I haven't been in high school for 10 years. I want more anime about adults.
I haven't been in high school for 10 years. I want more anime about adults
Anime is for kids
Come on. I can't be the only one.
I'm with you user. Seinen is pretty much the only manga I get in to these days (apart from porn, if that counts).
I thought I was done with anime, but the adult stuff is out there. And some of it is well written. It's just not a lot of it gets animated because it's a bad risk to tank profits wise.
Non high school anime with adults that I think are good:
Koi Kaze (huge age gap incest shit, interesting drama)
That one great show where the mafia guy falls in love with the red dress woman who is actually a monster (google has failed me but other anons will know)
Spice n' Wolf
Kimi Ga Nozumo Ein (after episode 1)
But manga is going to have more for you. I actually recommend yuri/yaoi stuff - the adult drama is more well written in a lot of that shit.
Good luck.
I miss Canaan. That was a fun one when it was airing.
My Girl by Sahara Mizu. Her works are pretty good for mangos.
New Game
You're Under Arrest is so fucking good. Too bad even adults can't escape the "will they, won't they" romantic subplot.
Stop watching cartoons.
boku no pico
Yeah, because reality TV cooking contests or medieval blood orgies is better. Western media blows.
ReLIFE was pretty good.
DB Super. Goku is 50 yo or more.
read manga instead
So fucking watch more anime about adults, there's plenty if you're not an ignorant normalfag.
I just avoid anime with HS setting due to general retardation of the characters, but never had a problem with MC younger than me.
Stop self-inserting OP. It doesn't work past a certain point.
I've watched a lot, but there are way fewer these days than there used to be.
I avoid it too, but even the ones with alternate settings are still about 17-year-olds.
ReLife has both highschool AND adults
Natsumi a best
also check out Patlabor
> Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor
>Status in Country of Origin
>22 Volumes (Complete - Original Version)
>Completely Scanlated?
>English Publisher
>Viz (2 Volumes - Dropped)
every time...
>Was homeschooled right after 4th grade
>Never got highschool life
>Have occasional dreams about being in school despite being an adult to get that socialization
>See Highschool anime
>pic related
friendly reminder that blogging and recommendation threads are not allowed on Sup Forums. take your rec threads to
OP here.
This isn't a rec thread, per se (as I've seen everything mentioned anyway). It's more a lamentation of a lack of anime with a mature (in the correct, non-edgy sense of the word) main cast and an invitation to discuss anime about adults with adult problems rather than kids with kid problems or, worse yet, kids with edgy "adult" problems.
This is just an issue of the medium, mostly. Animation will always be primarily aimed at children and teens because those are the audience it's traditionally associated with. Also, most of the older audience consists of otaku that want to watch high school girls doing whatever, rather than face the reality that they are adult men who haven't succeeded in life. I guess adult-focused anime is generally too depressing for older people to watch because it reminds them of their own issues with work, relationship problems, etc. It's just easier for most people to watch optimistic, idealized fantasy stuff.
But I do agree with you, I would really prefer watching older characters outside of a highschool setting. Unfortunately that just isn't easy to find, and the few shows that do fit the bill are generally way too depressing to stomach and focus on loser adults rather than actual working adult problems. I recently watched 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku, which is about a 30-year old virgin guy trying to find love. It wasn't particularly good, but at least it broke the mold a little.