ITT: Things that we'll never see
ITT: Things that we'll never see
Liam Young
Wyatt Robinson
Spice and Wolf S3
Haruhi S3
Hoshi no Samidare anime
Tsukihime Remake
Blake Cook
Getsurin Ni Kiri Saku anime (probably only I want a anime of this manga)
Tsugumomo anime
Anthony Johnson
All Tamaki Nozomu mangas becoming anime.
Isaac Kelly
Jacob Reyes
a Molester man or Onanie Master Kurosawa adaptation
Nathan Baker
Oliver Roberts
"Is this a Zombie?" season 3
"Shimoneta" season 2
"Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt" season 2
Nolan Jackson
Adrian Davis
This is coming out though. Anno is refreshed and ready after Godzilla.