Kumeta Kouji Thread
I'll be dumping Offside Trap, a newly-translated one-shot he did for the" Ore no the 100th!!" series.
Kumeta Kouji Thread
I'll be dumping Offside Trap, a newly-translated one-shot he did for the" Ore no the 100th!!" series.
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Cheers for the chapter!
This has an early Kumeta feel, like Katte Ni Kaizou, kinda.
I guess it makes sense since he started with a sports manga.
Thanks again, OP.
>Ore no the 100th!!
Looking at this made me sad that they never did 100 chapters of these and had the 100th oneshot taken completely seriously or ignore the fact that it was the 100th at all
Thanks OP. Kumeta always draws the cutest girls.
One of my favorites in the industry rn
Finally, after 7756756 chapters of drama filler, the 11 are together again. Can´t wait for next chapter.
Next chapter is a flashback
Kumeta is consistently among my top 3 favorite mangaka
Kumeta Kouji, how are you so good at this?
Sorry if you're expecting Joshiraku vol 6, I've had some family stuff to deal with and haven't been able to finish typesetting yet.
Sasuga Kumeta
Take your time user and thanks as always.
Kumeta more like Samefacemeta.
It's funny because this joke has been made a thousand times. Meta, I like it.
Bought this today, so good ~
I really need to get to watching Joshiraku
Jesus, they've only been gone fore maybe like 27.
Why can't I get a surprise party from psyco optimism chan?
Him, monkey punch, Obata, Abe, Takahashi, oda, Watsuki, ibiki, Fujisawa and Inoi are my favorites so far. I have more, but so far if I were to say my top 3:
Monkey punch, Kumeta and Oda. Haven't found anyone that really tops them all off so far.
Better than /fanserviceloljk akamatsu I like how he dogs on him.
Talking about Akametsu, I didn't realise how cool J-Comi was. DRM free PDFs of old manga.
Were they all parodies or did any of them actually attempt to write an actual 100th chapter?
I'm sad. Can you please stop reminding me.
I wish we could just all laugh again.
Reporting in
akenaide yo
Thanks for the one shot. Looking forward to more Kakushigoto
I hope all is well in the long run and it's nothing too too serious.
Peace, Love, & Chickengrease
Damn, he released and artbook? I need to get that shit pronto.
never noticed before, huh
Only a couple of them we're older than 18 (let alone 20) that early in the story.
I was going to get it but couldn't afford the shipping tacked on. (Well over $60)
jesus christ 60 bucks?
I don't think I'll be getting it either then...
where did you try to order it from?
Some regular in these threads had a link. Think it was cdJapan. Can't remember
Found it on cdjapan. thank you.
why is Chiri so lewd
please post more Chiri screen caps from this episode
Watched most of the first season of Sayonara and watched Joshiraku. This guy is really talented at making unfunny jokes and overall being boring.
Kumeta probably agrees with you.
For me there's Dowman. I just love everything he does.
Wait, basically he's making oneshots that simulate being the 100th chapter of an ongoing series?
There's only the one. It's a special thing Young Magazine invites various artists to do.
Thanks a million OP. I had no idea Offside Trap had been translated and I really wanted to read it when it came out.
>Title is offside trap
>Protagonist often falls for the offside trap
>Girl never shows her underwear
I have read enough manga to know where this is going.
How can Kumeta consistently make such great girls.
Yeah he's great. Love his art style as well. Cute and kind of lewd at the same time.
Despair magic.
Abiru a cute.
They sure teased the hell out of that, didn't they? I don't think all that was in the manga, was it?
Where can I get it?
That's weird it comes down to $45 total for me.
Already posted in the thread
I have a box of Dowman's older works that I still need to get around to scanning one day.
All the joshi's make me raku.