Why do nips love watching cute girls suffer?

Why do nips love watching cute girls suffer?

My wife Machi is so cute.

Fuck off she's mine

Fight for her , because im not letting her go away

They didn't. BD sales were horrid.

Is Machi an example of a non-sexual mindbreak?

What? I never heard that.

If you're OP, you already posted it.

Why did his show have such high production values anyway? It's a fucking SoL.

It did?

This got an anime? Was it a 5-minute-episode type deal or something like that? I remember reading some of the manga a couple years ago. Did Sup Forums like it?

>missing the best threads of the season

Generally yes, but shifted towards generally no due to some questionable choices by the writers near the end.


What did she mean by this?

>I'm a lazy fuck.

What if I fight her and the one who abuses her the most wins?

When is Shiwasu no Okina's doujin of this going to release.

I remember everyone being fucking pissed at how this show ended. I can't say I blame them, that was fucked up.

Is the ending everyone is talking about in the manga as well? I'm still only on like episode 10 since I'm savoring this show. I like it a lot and am tempted to read the manga after finishing the anime. Kind of surprised how good this show looked.


>I'm still only on like episode 10 since I'm savoring this show.

Catharsis, Cmon this is middleschool english

I liked the ending, fuck everyone that made the staff apologize. It made it all make sense. Clearly her situation was getting worse with each episode.

>It's a fucking SoL.
What does this have to do with anything?

Post your thoughts when you finish.