
So what comes next?
What do you think will happen in the next movie?

Will witches come back, or are they pretty much abandoned as a concept?

Other urls found in this thread:

>3 years later
>only a concept movie
>no word on anything coming out of it
>urobuchi moved onto puppets
>shinbo is busy with a 22 episode series
>miyamoto is ??

Remind me why Madoka has stuff beyond the original anime again.

>Inu Curry makes the whole thing by themselves
I would be perfectly okay with this
too bad that won't happen

I stopped following madoka after the anime aired, i had no idea there were so many movies out.

Are they good, i'm considering watching it with a friend, who hasn't seen the show, would she[/spoiler ]get it, or do you have to watch the series aswell?

>[/spoiler ]

Rebellion is the movie to watch; as it's an actual continuation rather then the main series condensed into a movie.
Opinion on the movie is rather polarized; although it's worth watching just to be caught up.

Ok, thanks.
You think only watching the movie would be fine?

The end of Rebellion suggest a second season and a quasi-reboot. I hope it gets a second season as well for shitposting again like 2011.

With the third movie it's enough to be caught up.

There is some side material like spin offs that are worth a read such as The Different Story if you want something that fleshes out Mami and Kyouko.

There's several Homura spinoffs. Another one about other magical girls.

Then there's wraith arc which covers up the filler inbetween the end of the anime and the start of Rebellion.

Just watch all three movies the first two are the anime condensed I believe while rebellion is a continuation. Saw it in theatres and it was amazing.

thank you for the answers, hoping she'll like it

Madoka is the worst. She's fucking doormat pink whore who really doesn't anything except fuck herself over and over again. During the anime, she doesn't even progress to anything, she's always the fucking same. Literally every other magical girl had character development, but not Madoka.

Why the fuck is the protagonist the fucking blandest little shit ever? Every single magical girl had at least 200% more story to them than Madoka, which was exactly the same from the first episode to the last.

Seriously, what the fuck?

There is no point of the witches since Madoka is the Law of Cycles and wish to destroy them all. But I hope it touches on the concept of demons though. We know it's going to explore of how badly Homura fucked up things.

>Remind me why Madoka has stuff beyond the original anime again.
Because it left off on an open note? I never got the hate for Rebellion really. It was a really solid movie with the series.

Yeah user. Madoka was the exact same insecure and indecisive crybaby in episode 12

Episode 1
>hurr durr I want everyone to stop fighting and be nice
Episode 12
>hurr durr I want everyone to stop fighting and be nice

Literally no difference

The whole point was that Madoka does slowly change, especially after Sayaka and Kyoko dies. You have to understand that Madoka is an insecure 14 year old girl who yearns to do something with herself. During Homura's flashbacks to the original Madoka and the others after, Madoka is a lot more confident and spirited girl and that's due to being a Magical Girl. Homura basically tries to take her choices from her but basically allowed Madoka to actually make an informed wish than a hasty wish like the other magical girls (including Homura herself) did.

But even without being a Magical Girl, we do see glimpses of Madoka being more assertive (such as stopping the whole fight with Sayaka and Kyoko or tried to save Hitomi from being food for HNKelly).

>I want everyone to stop fighting but I'm so useless!
>I want everyone to stop suffering and I will offer up my life and carry the burdens of all the magical girls in existence for all eternity


what would Kreimhild's barrier be like if she was a regular power witch without time fuckery?

Yeah, no progression. She starts with the Help everyone and ends with Help everyone. Only thing on her progression going from 0 to 1 is seeing everyone die. She even tries it doing earlier but due to plot inconvenience she has to push it further so we get to enjoy actual good character arcs. Unlike Madoka, who just floats around like a stupid cunt without ambition. Madoka never deviates from his ep1 personality, hence her arc is shit.
I just saw it yesterday and I love it. But I didn't love it for Madoka, the most boring character of the show. Barely as good as the blond rifle chick who died in episode 3.

Although in the first two episodes, it was more:
>Magical girls are cool! I want to fight and help Mami too, but I don't know what to wish for...

>Oh god, Mami's dead and Sayaka's falling apart and I want the fighting between her and Kyoko to stop too. I am too scared to contract now but I can't leave Sayaka alone either...

>I will wish to at least stop the 'fate-worse-than death' fate of magical girls because I understand that their existence fuels humanity and keeps the progress of universal heat death at bay.

Hell, the whole point of how Madoka change is punched in your face in the Rebellion movie that an amnesic Madoka would never understand why she would want to be away from her family and friends.


Madoka can barely even be classified as a character, if you want to see an actual female character with development and personality, look no further than pic related.

Well, Kriemhild Gretchen didn't have an outer barrier per se, like Walgreen's night. Her barrier was inside of her (hence the whole 'her idea of heaven'). She's like a huge vacuum that was going to suck the world dry.

Bet your favorite is Homucunt.

Ctrl+S, dear user

i did, but i wanted to fix a space and fucked up

Sayaka was my favorite. Now that's an character arc which was an emotional rollercoaster.

>Replying to bait

You will love it when you find out that Urobutcher's hobby is making Sayaka suffer

That's an oversimplification. She starts out naive and willing to sacrifice herself for petty reasons, not realizing that sort of poorly-thought out heroism can backfire. Her progression is coming to appreciate the value of her own life through the way she affects others - and then finding a cause that's actually worthy to trade her life for.

Listen to her conversations with her parents, they're important. Especially the one with her father where he explains her mother's ambitions.
>So someone's dream can be their way of life?

Who's Urobutcher?
It barely shows in the anime. At best it shows when she tries to run away to help Homura and her mother stops her. She tells her to trust her but again, it's the very same old motivation we've seen through the whole anime. "I got to save them!" or "Please stop fighting!". She has no other motivation besides those. Makes every action she does so predictable. She simply doesn't deviate from those options, it's like playing a shitty WRPG and always taking the Paladin option.

Someone's motivation doesn't have to change for them to grow as a character. That's a very simplistic outlook.

If anything, it's character progression for her drunk mother than Madoka. Seeing how she let's her daughter run off into a storm.

>Opinion on the movie is rather polarized
People who dislike the movie have trash opinions anyways. I could understand if your gut reaction was to hate it, but give it any thought and it's the logical consequence of Madoka's short-sighted wish.

Hey, !Akemi. I see you are replying to yourself and pretending that crack shitposting is common again.

Don't forget. No matter how much you spam you will never be able to fool anyone because no one at all acted like you before you showed up on this site.

P.S. This is not "replying to your bait". It's telling you off for being brain damaged.

True, but that's hardly happening. I don't say she had no progression, but I do say she had the same amount of progression in the whole series what Mami had in few episodes.

Madoka was predictable as fuck and only real progression she had came in the last few episode of the show. Even that was mostly overshadowed by Homuro's arc.

>blond rifle chick
I wasn't sure if you were trolling before, because Madoka IS a bland character, but now you've made it quite clear.

>it's the logical consequence of Madoka's short-sighted wish.
The wish wasn't short sighted. It was her misunderstanding of Homura would understand and be fine with it even though it undermined her own wish to protect Madoka.

Have you only watched the movies?

>The wish wasn't short sighted
The true enemies were not the witches, but the Incubators, so yes, it was short-sighted. Homura took care of them though.

Why Mami is so perfect?

She couldn't really have predicted that the Incubators would have the weird-ass technology needed to try and trap her in goddess form.
And the witches clearly had to be taken care of first. It's not like she could have just gotten rid of all Incubators and declared the problem solved.

You came earlier today. Slow day at uni? What are you going to cook today?

Yes. Have a gif I saved from a thread last night.

Hey, she wasn't my favorite and I corrected this at The whole series, I've yet to watch Rebellion. Probably someday this week.

Thanks, user.

True, but Madoka's wish turned out to be completely useless, as the Incubators effectively found a way to make witches again, or were about to.

>I've yet to watch Rebellion
Bro, there are going to be Rebellion spoilers EVERYWHERE ITT.

Rebellion is pretty solid. I'm sure you'll like it if you aren't one of those bitchy fans that think they didn't see this coming.

Yeah I have Rebellion on my backlog. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to see it after how great the actual series was. You know, washed out sequel after a show of greatness? Though I'm going to watch it anyways since people have said it's good.

>Sulieka and Urhmann never appeared in any media at all; the only appearances they've ever had are the witch cards
>even witches like Gizela and Izabel got more focus then they ever did
am I the only person bothered by this? What's the purpose of making a design and then never using it for anything?

Well the series doesn't have much room to put extra stuff in there, they probably made the designs and then Shinbo or Urobuchi had to decide which ones to use.

Hey, !Akemi. I see you are replying to yourself and pretending that crack shitposting is common again.

Don't forget. No matter how much you spam you will never be able to fool anyone because no one at all acted like you before you showed up on this site.

P.S. This is not "replying to your bait". It's telling you off for being brain damaged.

Why do you put so much effort into ruining Madoka/yuri threads of all things? It really doesn't make any sense.

Oh look, it's the guy who falsely accuses people of being who they aren't.

They barely have anything to do with each other. Who the fuck cares about Hibikek?

Oh look, it's the guy who thinks no can see through his obvious lying on the internet.

>there's no porn of Sully giving a handjob with her horde of arms

who is your favorite witch? i love this fucker

I've always held a soft spot fro Gizela; I love the rusty, smog ridden look she has along with the night drive aesthetic of her barrier.

They already were revisited in the sequel movie AFTER the world having been cleaned of them. Wanting any more is just greedy, it's past the time to accept the wraiths as replacement.

I heard you on the first time, ACK.

It's funny how you get "triggered" by people calling you !Akemi, !Akemi.

And if you heard what was said, then stop. I don't know why you think it's your god given right to endlessly ruin these threads and attack people.

I only see one single triggered person here.

Oh yeah? Then why do you always get upset and start post more after people call you out on being !Akemi and being a shitbag?

If you actually weren't "triggered" you stop posting crack and act civil. Since you don't and you devoted your entire life to attacking people with shipping shit, it's clear you're irrationally upset.

>Post more
You accuse everyone of being !Akemi, ACK. In your mind he must be posting 24/7

You do post a lot, !Akemi. And you know what makes it clear as day who you are? The fact you not only refuse to stop, you refuse to accept that everyone hates you and that being against shipping cancer like you was common on this site long before you showed up. Thus you claim that "Ack" is real is retarded.

Prove that !Akemi is even real. He's just your boogeyman.

>lol xddd if i pretend not think I'm real that will make it look like im not !Akemi

>hurr durr all these screencaps from 2015 proves that !Akemi is still alive

>copying other people
!Akemi, picture guides for you here, you are literally autistic.

And your behavior has never changed. Which is why you stand out. A type of behavior that did not exist before you showed up. So should anyone think you left? Because your stop got banned? Yeah, everyone already knows you know ban evade.

Stop being a retard. How long have you been accusing me and others of being ACK? You are the only real autist here, my dear ACK.

I don't even like !Akemi. I thought my ironical impersonations of him would give this out, but you have a chronic case of autism.

But please, keep doing this. I'm a fucked up person that sees this as nothing more than just entertainment.

*Of being !Akemi.

I'm not going back to fix this shit again.

See I like how you are blatantly contradicting yourself because you've gone from "prove !Akemi is real" to "I never liked !Akemi".

And either way, like always, you give people zero reason to believe a single thing you say.

This is also not "entertainment" to you. You're legit upset and trying to get back at the people who mock and insult you. If you actually thought it was "funny" you'd be laughing at !Akemi (yourself) for crying about having no friends. Yet you refuse to do that. Thus making it clear who you are.

This shit is still going?

Does that mean I get more Mami porn? That's the only worthwhile thing to come of this series.

>Oh yeah? Then why do you always get upset and start post more after people call you out on being !Akemi and being a shitbag?

Literally only you do that.

>"prove !Akemi is real" to "I never liked !Akemi".
I'm baiting you and you're biting it.

>And either way, like always, you give people zero reason to believe a single thing you say.
I know a few people that believe me. They are the ones you also accuse of being !Akemi.

>hurr durr he's upset
I'm always laughing at !Akemi, but I think you want to taste his heroin filled, failed trap cock.

>KyoukoMami ship
>they barely interacted in the anime and in Rebellion

You make me sick

>all these people denying that the real best ship is SayaElly

>Being an anime/movie only fag

I want Homura to strangulate me.

No, you're not. Baiting by the very definition of the word means you have to fool people into thinking you are doing something other than the obvious. But everyone knows what you are doing. Thus, you are not "baiting", you're just making yourself look retarded.

Those "people" are not real. And like always, !Akemi. You are the only person who thinks that people should believe you based on nothing but your word.

The best part is that not even TDS or the CDs support Kyouko and Mami being paired up romantically. So you're fucked either way. Shit bag.


True, I still need to buy the mango.

The Inu Curry stuff is too integral to the Meduka "look" for them to ever completely abandon witches.

L-O-D-S of E-M-O-N-E

I wonder if Elly liked to shitpost on Sup Forums

I want to cum into Homura's uterus and help her raise the baby.

Yeah, yeah. We already discussed this. I have 7 different PCs that I use to "insult" people by posting crack.

Please, do tell me where in the anime Kyoko kissed Sayaka? If you idea of a canon pairing is "how much interaction they had in the anime", then I'm not wrong in pairing Kyoko with Mami.

You ain't doing shit to my daughter

Captcha: San Luigi What's up with Italian captchas

>admitting to proxying and shitposting
>mods will never do anything about this

>He actually thinks I have 7 different PCs

I'm struggling to build a single one with my allowance.

Would you rather kill Mami or put her in the wheelchair forever?

>I'm not ACK
>Let me post his blog

Never fails to amuse me. Next you're going to tell me you're not a scanlator.

Mami can heal, that would barely put her out of commission even if it had actually been her.

>yfw she makes a prosthetic leg out of ribbons

You can't stop me. I already married her 5 years ago.

>it doesn't matter that there is zero proof supporting this statement

This is so ironic coming from the person who accuses everyone of being !Akemi without proof.

Mami could be the wheelchair magical girl, it would've been pretty rad.

But she's my daughter, and I know you go out with other 2D women

No, you are given endless waves of proof. You just ignore it. How do not understand that the patterns in your behavior is the proof of who you are.

You for some reason think that "word of god" is the only thing that can be absolute proof.

And oh goody. The shitbag janitor is here to protect shitposting ban evaders like he always does.

>Every day there's a Madoka thread
>The same two faggots arguing again

Can we discuss the anime in peace or what?

These threads are despairingly funny

would you hug a witch?
would you fug a witch?