How likely is for heavens feel to be complete shit?
How likely is for heavens feel to be complete shit?
You know its going to be shit but smrwhat tolerable thanks to their high animation budget
It'll be less shit than UBW because HF > UBW and no Miura to fuck the adaptation.
Impossible because it has Ilya
This is your servant tonight
If it's 3 movies then the first will be ok, the second will be utter shit and the third pure awesome.
It's airing this season as a TV series. Sequel probably next year
>Do you have enough resolve, champion of justice
That already sounded like shit in the original, why did they have to bring it back
Kizumonogatari isn't doing so well in the quality department with its 3 parter, so I'm skeptical about this one as well.
>tfw movie
UBW was shit but it was fun to watch with you faggots.
This emiya know what is he doing.
I found that HF was the route with the better pacing. People keep talking about cooking but all the routes have that and at least in HF the exposition is interesting new stuff and not either introductory.
I only care about ufotable/TM for the visuals at this point. UBW was a letdown off the back of F/Z, so maybe this will pick up some slack.
Show me the stats, Senpai.
>Fate is 12 years old
I'd rather have her be my servant.
Two more years and it'll be old enough to be a heroine.
unless you wanted
Kizumonogatari has nothing to do with Fate though.
It's a three part movie adaptation of a big franchise by a big studio.
Completely different studios.
Both are trash
And Fate is based on a VN which is text superposed on still images and the gataris are also that.
most likely since they're gonna remove those edges and sex
Why would they do that if it doesn't air on TV?
At least will be better than UBW.
Because the eroge hasn't been canon for years
I know this board enjoys being contrarian, but fuck me.
Both studios have put out classics, and have honed their own style over years of output. Some of it good, some of it not so good. They're not bad at all.
>bu-bu-bu-buh-but muh gataris, muh paradox spiral
She's dead, Jim.
Not him but if those studios are bad then you must think all studios are bad.
Not to mention Shirou is less retarded than in the other two routes and finally lets his inner awesome show through.
At least use the full image faggot
Nice shilling, Aniplex puppet.
It all depends on how good they will adapt the Illya scenes. She's the best part of the route.
Where is she anyway?
More illya fanservice?
100% because it features worst girl
What about Sakura?
Sakura is the cutest.
Not until something like 2020.
No Miura so probably pretty good. Hopefully the pacing isn't shit, either too rushed or too slow. More worried about the former.
She does nothing and then suddenly becomes edgy.
Don't worry, vanilla Saber dies early on, then she's replaced by the superior Saber.
okay serious question, how many servants exist in the fate universe now? I lost count after Fate/Extra
But ufo is flashy trash while Shaft is powerpoint trash.
That looks fucking retarded, even for Fate standards.
Kizu should have been one movie and HF should be a full length TV series like UBW, Its going to be hard, but doable, to make HF as good of an adaptation as UBW and UBW was only kinda okay.
As long as they adapt key scenes well I'll be happy.
>like shit
Nah, you're just grown up, user.
You don't even know what you're talking about. If youre looking for retarded things, look into Fate/GO.
Muh nigga
>pic related
If this man's VA dies, 100%. Pray for his health daily, anons.
Anyone have a webm of SilverLinks Saber Alter from S1 of Prisma?
Leave HFkino to me
How old is he?
He's Japanese, he has another 30 years to go.
This. Except if you're Satoshi Kon.
Get out of my head.
But he's like 100 in American years
>good animation
>Japan years
>more than American
motherfucker hes like 20 in American years
They have their moments.
I want this meme to die.
Nothing with best girl in it is shit.
>does nothing
She saved Shirou early on in the route from death by melting from Zouken's bugs. If she hadn't of used her precious little life force to use Rider to help him, he would be melted sword boy on the temple pavement while Zouken guffaws in the background. Plus doing that meant she was going against the guy who literally has had tiny bombs coursing through her bloodstream since she was five.
I know people like to shitpost, but if anything, the problem is that everyone had to keep telling Sakura to stay in bed because she was trying to do too much, not that she wasn't doing anything.
Because Realta Nua
If by early on you mean almost halfway through the route, than sure. And the thing was, she didn't die, she got the blackened template.
Nothing happened before that, I even forgot that it was halfway through
At least 200% chance
There was lots that happened, just a lot of stuff is made vague for the viewer.
Caster was freaked the fuck out by some plan Zouken hatched we never get to see, but should be elaborated on in the movie, knowing Nasu.
Lancer was tag teamed by still developing Hassan and we got to see what the Shadow.
We got more history about the war we didn't get before, we see Zouken's true motives, we see Avenger possessing Sakura at a moment of weakness. They did that part quite well in the manga.
Lots of bits of Sakura/Shirou, how they met, the significance of the high jump from Sakura's perspective. I was surprised and charmed that she was so honest with how she felt, even moreso that she called her crapsack of a life "a bad day", you don't usually tell the guy you love "yeah, when I first saw you, I was pissed and wanted you to kick rocks". I enjoyed that Sakura didn't love Shirou immediately, but that it took a long time for him and Taiga to get the kuudere out of her before she became the Sakura we see now.
And a lot more I could go into that happened just in the first 6 days.
Same shitty ass Jew producer
Both of you are exaggerating the shit out of them with stupid extremes but what else is new since nothing can ever just have positives and negatives with you retards. It's always gotta be either a perfect masterpiece or an abomination among mankind. It's like you guys like making fucking big deals out of every actually little thing to fill the void of emptiness having only one shitty hobby revolving primarily around sexy character designs leaves.
How is the guy saying that they've done good things and not so good things an extreme?
Both literally just exist to make money for Aniplex at this point. They're the very definition of easy cash cow franchises that they didn't even have to bother going to the trouble of creating for themselves, just knowing how to exploit the fucking shit out of cause their fans are stupid and don't understand the concept of value. If it wasn't those it'd be some random idol thing where the fans are equally psychotically devoted to specific brands and will always always shell out no matter what. The entire Japanese media scene is based around this sort of thing, it's just been a matter of exporting it from the music scene and it's 48 and Johnny's clone bands to the anime scene.
Yeah my bad, I admit I didn't catch that last part. I guess I'm just so used to Sup Forums and it's typical bullshit of
>NO U!
at this point I just assumed something. Again my bad there but at the same time can you entirely blame me?
trips of truth
Best route and Sakura is the best girl so it's impossible to be shitty.
They had the rape scene in Kara no Kyokai
It will be really boring until the last movie.
The encounter with Zouken and the Shadow with Archer freaking out happens pretty early doesn't it?
I'm not gonna bother counting the exact number, but grand order alone has 127 playable characters, counting a few variations of the same.
That's not including a great deal of unreleased ones like most of apocrypha and everything in strange fake. All around there should be at least 150 of then right now.
Not to mention Shirou bonding with Ilya and a lot of hard hitting character development that happens even before we get to the turning point of day 9.
You should pretty much ignore people who blabbering about cooking or SoL, because they are probably embarrassed they skimmed a lot of really important scenes.
Hell, there was a dialogue perfectly explaining how magi put souls in different containers and stuff by Ilya that went on forever, and people still call the end of HF an asspull or DEM.
But I'll let you in on a secret that many have told me in confidence, a surprising amount of people haven't actually played through HF and just learn the story through the arguments the fandom has had over the years.
who is this attractive lady
>Gil dying like a bitch
>Rider being sexy as all hell
>Illya being a fucking miracle of the universe
>Mapo-Tofu Man jogging with lolis and fightan servants
>Shiro using Archer's arm to go toe to toe with, albeit even more out of his mind than usual, FUCKING BERSERKER
And I'm sure I'm forgetting shit since I haven't read the vn for at least 5 years or some shit
>Cu teacher
>Hell, there was a dialogue perfectly explaining how magi put souls in different containers and stuff by Ilya that went on forever, and people still call the end of HF an asspull or DEM.
It's even brought up all the way back in a Fate bad end, too. Really, it's always been clear as fuck that people who shit on HF and Sakura haven't actually read the VN properly.
Didn't mean to greentext that
>Gay Buldge
>Male historic figure(female)
Why nasu? Why do you do this to me?
You make all these lovely women for me to masturbate to and neat stories to read before I realize just how retarded some of the names and concepts really are.
you serious?
I would put my gay bulge in her scat hatch.
Scathach is a woman in her real world legend as well.
Dude I seriously have a hard time jerking it to these chicks without laughing at the silliness of-
How do I pronounce this?