 43 with Bortz and another gem and immediately shocks everything.
Welcome to our small but growing club user.
Select your gem.
Just joking, but Alex is mine.
Damn, thats cool.
Good to see another person picking this up.
>Damn, thats cool.
Apparently Tourmaline is capable of generating electricity when heated up or squeezed. A property called piezoelectricity. Add one more reason for why I like her.
she's so cute here
Some gems are lucky having extra powers.
And then we have Cinnabar.
you are welcome, i have a shitton of pics
btw i heard that Phosphophyllite can be used in metallurgy, and it's probably the reason she can have such hands
And Alexandrite changes color depending on light.
Cinnabar is related to mercury (poison) but i dont remember how.
Antarcticite really becomes solid on low temperatures.
Etc etc
The author did research on all of them
Cinnabar is literally contains 85% of mercury
Yeah~ Russian translator-kun sometimes make notes about gems and i can say that author knows pretty much stuff about them.
I guess itæs one of the reasons why this manga is so amazing.
Btw have you read other works by this author?
Phos, no, thats racist
>Speaking of which yeah, lets go and rescue the other qts
I'm /tg/ inclined and I do like the idea of rock people trying to survive. Just spitballing some thoughts on a hypothetical HnK ruleset but you already have character traits like
- Mohs Hardness [unique attribute] (how easy you are to break)
- Inclusion compatibility [unique attribute] (what gems or minerals can you graft onto your body)
- Area of expertise [skillset] (fighter, Gatherer, Watcher, Medic, Researcher)
- Special properties (Pyroelectric, Fluid Body, toxic secretions, Doesn't need sleep, etc)
- Hair (because everyone has a unique style)
And given the JTRPG tendency to emphasize non-combat roles as much as combat roles it wouldn't be hard to have one session where everyone plays fighters and another where people just do the day to day of harvesting plants, and upkeeping the temple. Plenty of room for shenanigans.
Very possible that's the reason why she has such a high compatibility rate with other minerals.
None whatsoever. I didnt even knew he/she had other works.
Yeah the setting is really interesting.
The professions so far are Watcher, Fighter, Crafter, Blacksmith, Gardeener, Fashion-girl, MASSIVE NERD, Librarian, and i dont remember if there were more.
That said, i dont know that much about /tg/ even if i love the idea.
I think my favorite gem before starting, just by name (gem as in irl gem) was Ruby, but thats another one thats captured on the Moon as for now.
mangaka's name is Ichikawa Haruko, and she (i guess it's "she" because of the name) has the collection of short stories and won Osamu Tezuka award
never actually played proper /tg but it sounds really cool. I'd like to play it.
Also journal keeper, Winter Guard and Lone Night Wanderer
and most obvious one - Sensei
P.S. fucking captcha
I figured it was a woman for the stilish way of drawing.
Are those short stories online?
Il look it up
I love the sense of mysticism this story has. Or however you call it. Most series try their hardest to make the villains mysterious or scary and fail by trying to explain why. But almost everything in HnK is just there, without much of an explanation at the moment, and moon people, the backgrounds, the concept of gem people, everything feels weird and abstract without being some too deep for you shit or boring due to the lack of answers.
I also like this type of postapocalypse in which the world is completely different from what we know and almost devoid of people.
well, there are two chapters in english on batoto, also it's completely translated in russian (of course)
I guess, i can try to translate it to english from russian, but i'll need some help to make my english more readable
you have to be logged on we have 30+ in english
how do you live with it?
Okay, then. I'll try in my freetime to do it. These stories are pretty good.
>how do you live with it?
Oh it's just brainstorming for me. I don't play a lot of tabletop games anymore but I love to think up hacks for settings I like.
I do similar shit but just fantasizing in my head.
Yeah, i know. It is very unique, yet still intriguing and you get used to the ideas with ease. For my part i love the idea of inmortals living together, the idea that none of the gems truly dies. When Phos started talking with the slug about death and humanity it felt really interesting. I really wanna know what does Sensei think about humans, if he is afraid of what they were or just surprised that someone would mention them.
looks interesting, picked up
Knowing how to maintain a good sense of mustery has kept this series really interesting.
Shouldn't Sup Forums like that? It's basically Traps - The Series. Even though they technically don't have an actual gender.
The series doesn't try and use the androgyny of it's cast for that kind of appeal. Don't get me wrong the characters are designed to be attractive in that "some are boys, some are girls, some blur the line" kind of way but it's not like you have sexual hijinx going on.
Probably. I like traps but I dislike how most of them are always the same over-girlyfied character type in anime. They're basically no different from the generic pure haremettes, the only difference is that the creator claim them to be boys.
Speaking of which, i noticed something.
The gems doesnt seem to have any sexual relationship -they even lack genitals, and Phos found boobs "disgusting"- right?
But when Shiro -the huge dog moon guy- attacked, he ripped one of the gems clothes and she blushed and screamed "Pervert!" or something like that.
Now, i know its played for comedy but i wonder why are they even afraid of being nude if there is nothing to see in there.
This page?
Now that you mention it it's weird that they would even have a concept of sexual perversion if they don't have the equipment or culture to inform that. Probably a joke.
The boobs thing was more Phos just being confused and calls the rulers form "more vulgar". So maybe there is some semblance of decency within the Gem community.
I wonder if there is some other gem community out there, somewhere. There are too few people to know what's currently happening 500km away or if there are other gems out there.
Gems seem to have some modesty-like concepts, like the makeup that they cover their 'raw' forms with.
Speaking as someone who's only read what's translated, I'd guess it's because of Adamant imprinting human values on them to some extent, for whatever plans he has.
How far ahead are the Japanese and Russian released?