Definition of "hot": when you look at someone's body and think, "I want to fuck that"

>Definition of "hot": when you look at someone's body and think, "I want to fuck that".
>Definition of "sexy": when you observe someone's personality and behavior and think, "I want to fuck that".
>Definition of "cute": something that makes you go "aaawwwww" and want to cuddle them and give them headpats.

According to these definitions, what anime girls fit all these criteria?

Other urls found in this thread:


There are plenty of those around.


Enjoy your ban.



When I think hot/sexy, I think of a girl's body.

When I think cute, I think of how appealing her face is.

Almost all anime girls combine both.

So basically Hotaru


So, what would you say is the main difference between "hot" and "sexy"?

>a loli
>a loli
>a loli


Objectively true.

Bascially the entire fucking cast of New Game.
How do they do it, I have no idea.


I win

Shinobu is all of this.

Easiest question of my life
Sexy - Kuro
Cute - Miyu
Hot - Ilya

Best answer yet.
Now if only we could combine them into one...

Ilya DOES fit all of the criteria, but for fun we're stretching it


Only good taste ITT

This guy gets it.

These guys get it.

Dubs confirm

Dubs confirm dubs.

Oh boy.

All of those definitions are wrong. But according to your rules, there is only one kind of girl that could fit that criteria, cute lolis are they called.

Please no.


Cow-titted whores can't be cute.


Ewww, no.

Literally every other TLRD is VASTLY superior to Momo.


Yes, Momo is vomit.


Your pic is named wrong, it should be "Top left is shit"

Nah I don't think so

This nigga knows what's up.

Without fail.





Sorry bro, I'm just not a scat fetishist.




She's not a scat fetishist




Ah now I understand why you like shit so much, you are a moron.

When I said I wasn't a scat fetishist I was saying that Momo is shit.

Matches all three.

Girls with big tits can't be cute.


Not understanding a person's intentions=moron
That's like me asking if you know the reference to something without you knowing anything about it.
Nice retard logic.

>I'm back, time to razzle dazzle.

Shit hair


Name five

>that character
>not incredibly forgettable

AND sexy?

Maybe she doesn't count
She's more beautiful than hot

Flat chests are the opposite of hot.

Personification of shit taste

When something makes me go "aaawwwww", I want to fuck that.

How does it called?

So, my waifu?

actually this is true

>The study’s researchers, led by Rebecca Dyer
Women, they'll get jealous of anything.

Pic related.

bye bye

ITT: post well-written female characters









Both of them



That's not Hotaru.

Best girl on the left tbf

You're right.
"Elegant" is the word I'd use.
Still prefer big tits.

this, especially in kizu.


The 3 types of attractiveness in women are