Holy shit, Arpeggio movie was such a mess.
Action was nice and all, but plot was a complete joke.
They should just remake the series and follow the manga this time.
Holy shit, Arpeggio movie was such a mess.
Action was nice and all, but plot was a complete joke.
They should just remake the series and follow the manga this time.
Isnt it just a recap with some new scenes?
That's the 1st movie. 2nd one is 100% original.
Isnt the second movie about whole different characters though?
It's direct continuation of anime.
Manga is better, but
Thats better than different characters
I just finished the tv series and will watch the movies soon
Crazy fights with those autists were the only good part of the movie.
She stole bits of the manga too.
Manga is actually becoming really interesting now. Shame translations are already two chapters behind chinks.
Scan quality is shit
What do, Sup Forums?
Dress her up as Umi.
Anime writing is really really REALLY fucking bad these days so I'll believe that. The TV series wasn't exactly amazingly written either, just surprisingly exciting to watch and some of the mental models were really hot too
Just imagine what's going to happen when she learns about porn.
Why is a ship allowed to wear such erotic lingerie
It's not just that the plot was retarded. The characters were reduced to caricatures of their manga versions.
Sure, ashigara is a battle-eager goofball. But even when she charges ahead she still has enough of a brain to coordinate with nachi and use a modicum of tactics and shoot at the target
In the movie it just turns all into wildly uncoordinated beamspam and flailing around with that fucking anchor.
It's like they adapted some omake written by hyuuga.
Last refrain was pretty nice though.
>mfw no movie Kongou scale
Just try and stop them
1/4 bunny though
I would say Ashigara did coordinate with Nachi. That is why she was able to corner I401 and only got fucked by the gas.
>but plot was a complete joke.
PLOT or the plot? because I don't give a shit about the storyline, but wouldn't mind seeing some of those ship's guns again.
Please refrain from having lewd thoughts.
Superior stern.
I think Ark Performance are leg men anyway.
I think you missed the part where i was comparing the manga to the movie.
in the manga she charges ahead to fight 401 but still coordinates with nachi.
in the movie she flies solo against takao, flails anchors and loses to drills.
I can see why.
tell her that her density is slightly wrong, humans would displace more water than that.
I really loved the Russia segment though.
yeah, nice scenery porn
Why are Iona and Takao so perfect?
Nano-materials, man. Everything is better with them.
The manga needs to hurry up and show us an Iowa so she can shit all over Kancolle's Iowa
Reminder that Gunzou is dead and Hyuuga took over Kongou's flagship position.
What do you have against this beauty?
Her voice is better in the manga
All MM are perfect.
I can't believe how awesome Kongou turned out to be. Killing him with like 1/4 of the ship left. She shits all over anime Kongou.
Not canon.
I fucking hate what they did to Maya in the anime.
Sanzigen's CGI designs are good, but they look bad in motion.
They should really go with hybrid animation like UFO and SL.
How was it in the manga?
She was a normal MM and she's still around.
I would give anything for a cadenza kongou scale
I want an Iona.
This design made me love her when I never cared about her before.
Kancolle never have a proper "story" in any kind of media.
Which is a fucking shame, someone could make a good use of boats and abyssals and make a proper backstory to both. But kadokawa is just milking the cow dry.
The cow is dying already.
This had the chance to be next 2hu. Kadokawa is retarded.
On top of anything they have a fangame ban.
Which is fucking stupid, but makes a bit of sense because anyone would jump away from the mobage if someone makes a good game.
I want a harem of Ionas
Somebody should tell those fogs to respect conventions and not rape prisoners.
>ywn pilot a cute submarine
Iona in WoWS soon.
Why can't I hold all of these submarine lolis?
Green hair has the cutest hairsyle and outfit
>Gunzou is dead
Main character is dead? And the lesbian who loves Iona is her enemy now?
Me too.
Why is she a vampire
Not vampire. Hungry wolf.