Bullying thread, anyone?
Bullying thread, anyone?
Not today evildoer.
I don't know who told you otherwise but Sup Forums is a bully free board.
No bullying allowed
kill all weebs desu senpai
Bullying shall commence
This is the face of a bully
Ryuujou bullying is best bullying
>and in present bully is not so tough after being molested by her former victim
Why'd you post a picture of an empty playground?
Also I love to repeat what pic related is saying but in a mocked fake crying voice like I'm the one actively bullying her, always makes me laugh and tickles my heart a bit.
bullying makes me moist
Rikka is the most bulliable loli
i want to bully her retarded cunt with my cock!!!!!
I want to bully you with my dick
I want to bully your cock because you're a retarded cunt
... *teleports away*
DELETE THIS! A girl as perfect as her deserves only the best treatment.
I want to stomp on her good eye
I don't like these threads. I feel uncomfortable.
see this all the time. post source, and it had better be heartwarming
you cant stop us whore