Can someone explain why Northern Germans are so retarded?

Like literally, split Germanic countries in half in the middle, take one step to the North and you only have retarded commie refugees welcome idiots, take one step to the South and you have based, anti-illegals, non-degenerate sensible people.

How come? Is it because of Protestantism?

Other urls found in this thread:

The northern half of Europe in general is just full of barbaric snow niggers. Southern Germans with brown hair and blue eyes have always been the crutch of Germany, carrying the snow niggers into civilization. Even Hitler was ethnically south German (Austrian). Which is why his phenotype was that of the superior brown haired, blue eyed man and not barbaric sissy blonde girly hair.

I don't know how but I'm sure the jews are somehow at fault

They always are

The election results are a direct result of SPD controlled media.
SPD controls NDR, which is the state TV/radio for the whole of Northern Germany.
SPD also owns all local newspapers published in Northern Germany.
Normies inside NS,HH,SH,MV don't get any PoV outside from SPD-controlled narratives.
Back in the old BRD Konrad Adenauer even founded the ZDF to get some counterweight to the "Rotfunk" ("commie radio"), which is NDR.

That is anti-semitic and you know it.

I don't care desu senpai

Protestants. They ruin everything.


Explain Belgium.

What's wrong with Protestants?

Fixed the map

nah southerners are cucks

Belgium is mostly the fault of the brits

Isn't it east vs west? Afd dominates the east



There are proud Protestant Prussians that live in exile as madness has taken over this once proud and beautiful nation

This is the only solution.

>Explain Belgium.

Prove it exists first.

>What's wrong with Protestants?
They ruin everything with their stupid "muhhh, everybody love each other, no human is illegal, let's pray for world piece and hug each other" bs.

What's funny is the main purple part is most oh Hitler's electorate

Protestantism is a destructive force within Christianity, denying and rejecting most of Catholic rich legacy, thought and philosophy, it has a completely different human anthropology etc.

Protestant Germans have always been proponents of war and the destruction of Europe



Somebody has to do the sick porn

Southerners are cucks

I've never met such a Protestant. Protestants in Saxony are pretty redpilled.

>What's funny is the main purple part is most oh Hitler's electorate

Hitler killed Germany. In Vienna he was a bum, a nothing, a nobody. In Bavaria he was a local 2% guy who was imprisoned for rioting. Only the idiot Prussians in Berlin made him big.

Don't blame the stupidness of people on their confession, particularly you Catholics should be quiet as you've associated yourselves with a lot of stupid people in the past

but meh, you still believe that not faith alone can lead to salvation, go back to your tribal sacrifices and worship your magic angels


It's not allowed. Austria and Germany have laws against anti-semitism and the Austrian poster knows it.

>go back to your tribal sacrifices and worship your magic angels

Don't forget the koran deepthroating.

Yay Catholicism!

Meanwhile the pope kisses the feet of refugees and calls for open borders, let's just accept that they're both shit and move on

this doesnt make any sense.. baden württemberg people are the most cucked and saxon in the north is th most based
and also I dont think that austrians consider themself germans

>everybody love each other, no human is illegal, let's pray for world piece and hug each other
You're thinking of Catholics
Protestantism is literally all about "To Hell with the non-elect"


BW best state, BY close second
southern germany should secede tbqh

>le I'm smart and know historix
Bavarians traditionally voted the Bavarian People's party, a conservative catholic party, which was the Bavarian variant of the Zentrum, which ultimately formed a coalition with the NSDAP and got Hitler into power. Didn't expect much from the burger, shouldn't have expected more from Ronny.


>You're thinking of Catholics
>Protestantism is literally all about "To Hell with the non-elect"

Not in Germany. In Germany Catholics are the based "let's kill all non-Christians and kick out all the illegal invaders" kind of fellows and the Protestants are all the "hugs for everyone, we are all humans and people can never be illegal, kumbaya kumbaya" faggots.

Mama Merkel should try to stop me.

As for prussians, they weren't even german, but some sort of slav-balt

Ey, Flanders votes right wing

technically not against anti-semitism


Ok, it’s just some shitposting leftist. Everybody can leave the thread.

post 16th century prussians are low german/dutch invaders.

The closer to France, the better
It works for every country that share a border with France

Looks like Antifa-Koti found Sup Forums.

>technically not against anti-semitism

Den Tatbestand einer Volksverhetzung definiert § 130 Absatz 1 des Strafgesetzbuchs:

Wer in einer Weise, die geeignet ist, den öffentlichen Frieden zu stören,

gegen eine nationale, rassische, religiöse oder durch ihre ethnische Herkunft bestimmte Gruppe, gegen Teile der Bevölkerung oder gegen einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung zum Hass aufstachelt, zu Gewalt- oder Willkürmaßnahmen auffordert oder
die Menschenwürde anderer dadurch angreift, dass er eine vorbezeichnete Gruppe, Teile der Bevölkerung oder einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung beschimpft, böswillig verächtlich macht oder verleumdet,
wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft.

>You're thinking of Catholics

Yeah, because Poland is known for all the refugees they take in.

>take one step to the North and you only have retarded commie refugees welcome idiots, take one step to the South and you have based, anti-illegals, non-degenerate sensible people.
Bullshit. BaWu is in the south, the former DDR in the north.

Who wouldn't be anti-semitic in the face of the overwhelming body of evidence against jews?

Not for Belgium

>literal commie party gets most votes in the East by a huge margin
>sometimes the are even strong enough to lead a coalition
>"muh based Ossis"

>it works for every country

There is no evidence against jews. Jews are based people who are just very smart. It is dumb refugees welcome people and Islamists who are anti-semitic.

What is this, "Belgium" of which you speak? Do you mean, Northern France? The Netherlands?

Hallo Schlomo, wie laufen die Geschäfte?

God saw the election results and already sent a Hurrican.

yes pls


I didn't know there was a North and South Germany. I knew about East Germany though. That makes 4 fucking Germanys.

Most votes compared to the west, but that doesn't mean shit since leftist cucks in the west vote for the SPD or Grünen. Die Linke are not the largest party in any of the East German Lander. The political left is not significantly stronger in the east than in the west, meanwhile the AfD is..

Will you give back slavic soil to the Slavs?


Go fuck yourself.

Bavarian here, Österreich please Anschluss

Austria won't anschluss an American colony armed by NATO to the teeth.

>The political left is not significantly stronger in the east than in the west, meanwhile the AfD is
Pic related. light red = Die Linke is in parliament, red = they are in the government, dark red = they are the strongest party and the state president is of their party. Sure, you have many AfD voters there aswell, but it was the same with the NPD before, with the Republikaner before that and so on. Eastern Germany isn't very reliable.

forgot to include pic

Scandinavian genes

>Bavarian here, Österreich please Anschluss
Bavaria is more advanced than Austria. So the only way of a union is by Bavaria anschlussing Austria.


He had blue eyes and brown/ash hair when will the Southern meme die already.

Good thing that the Catholics did not vote to destroy Germany and give away all that Eastern territory to Poland

Hallo Ahmed, warum hasst Du die Juden so?


shlomo pls

ironically unironically ironically literally this

look at historical maps
>Roman Empire vs northern and eastern barbarians
borders match exactly to
>Christian world vs northern and eastern pagans
match exactly to
>Catholic world vs northern and eastern protestants
nearly identical to
>Capitalist democratic First World vs northern and eastern commies

the snow nigger has always been the enemy of civilization

Continental calvinists are ok. Horthy and Orban are calvinists. South african nationalists were calvinist.

All other prots are terrible.

Not really true at all. Poland is Catholic and seems to defy all these categories, and so is Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czechs. Meanwhile the Baltic countries are Protestant

Wrong, Huguenots were calvinist

What poz did huguenots bring to the world?

Bohemia and Hungary were famously protestant, but they aren't snow niggers

>muh NSDAP election

dude that 100 years ago. Outside of Sup Forums nobody cares about that.

You are about as relevant as Varg Vikernes and his pagan preaching

Friendly reminder that Sup Forums is a porn free board.

That would probably be the highest average IQ, highest GDP per capita country in Europe. And probably the most right wing in western europe

Calvinism, obviously

The Jesuits took care of that hundreds of years ago though

it's because of Protestantism.



Bavarian pro-catholic pro-white culture metal band Atlantean Kodex confirms this theory.
"And From ruins of Europa again we shall rise"

I'm offended. for all the AfD shilling i did for my country...

The Prussians are all dead or turned into commies.

Bavarians and Small Landers(baden-wurr) are not part of the prussian or communist autism.

Perhaps your countrymen shouldn't be spineless cucks.

I noticed too. Southern germany is much better and in character more similar to austria and switzerland than to north and east germany.

>let me tell you who is white

you fat fucks know nothing about yurop though

based saxons are "nutcases".
greenvoting champagne gobbling BaWü-cucks are "sensible". mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

You are missing the point. The conclusion is that Catholics have solid principles and will not just jump into the next meme ideology (protestantism, Nazism, cuckism). That's the real info from these graphs

no they are indoctrinated like muslims. they vote for the party the pastor is recommending when in church. the reason being "i always voted Zentrum. thats why i vote Zentrum"

christians are dickless cucks

Yes because virtue signaling refugees to rape your daughter is much better....

Maybe if the non-Catholic Germans vote another Hitler in power, after the ensuing destruction we'll never see a post made by your flag ever again

Flemish share a border with us and so does Switzerland