So why is there no cynical burnout idol comedy for anime or manga? Wakeup Girls doesn't count
So why is there no cynical burnout idol comedy for anime or manga? Wakeup Girls doesn't count
because you can't sell that to retarded otakus.
Idol anime as we know it are only 5 years old, right now we still in the phase were we build the fundamentals of the genre, the first big meta works are appearing now.
Perfect Blue did meta-idol deconstruction almost a full 20 years ago
Because muh artificial purity and perfection are the only thing idolfags care about, you can expect them to literally riot if that happens.
because normalfags don't buy shit
The modern idol didn't even exist 20 years ago.
lucky star touches on this with lucky channel
Sunshine is meta as fuck in a way
>Chika actually cheering their school gets shut down
>"just like µ's we finally have a plot and reason to be idols for reals"
waiting on that moment they realize they are just shadow of µ's without anything original with 22 year old Nico mentally slapping the soul out of them
Because nobody wants that other than inmature fucktards like yourself that want it to exist just to shit on people that like the genre.
I heard Aqours wouldn't be able to save the school. That's the twist.
Idol anime has been made nonstop for at least 35 years now, you've only chosen to ignore it.
The supergroup thing is a newer trend, but that hardly changes things.
Kareru from Turning girls is like that.
Me too. Moreover, the fact that nearly everything is handed to them in a silver platter.
>they get their name from someone somehow writing Aqours in the sand
>Ruby, Dia, Kanan, and Mari already loved idols in the first place
>entire fucking town comes to watch a no name school idol group in the fucking rain while the power is out allowing the group to be unofficial club
>entire town helps them again make floating lamps so they can promote their school
I'm betting their entire town will help them win the Love Live.
Well we have successfully created comedies that is designed to shit on people's personal sense of worth. Like Bojack!
Not she's not! She's an up and coming!
How young are you?
C'mon. Have a break, have a kitkat!
Only one person points this out? Seriously, Sup Forums.
Does Sup Forums have a thing for anime girls on toilets?
>tfw you shit so hard you have to pray to Jesus
There isnt a true series focused on that.
A story about an idol who is getting to old for sugar cute concepts who redefines herself as a diva type artisr and the cynical path that goes with it
>your old audience hates you for making the switch
>Normal people dont think you got the chops
>Sheltered career meant the girl is unable to adapt to realty
>Your former groupmates is divided between the concept change
modern idols began pretty much in the 80's with onyanko club
I'd watch it
>old news cakes trying to stay relevant but only get the odd "hey, didn't you sing X back in the day?"
Then again I'd also watch an unrepentant rip off of The Bodyguard except with an idol
When are we going to see the Madoka of the idol genre?
Try 35 years ago, bub.
Those were just idols in the common English sense of the word. Nothing to do with the modern mass production of idols by agencies. Back then, being an idol simply meant you were a female artist with lots of fans. Nowadays it's more like an aesthetic. They're completely different things.
I'd watch a show about mothers doing idolshit.
the fuck are you talking about, maybe it's not as many like now, but onyanko club is the real modern idol established by agencies, pic related is the one who responsible for them
There was an episode about that in Osomatsu
The crucial difference is that back then saying somebody was an idol implied they were famous. Now it's just a modality of singer or singer group.
Idol anime as we know it now is a recent thing, post Im@s/Utapri. The closest thing to an anime specifically about idols before this was but that wanted to tell a completely different thing.
Yep, that was what I was talking about.
>>Your former groupmates is divided between the concept change
>One turns into a porn star
Don't forget that.
This shit made no sense. She wasn't a good singer (meta), but in-universe she was. Some average brat just gets popular almost because the plot demanded it.
With regards to modern idols it seems to be the same shit, they are female artists (or groups) who live under contractual agreements for the 'fame', resources and 'chances' a production company will provide them.
They don't write their own music, a large part of what they can do/say is controlled, you're thrown out of the group past age X (when your 'popularity'/gimmick has run its course). This same shit is seen in those talent shows, they give you the platform for half a year, but then you're owned by them for 1-2 albums and after that most just disappear with very few stand outs who continue on.
Just idol series seem so fucked in the head without really going into the behind the scene shit that makes the industry shitty. Self published is always the best way to go, but having the backing of billion dollar companies with resources it always a big help.
>She wasn't a good singer (meta)
She wasn't bad at all. I liked her singing voice.
I'm just trying to make more people to watch the show and to learn about Kareru's existence, help me out
>implying I'd ever take a recommendation from a namefag