Hopefully, we all learned a good lesson from this

Hopefully, we all learned a good lesson from this.

The only thing I learnt about this thread is that you're a faggot

Yep, don't read Shindol.

I had to re-read all his vanilla stuff. He can do it well when he puts his mind to it.

That Shindol is a douchebag who keeps rehashing the same garbage plots to please his inner sadist?

I think we all knew that already.

No idea why people post this manga so often. It's so tryhard dark its dumb.

Not today, OP. In fact, not ever.

I like his vanilla with a twist.

This was a laugh and a half. My soul already burnt out seeing geiger counter.


He needs to do more amputee vanilla.

Don't try to improve your looks?

A wise man told me what this doujin said way before it was released

So how many of you have a despair and suffering fetish?

Don't have kids
Then again, a fair enough of you won't even get the chance to try.

>Don't do drugs
>Don't have unprotected sex
>Don't befriend drug dealers
>Know when to get an abortion
This is like a manual for all the teens in America

Add don't fuck the first smooth-talking asshole to show you a little appreciation to that list.

Drugs are bad mmmkay.

Looking at how rare drugs are in Japan this doujin was pretty unrealistic.
I hope she is happy with her kind husband and nice daughter in heaven ;_;

>sex before marriage
>aborted her first child

>implying she's not going directly to hell

she reminds me of what would happen to Tomoko if a guy gave her attention

As man it taught me that i can get away with raping and beating women.
This should be read by more women so that they learn that being a whore never ends up well.

Yes, to avoid ShindoL doujins entirely.

that millennials will always make threads about this

Shindol draws some of the cutest tomboys and best vanilla shit though.
Not all of their doujins are dark and edgy.

Fucking agreed.

I struggled with this. She had a sad end, but she had absolutely no critical thinking skills. However, I've read that social isolation can cause one to make destructive decisions for the chance to escape soul-crushing loneliness.

The story was fine and perfectly believable up until the infanticide and possible homicide. Feels like ShindoL ran out of ideas for the ending and just decided to make it as edgy as possible for the sake of edge.

You will never find a damaged girl from the streets and save and protect her.

People get depresed for a fukin slut

Because it's the one moral degeneration doujin that goes all of the way without sacrificing page count.

Of course I felt bad for her at first but after reflecting on it a bit no amount of social ineptitude or whatever problems she had going on could even remotely excuse fucking your own father willingly every day for like a week behind your mom's back after she tried to be so supportive. And the little bitch had the gall to pretend like she was the one who was betrayed, fuck her. I'm glad she got her ass beat for that, my only regret is that the old sack of shit didn't get thrown out with her, but you know how fucked up Japanese families are.

Just hang out in a train station after dark they show up eventually.


user her father raped her. He took out his frustration over getting laid off by while in a dru ken state molested his own daughter. Being a child and this is your family and the only place to lay her head the girl of course stayed quiet and let her father fuck her. The mother was an idiot to believe her husband story that their teenage daughter seduced him. If she had an inkling that he was raping their daughter she should have confronted the asshole and killed him for hurting their kid instead of kicking the daughter out. That was dumb as fuck. Poor girl, shitty parents, smooth talking douche bag coxes her into sex and drugs and for everything to go down hill... you still blame the girl? I bet you blame real life girls for getting raped by family members huh?

Do drugs carefully with discretion.

dont give your virginity to random nigger

it will fuck you up

just b urself dude

Jokes on you I already knew that glasses girls are shit. Can't teach someone a lesson that they already learned bitch.

>she had absolutely no critical thinking skills
You didn't really expect a crackhead to have logical thinking did you?

if there is a hentai artist that lives rehasing the same plot, that would be Asanagi. I understand that his thing is rape and degradation, but he basically use the same dialogue and and plot for all his doujins, can he try to make some diversity even if is still all edgy rape.

He's said that he's sick of it but the people demand more of it.

Well if that's true then I hope he makes a happy vanilla stuf just to shut up the faggots that demand more, his art can be used outside of ahego.

A precautionary tale on what happens when you try to be a normie

Also is the final chapter out/translated yet?

drug is fucking degeneracy

She was a vulnerable teenage girl with a shitty family life and no one to guide and support her. After she was raped the only guy to show care for her was the drug dealer; of course she would fall for him and depend on him.

People here like to say women are the devil and they manipulate men, but the opposite happens very frequently too.


rest in piece.

ShindoL is a piece of shit

Shut up Adachi

Wasn't there a character he drew recently that he specifically talked about feeling bad about?

So the guy has feelings too? I hope for the day he makes a sweet and happy vanilla stuff.

That wasn't vanilla though.

Shindol's hilarious?

Japan treats rape as the victim's fault though, not the rapist's. So I thought the mom was pretty on par for how a japanese mom would react to her kid getting raped.

The Japanese are the type to avoid making waves, so in her mind, subjecting herself to being raped may have been a better alternative to the family breaking up.

This series should be required reading in all highschools. Scare them while they're young and impressionable.

Im 100% sure this would traumatize the fuck out of most students, hell this would fuck up most adults honestly

Then I guess most of us here are beyond saving.

Anyone know if that new book he's releasing for C90 is an actual story, or just an artbook?

Don't get your drink spiked by a guy?

I'm pretty sure the guy spiked her drink first.

Keep giving him my imaginary money?

Yeah, look at her eyes by the time her first kiss with that dude was done.

Isn't ShindoL a girl?

Shindol will make something even darker just for us

Just fucking kill yourself faggot.

>learning from hentai
even fantasy genre has more realistic plots

>Hopefully, we all learned a good lesson from this.
Predujice and hypocrisy are the bane of the innocent.

No, he's a japanese-american man raised in nu-york, USA.



And she couldn't manipulate Koichi no matter how hard she tried.

I wanna twist up her tight cripple pussy with my dick so hard she starts walking again.


It's hard for me to separate my feelings towards the art and the artist, especially when their work elicits a strong, negative tone.

I hate the story. Hate everything about it. It brings to the for front of my mind the worst aspects of humanity. I kinda hate almost all his works, even the vanilla ones because now they don't even feel genuine.

But ShindoL's just a guy doing what he loves. Which is why I'll defend to the death his creations.

The most important thing to take away from this is that she isn't real.

You're a good one, user.

Yeah, all gyarus are sluts.

Yeah I know cultural differences and crap but I just cannot understand what good woukd come to living with a degenerate father all for the sake of keepung the family together.

What lesson? Her classmates were cunts, her boyfriend was a cunt, her mom was a cunt, literally everyone was a giant bitchass bully. Yes I'm still mad.

There is only one thing to learn from this: suffering is what makes a story memorable.

As much as people complain about "forced drama" we are repeatedly faced with a bold statement about the human condition: without suffering life has no meaning or value.

never go full slut.

So Japan likes to victim blame? But a person forced themselves on another and they think it was the victim's fault and not a crime? Also even if was in character for a japanese person no parent should ever throw their child out for being raped.

um, because this is hentai, everything here happens for the sake of sex however illogical it may seem, why are people taking this as some serious matter to discuss, seems like this manga was made viral for those who don't typically read hentai and take it for more than what it is, a fapping material

All it did was make me angry. And I've read other stories where characters suffered and died.

>Hopefully, we all learned a good lesson from this.
Yeah, sometimes its art that imitates life, but sometimes, its the other way around

Did anyone download the full color versions when it was up on 2chan!?!??!?!?

I'm not saying the guy doesn't deserve to be shot in the mouth but it very clearly stopped being rape about halfway through and there is no way to justify having what was very obviously pleasurable consensual sex with your own fucking dad without even thinking about how it might affect her mother, even the most socially awkward human being possesses that basic level of consideration for a loved one.
And shut the fuck up already with this "she was just a sweet little innocent one year old baby who hasn't even taken her first steps yet" fucking bullshit that I see people spewing every time this doujin gets mentioned, you keep trying to pretend like she's a fucking grade schooler while conveniently forgetting she was less than a year from being a legal adult, was already sexually active and hooked on drugs, and was literally fucking prostituting herself for money when that shit with her dad happened. You're damn fucking right I have no sympathy for a grown woman who chose to be a whore and fucked her own life up, am I supposed to cry bitch tears every time a stupid person willingly fucks themselves over? Fuck off. When damn near all of her suffering could have been avoided at multiple points if she'd just said that one little word "no" then there's no excuse.
You remember how in old Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry cartoons sometimes a character would try to escape a falling tree or pole by running away from it in the exact direction it was falling instead of taking two steps to the side and ended up getting crushed at the last second because of it? That's how I see her whole life.
The only thing I can admit she didn't deserve was her little run-in with the snuff squad at the end but mostly because that was an extremely outlandish example of ShindoL's tendency to go way overboard with the edge sometimes, up until that point it'd maintained some semblance of realism but that just pushed it into Akame ga Kill levels of stupid.

Is this work secretly a critique about Japanese culture?

single moms are worse than i though

>just said that one little word "no"
said no hentai heroine ever

>The only thing I can admit she didn't deserve was her little run-in with the snuff squad
I feel like she didn't deserve a lot of things
>her mom so quickly disowning her without knowing her daughter's side of the story
>being used by a drug dealer
>her peers humiliating her in class
>not knowing how to reject advances
>those boys blackmailing her

She was a young girl who had little to no knowledge of the real world and how people can use & abuse you if you're naive. Sure she was no "baby" fresh out of the womb but she was still a child. It surprises me that her mother didn't teach her about boys or any other street smarts that she could've used, considering the fact that the mom was so delighted to doll her up. A parent would know when their child is pretty and could potentially attract the wrong type of person. All this kind of makes me think that the mother herself was once just like her daughter, naive, wanting to look pretty and be friends with everyone, with some rocky moments in her life too.
All this is based on the assumption that she's 14 years old at that start, and believe me when I say this, 14 is fucking young through the eyes of someone who's been a school teacher before, such as myself.

>very obviously pleasurable consensual sex
You act like women being rape never felt pleasure or had an orgasam. It's the human body natually reacting and it is still rape and not consensual sex. She was a minor and he was an adult. That was rape no excuses.

Bad things happen to scum who abandons their glasses?

go read that manga about junko furuta, real rape doesn't turn consensual, this is just hentai cliche

If you want to go that far then she really had no choice from the beginning not because of her decisions but purely by virtue of being the MC of a ShindoL doujin.
I'm pretty sure she was about seventeen when the doujin started, wasn't she going into her last year of highschool when she had her makeover? But aside from that,
>being used by a drug dealer
Okay, that's reasonable enough. Being used to the point where she honestly thought it would be a good idea to let him pimp her out to strangers is really stretching it, and she was even already technically a prostitute by that point.
>her mom so quickly disowning her without knowing her daughter's side of the story
What side was that exactly, where she was molested by her dad one night, realized she loved it then started consensually fucking him for an extended period of time while honestly believing it was a good idea to hide it from the mom who'd tried to support her? It'd be different if she didn't want to do it but she fucking admitted to enjoying her dad's cock and there's no fucking excuse for that. That's absolutely fucking disgusting and she should be completely ashamed of herself regardless of circumstance, but surprise surprise she fucking isn't. Instead she played the victim and fucked herself even harder.
>her peers humiliating her in class
Because she sucked off a bunch of dudes she barely knew in the fucking hallway and was found moaning orgasmically in a pool of cum. How dare they call her a slut for that, she's such a pure innocent girl.
>not knowing how to reject advances and those boys blackmailing her
Again, if she wasn't already a slut who didn't consciously know she was making a terrible decision you might have a point. But she knew exactly what her choices were going to result in every time, a heaping pile of raw cock and she chose it every time because she wanted it and never tried to deny it. There's no defending it, just stop trying already.

Sex is bad?

Shindol is fucking shit.
Not in my top 10.

and that shit was disgusting

>her last year of highschool
It was her last year of middle school.

She literally fucked him numerous times willingly over an extended period of time and admitted to liking it every time, you're not even in the ballpark of what happened in this doujin. Read it again and you'll see how what you described is not even close to what happened with her.

that's old enough to make right decisions, all his points are legitimate

Sure. I prefer wearing glasses rather than using contact lens

Ah, that's what it was. Still though, even for that age it takes a special kind of stupid to end up where she did.

>What side was that exactly, where she was molested by her dad one night, realized she loved it then started consensually fucking him for an extended period of time while honestly believing it was a good idea to hide it from the mom who'd tried to support her? It'd be different if she didn't want to do it but she fucking admitted to enjoying her dad's cock and there's no fucking excuse for that. That's absolutely fucking disgusting and she should be completely ashamed of herself regardless of circumstance, but surprise surprise she fucking isn't. Instead she played the victim and fucked herself even harder.
Even if she accepted it after a while, even if she liked it and enjoyed it. Her mother never asked her about it, never gave her a chance to explain why she was fucking with her own dad. She just believed what her husband said and expelled her daughter from house. If you think she deserved that and her mom was right then you're are a fucking idiot.

Yes, she could take right decision and she was naïve and stupid but was still a kid, not a full grown up.