Just started one punch man so far it's actually good, I though people said it was bad?

Just started one punch man so far it's actually good, I though people said it was bad?

>trusting Sup Forums about anything

It's supposed to mock the tropes revolving around high-action shows that over saturate everything, from lore to moves with dumb names to ass pulls.

It's not everyone's cup of satire, but your tastes are your own

>inb4 maximum overbait
>inb4 one meme man
>inb4 "here's your (You)"

First episode is one of the best. Get ready for long, drawn-out, unfunny jokes.

It's popular. Because it's popular the contrarians and hipsters of Sup Forums tell you it's bad.

>expecting Sup Forums not to shit on anything that is above 8.0 on mal

Pretty much this.


Don't worry, it gets worse.

I doubt too many people will out-and-out say it's bad, and mean it, it's just that people have a tendency to circlejerk over it and the threads tend to be full of cancer.
But then again my taste is better than yours.

Its the same faggots that try to convince everyone that Sup Forums hated TTGL and CG

Wow. This is some low tier bait. One Punch Man? More like One Meme Man. You wanted a (You) so bad? Well here it is.

>I though people said it was bad?
Sup Forums just hates good deconstructions

Well played like I always say one in the fridge is another at the finish line.

It's popular, Sup Forums is contrarian.

If Sup Forums said its bad then its probably good but too popular for them to feel comfortable about saying it.

Sup Forums loved following as the manga but then grew tsundere when the anime came out and they noticed all the capeshit lovers from outside their comfort zones also enjoyed OPM.

I like it, but boy does the wait in between manga/web comic updates know how to kill hype.

It's not bad per se, but the same shit is drawn out for way too long so that it gets boring. Great animation and soundtrack, but that's all it really has going for it.

Read the webcomic and the manga while you're at it. You can skip the OVAs.

KLKfags are mad that OPM was the true saviour of anime


I just finished it (everything that's been released so far.) and really really enjoyed it.
Panic makes me feel funny

I just finished watching it and fucking loved it.
The fighting scenes are incredible and the deconstruction of all these shonen tropes are amazing.

It has Fubooty so it's obviously good.

Same as Re:Zero.

OPMfags are so fucking retarded, holy shit. Don't you worry dumbasses, Sup Forums loves your shit anime. It was extremely popular here when it aired. Can you stop playing the fucking victim card now?

I love Madoka, it's probably my favorite anime of all time. Plenty of people here on Sup Forums hate it, and you know what? That's fine. Sup Forums is not a fucking hugbox. I don't go around crying about how others hate Madoka just because it's famous and successful. Grow a pair and learn that not everyone is obliged to like the same cartoons you like.

>listening to Sup Forums
Get a load of this dumbass

I've never even seen one punch man. Stop being so aggressive on an anime image board you fucking autist.

Webcomic and manga are great, but if you like the series and want some extra low-key humor; the OVAs are pretty funny, IMO.

I just finished it a few days ago, it was pretty comfy and I got a few laughs from it.


>in the same league
Woaw kid

Do like this

If Sup Forums says its good, its probably good
If Sup Forums says its shit, look if its popular, if its popular then its good, if its not popular then its probably shit.


dont listen to Sup Forums

everything here is shit, your taste, my taste and every fucking taste and show

SnK is popular and shit

What now

Yeah because SAO is amazing

OPM is really, really good. Perhaps even AotY 2015. Don't trust Sup Forums on anything, we're a bunch of bitter faggots who'll hate anything normies like while drooling over retarded shit like K-ON and Love Life.

Seriously, I once heard some real life "anime pro" mock people who like Attack on Titan while proclaiming her love for Love Life. Talk about shit taste combined with an unjustified superiority complex.

SAO is the exception. And even then, the Aincrad arc is pretty decent (other than the letdown of an ending). It's not until Alfheim that it gets shit.

after watching OPM im dissatisfied with every fighting scene in like 95% of animes... u shouldnt watch it

This is the kind of viewer shows like OPM attract.

I liked the Medukers too

Kill yourself.

It's extremely popular so it's hated.

But people don't have Madoka you nigger.

>ever taking a woman seriously


Tats and Fubuki are here to save this thread

And Metal Bat too



>OPM brings hundreds of newfags to Sup Forums
>every newfag does nothing but start threads on how great it is

Sup Forums doesnt hate OPM we had threads for OPM way before the show aired the problem was when the show was airing all the threads turned into "could Saitama beat X???"

Sup Forums doesnt have problems with anime that are good and popular

Sup Forums has a problem with all the autists that come here to discuss only that one show

see what we mean, OP?

I like this relationship between these two

Top tier taste, user.

>Love Life

Woah i can taste the salty
But madoka was actually shit thou

>I though people said it was bad?
You thought wrong.

It's popular.
Popular means bad.
If you don't hate popular things fucking kill yourself asshole.

OPM is great in the beginning but the jokes get old and it starts taking itself too seriously

Hang on to ur complex

Reminder that One Punch Man is a cheap ripoff of pic related and can never compare.

>watching the sequel before the base show, Mob Psycho 100
What in the fuck are you doing you retard

That meteor scene was fucking incredible.

bruh OPM started before Mob psycho. It had already been in the beginning of Garou arc when ONE started to launch Mob.

>I love Madoka, it's probably my favorite anime of all time.

This, but satire is lost on the majority of the retarded fanbase, who are in fact the sort of people the series mocks. You can't watch any of the scenes on Youtube without seeing people arguing about power levels or circlejerking over Saitama's strength. They're missing the point entirely.

It's just another issue of something good having a retarded fanbase.

Its a great anime, and the webcomic and manga redraw are good. People just hate it because it became mainstream and the normies tainted it, by constantly making comparisons to superman and goku, without realizing the whole point of the series.

Why not enjoy it both ways?

The only backlash you read about was because Sup Forums got sick about hearing it so it brings out the contrarians.

When Sup Forums intentionally starts threads about how bad an anime is, chances are it is popular enough because it has actual merits.
OPM on the other hand just sucked.


Because that would make me a bisexual.

Wasn't OPM a big hit? Why ONE and Murata are not working more on the rest of webcomic/manga now that it became popular?

Just the moefags and kyoanusshitters think it's bad.

Lurk more. There are plenty of "You lied to me Sup Forums, you told me Madoka was good" threads out there, like there are for most popular Indonesian shadow puppet shows.

they are, but ONE got Mob and Murata got other stuff

it's OK